The old man was buried in a graveyard, and the old man was buried.

This time, the self-service trade machine issued a different prompt.

[Identification completed]

[Item: Purple Crystal Core]

[Quality: B-level]

[Drop source: [Wandering Stone Ridge] copy product]

[Scope of application: Forging energy shield items]

[Value: 8666 gold coins]

[Not recommended for sale, recommended forging as a prop]

[Is it forced to sell? ]


Seeing this prompt, Bai Yi was stunned for a moment.

"Not recommended for sale?"

"Does it mean that it can be forged into a good prop?"

Bai Yi lowered his head and thought for a moment, and asked the self-service trade machine to scan the deep blue earth crystal core again.

[Appraisal completed]

[Item: Deep Blue Earth Crystal Core]

[Quality: Grade B]

[Drop source: [Wandering Stone Ridge] dungeon product]

[Scope of application: Forging energy shield items]

[Value: 18450 gold coins]

[Not recommended for sale, recommended forging as an item]

[Is it mandatory to sell? ]


"Is this the same?" Bai Yi raised his eyebrows slightly.

Looking at the prompts of these two materials, Bai Yi decided to forge them into items.


He is not a logistics profession and cannot forge weapons and equipment.

These things can only be done by specialized people.

After walking out of the self-service trade machine and glancing at the two people who were standing there, Bai Yi went straight to the equipment trading area on the second floor.

"Are you free, these two?"

Without paying too much attention, Bai Yi just felt that the two were a little idle, and then went to the second floor.


Came to the second floor.

This place is similar to the self-service trade machines on the first floor, but there are separate rooms.

After all, equipment is a semi-private matter, and it is impossible to be semi-public like the self-service trade on the first floor.

Generally, self-service trade only collects some ordinary materials, and those that are too advanced still need to be contacted manually.

Walk into an equipment trade room.

Although it is very tight here, the air is still very circulated, and it may be ventilated in an invisible place.

After Bai Yi walked in, the same virtual display was projected in the air.

[Buy equipment]

[Commission forging]



Several options appeared. Bai Yi originally intended to commission the purple crystal core and the two pieces of deep blue earth crystal cores for forging to make a piece of equipment.

But since he was here, he would see if there were any good equipment and buy some.

[Item: Ropland's Medicine Bottle]

[Quality: Green+]

[Durability: 6\6]

[Effect: Every time you take an orange pill in the bottle, you will recover 1% of your health every 30 seconds for 5 minutes (the effect does not stack if you take it multiple times)]

[Level limit: Level 20-25]

[Price: 320 gold coins]

[Equipment: Ancient King Short Thorn]

[Quality: Green+]

[Attack power: 220]

[Attached skill: Critical damage 200% (passive)]

[Durability: 790\790]

[Level limit: Level 20]

[Price: 880 gold coins]

After reading a few lines, Bai Yi noticed these two items, which are very cost-effective.

They are all things that can be used at present.

I bought two bottles of [Ropland's Medicine Bottle] as backup, and Bai Yi directly bought three [Ancient King Short Thorns].

After all, not counting myself, there are still two humanoid shadows in my team.

After confirming the purchase, only 15 seconds passed.

A semicircular slot popped up on the wall in front of me, and it was the item that Bai Yi bought.


Bai Yi clicked on the [Commissioned Forging] option.

Another line of text popped up on the virtual display.

[It is detected that there is no reservation at present. Do you want to reserve a forger immediately?]

[After selecting ‘No’, a forger with no tasks will be intelligently assigned to you.]

After thinking about it, Bai Yi chose No.

This reservation option is probably to find a familiar forger, but it is my first time forging, and I don’t have anyone familiar with it.

It’s like going to a larger barber shop. When you enter the door, you will ask if there is a familiar barber.

If it’s the first time, I’m sure many people will say ‘No’.


[We are assigning forging personnel to you, please wait]

[Assignment completed, target information is as follows:]

[Target of commission: Qi Yutang]

[Age: 23]

[Occupation: Prop Master (B-level)


[Professional level: Level 4]

[Additional message: Almost no error rate! Large quantity, preferential price! Come to me if you want to entrust forging props and equipment! ]


[Confirm the personnel, and an order will be placed for you after confirmation]


[Please select the materials you can provide]

[Please select the category of items you expect]

Looking at these two lines of prompts, Bai Yi filled in a purple crystal core and two dark blue earth crystal cores.

As for the expected category of items, Bai Yi did not have any.

He was not a professional forger, and it was his first time to entrust forging, so he was not sure what these three materials could be forged.


Just now in the self-service trade area, the intelligent system prompted that these two materials were suitable for forging into [energy shield props], so just fill in this item.

[Materials provided: Purple crystal core, Deep blue earth crystal core x2]

[Expected category: Energy shield props]



After confirmation, Bai Yi put the materials into the storage tank.

[Estimated completion time: three hours]

[Tip: You can rest in this room or go out at will, but please keep in touch with the forging staff to solve potential problems]

After this reminder, Bai Yi decided to rest in this room for a while.

There are rest facilities such as sofas, massage chairs, tea tables, and small refrigerators, and the virtual display also supports on-demand film and television works.

Three hours.

Just treat it as one of the few rest times.

After all, these two days, either hunting monsters or on the way to hunting BOSS monsters, it’s time to rest.

But at this time, some people can’t rest.

Official exchange, in the house next door.

The room was brightly lit, and the hidden light strips on the wall gave it a somewhat technological atmosphere.

After getting the materials provided by the customer through the delivery pipeline.

Qi Yutang, the forger commissioned by Bai Yi...

was no longer calm!

A second ago, he was still sighing: "Today is such a leisurely day, it's so good to have no work to do", when he suddenly received a task.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it.

One look directly made Qi Yutang sober up a lot, and it was more refreshing than double espresso.

Holding three crystals in his hand, one purple and two larger dark blue crystals, Qi Yutang's mouth trembled.

"This... this is a special crystal core!?"

"Good! Good... good stuff!"

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