The two of them were in a mess, but the two of them were in a mess.

254 When they gather together, they are a pile of shit; when they disperse, they are full of stars

Garahad and Ryan Remiz looked at it and felt cold all over, as if they had fallen into an ice cellar.

At this time, the natal shadow rushed over again!

This time.

The target of the natal shadow was Ryan Remiz!

Galahad looked at the natal shadow rushing over.

The anger in his heart burned to the peak.

He was just about to use his strongest move.


The natal shadow took action first!

"Damn guy!"

"You dare to resist!"

Galahad roared in frustration.

But at this time.

Ryan Remiz started to warn.


"Don't fight hard!"

Ryan Remiz shouted in panic.

And Galahad didn't listen at all.

He even had the energy to mock.

Too late...

" could you..."

Before Galahad finished speaking, Ryan Remiz's blood splattered,

The black and red blood seeped into the ground and disappeared.

He felt a pain in his head.


A scream spread all over the place.

This scream seemed to represent Ryan Remiz's unwillingness.

But there was no way.

The speed of the natal shadow was as fast as a ghost!

He held two black shadow daggers and stabbed them into the throat of the Strait Guardian-Johnny Tepi with great swiftness!


The bright red gushed out!

The Strait Guardian-Johnny Tepi widened his eyes!

And at this time.

Ryan Remiz appeared not far behind the natal shadow.

He opened his arms.

Ryan Remiz's expression was extremely ferocious and his voice was hysterical:

"Ah! I'm going to kill you!"





Waves of terrifying light were stimulated from Ryan Remiz's glands.

"Get out of the way!"

"I want to kill that bastard!"

"Get out!"

Ryan Remiz shouted loudly, trying to get the two to dodge.

At this time.

Galahad roared and waved his long sword, trying to stop the natal shadow from assassinating Ryan Remiz!

The natal shadow did not pause at all.

He rushed directly.

Galahad's sword moves could not be stopped at all.

How could his swordsmanship be a match for the natal shadow?


The sound of the long sword breaking sounded.

Galahad's sword in the stone was pushed aside.

And at this moment.

Galahad just reacted.

The speed of the natal shadow was as fast as a ghost!

Galahad could not resist it at all!

The natal shadow held the black dagger in his hand and drew an arc!


Galahad's throat was almost torn.

His eyes widened and he dodged unwillingly.

The natal shadow restrained his breath and disappeared into a wisp of smoke!

It attracted a lot of attention.

Ryan Remiz turned his head suddenly after hearing the exclamation in his ear.

A faint blue light flashed from the pupils of the natal shadow.

Ryan Remiz and Galahad's heads shook!

Both of them fell into a brief blank!

The natal shadow took the opportunity to approach and kicked two people away.

The natal shadow was low.

He turned his head.

Looking at Ryan Remiz.

Ryan Remiz was horrified.


Before he finished speaking, he was grabbed by the neck by the natal shadow!

The palm of the natal shadow suddenly shrank!


The sound of bones breaking was clearly heard all around.

He covered his throat, unbelievable.

This guy is so fast! ?


Galahad roared!

He was extremely angry!

He knew Ryan Remiz's character very well.

This is Ryan Remiz's principle!

Ryan Remiz not only asked Galahad to stay calm.


Galahad roared!

He was extremely angry!

Ryan Remiz shouted.


Galahad raised the iron sword named [Sword in the Stone] in his hand and chopped at the natal shadow angrily.

All this.

Under the sharp blade of the Sword in the Stone.

It was like a shoddy project.


Before Ryan Remitz could resist.

A leg kicked Ryan Remitz hard in the belly.

Ryan Remiz's body suddenly bent!

He opened his mouth and spit out several mouthfuls of dirty blood.

The whole person flew backwards and hit the rock wall.


The rock wall cracked.

Ryan Remiz fell on it, still recovering secretly.


"I'll fight you!"

Garahad roared, his eyes red as he rushed towards the natal shadow.

The two fought, and the aftermath shook the surroundings.

The surrounding soil and rocks flew.

Ryan Remiz took the opportunity to escape quickly!

He didn't want to get involved at all!

And the natal shadow did not retreat but advanced, chasing Ryan Remiz straight!

Don't even think about succeeding!

At this moment.

Garahad was still roaring.

But he still underestimated the horror of the natal shadow.

The natal shadow kicked the sword in the stone in Galahad's hand away.

Galahad's right hand holding the Sword in the Stone suddenly exploded!


The Sword in the Stone flew out of his hand!

"Damn it!"

Galahad exclaimed, he looked at his out-of-control right hand, his face full of anger!

The natal shadow continued to charge.

All this happened in a flash.

Ryan Remiz looked at this scene, he was stunned, and even forgot to run away!

"Oh god!"

He widened his eyes.

The attack of the natal shadow was too vicious.

This was clearly to destroy Galahad's right hand!


How could Galahad allow this to happen?

He roared wildly.

The arrogance on his body surged up!


Galahad had no time to stop it!

"Damn bastard!"

He cursed angrily and fought to the death.


A violent explosion broke out at the feet of Ryan Remiz and Galahad!

This battle covered a wide area, almost covering half of the battlefield.

Among them, the most eye-catching thing was.

Ryan Remiz's dazzling battle afterglow.

He recovered a lot.

At this moment.

If these three people fight together, then I think it can only be described in one sentence:

Gathered together, they are a pile of shit.

Scattered, they are stars in the sky.

Originally, Ryan Remiz fought alone, and he might become stronger and stronger.


If the three people attacked at the same time, they would not know how to fight.

The lack of tacit cooperation.

It is equivalent to absolutely no tacit cooperation.

Now it's good.

The battle between the three people was in a mess, not only could they not help each other, but the more they helped, the more chaos they made.

Such a short period of time.

Several people had different injuries.


Ryan Remiz was still wearing the Beast God Super Deformed Symbiotic Mech.

Even if he suffered any serious injuries.

He could slowly recover through assimilation, so there was no need to worry too much.

As for the other two.

Although they did not have strong recovery abilities, their levels were directly there.

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