The old man was killed, and the old man was killed.

276 Driving the tiger to swallow the wolf! The snipe and the clam fight each other

Bai Yi did this, of course, for his own reasons.

The reason is simple.

Of course...

I found the invisible monster that appears every time the rain falls in the black time!


This invisible monster related to the second key appeared on the island!

The figure appeared after the island of distress.

It was also discovered by the shadow's men at the first time.

And now.

This distorted symbiote is difficult to deal with. After all, the natal shadow has been fighting with it for so long, but it can't kill it.

And now.

Bai Yi's current idea is to let this distorted symbiote and this invisible monster collide.

This move.

It can't be said to be a plan to drive the tiger to swallow the wolf, but it can be regarded as a fight between the snipe and the clam!

Bai Yi smiled and was still thinking.

At this time.

The dungeon retention time came quietly, and Bai Yi instantly left the dungeon called [Island of Hardship].


After using a [Shadow Swap], he returned directly to the dungeon.

The dungeon retention time is not such a big constraint for Bai Yi.


The distorted symbiote is under siege and deliberate guidance.

The invisible monsters on the periphery of the center of the island also met the distorted symbiote smoothly.

In an instant.

The whole venue seemed to slow down.

In a low forest.

The surrounding trees are only a few people high, and they can't stop the frequent dripping black rain.

The rain drips.

After touching the soil, it quickly sinks into it.

Colorful flowers appeared out of thin air, surrounding the indentations of the invisible monster's footprints.


An inexplicable sound appeared.

The invisible special existence seemed to have noticed the distorted symbiote.

This was an existence that did not exist on this island.

And the invisible monster, in accordance with its principles, did not start fighting immediately.

But the distorted symbiote was a little excited.

"Hmm? Hmm?!"

"Completely different style! It looks strong at first glance!"

"Let's find a way to fight this guy!"

The distorted symbiote looked back at the shadow minions chasing it.

But found.

After a certain range, those shadow minions seemed to have stopped their actions, as if they had received an order not to attack.

"Not chasing anymore?"

"Huh, that's just right."

The distorted symbiote touched his head, and almost fell down because he didn't hold it firmly.

Seeing this situation.

Countless tiny black threads appeared, directly deepening the connection of the brain.

Although the brain is dead.

But the neurons inside it can give the Deformed Symbiote a chance to think more.

Just like.

A business-like thin and light notebook for office use can still play games with a 4090 expansion dock.


After feeling the surging fighting spirit from inside and outside, the Deformed Symbiote almost instinctively promoted evolution.

A pair of black and red arm blades appeared from the side of the forearm.

The Deformed Symbiote swung it and immediately turned it into a means of long-range attack!



The black and red arm blades attacked the invisible monster directly!


A sound like the sound of metal clashing sounded, and an attack could actually produce such a sound effect.

This is enough to prove the terrifying power of this deformed symbiote!

However, such an attack is obviously ineffective against the invisible monster!

The body of the invisible monster dissipated like an illusion.

And in another place.

The deformed symbiote was also beaten up!

One by one, the shadow men waved various weapons.

They rushed towards the deformed symbiote and chopped it continuously.

Black sparks were splashed.

But the body of the deformed symbiote did not move at all, not even trembling!

Obviously, the resistance of this deformed symbiote is too strong.


At this time.

In the repeated attacks, the shadow men gradually became familiar with the appearance of this deformed monster.

The pair of scarlet eyes made them know that this was the monster they had seen on the island before.

For a moment.

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief!

The monster was finally found!

One after another, the shadow men pounced on the deformed symbiote again.

Then, they flew backwards.

On the way, they were killed by the deformed symbiote.

The organism was directly torn apart.

The speed of this deformed symbiote is too fast.

In just a short moment.

It actually made a group of low-level shadow subordinates unable to start.

Obviously, the hardness of these two exceeded Bai Tu's expectations.

Bai Yi thought to himself:

"It's interesting."

The skin of this invisible monster is very soft.

But it is soft and tough.

Even, it is thousands of times tougher than reinforced concrete.

With such toughness.

Except for some special weapons and attacks, it is basically unlikely to cause damage to it.

It seems that this thing should be difficult to kill.

However, its specific level is not clear.

This time it is easier.

"Let me see... How far you can bear it!"

Bai Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

The next second.

A smile appeared on his face.




The power generated by the huge amount of burning and explosion.

It's enough to overturn the whole island!

This is the breakthrough of the Deformed Symbiote.

The poisonous fog of Qibu Armor, plus the burning flames, naturally formed a terrifying explosion.

Bai Yi did not put himself in the danger zone.

He just stood far away from the edge of the battle, observing this earth-shaking horror.


Still looking for a suitable position.

Once a crisis occurs, he will take action immediately!


After a mess.

The Deformed Symbiote suddenly widened his eyes, a little shocked, but also ecstatic.

"This guy's defense is very high."

"In this case, then..."


The next second.

The Deformed Symbiote was blown away again.

The attack of the invisible monster took away nearly half of the blood of the Deformed Symbiote.


What the Deformed Symbiote just did was just to attract the attention of the invisible monster.

The invisible monster's attention was all on the deformed symbiote.

At this time.

It had confirmed.

This thing that suddenly appeared here was a living creature.

Not a dead thing!

In fact, it was hidden very deeply.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to hide from its own ears and eyes.

However, the invisible monster was not panicked at all.

Instead, it was eager to try.

This was its prey.

And the appearance of the prey obviously aroused its bloodthirsty genes!


Another attack fell.

That time.

The invisible monster did not dodge.

It just waved its invisible claws and smashed towards the deformed symbiote!

And the claws actually pierced the shovel armor body of the deformed symbiote directly and nailed it firmly to the ground.

For a while.

The body of the deformed symbiote was lying on the ground, with almost no strength to get up.

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