The water element realized that if it followed the rules, it would not be able to hurt Bai Yi at all until the time ran out.

So, it came up with this way of splitting up.


Everything seemed to be useless.

Just because, when the water element was analyzing Bai Yi's weaknesses, wasn't Bai Yi also analyzing it in reverse?

There were three clones on the sea, and none of them could be attacked.

At the same time.

These three clones could also launch a large number of attacks by bursting water columns.

High attack!

High immunity!

Huge body, invincible!


As shown in a certain anime:

Once you appear too invincible, you will soon be doomed!

According to a report from a certain underwater shadow naga, a special unidentified object was found under the sea!

This object.

It is like a huge scallop, but it is abnormal everywhere.

The two shells that should have been shells are as blue as the sea water. The two shells are like surrounding the center, protecting the core.

And the core.

It is faintly flashing with a light blue light, which looks a bit magical.

The moment he got this news, Bai Yi figured everything out.

No wonder.

No wonder those clones on the sea surface will not be attacked no matter what.

It turns out that the body of this water actually safe and sound!

Just like the legend: the big 'lich' who put his heart in the box will not be threatened as long as his heart is not destroyed.

This water element BOSS is probably the same.


"Attack that thing."

Bai Yi, standing in the hands of the shadow giant, gave orders from a distance.

Even though they were far apart, the shadows still maintained a telepathic connection with Bai Yi.

The moment the order was issued, several nearby shadow nagas began to act.

At first.

The water element BOSS did not seem to be on guard, and let the shadow naga swim quickly to its side without any action.

Until the shadow naga caused damage to it.

Water element core HP-3422!

Water element core HP-3422!

'Boom. '

Very violent.

A shock wave was triggered around.

The surrounding water began to flow wildly, pushing several surrounding shadow nagas away.

But even so, the shadow nagas pushed away did not cause even a trace of blood loss.


This is one of the disadvantages of the water element core.

Although the condensed clone is invincible, not only has a strong attack, but is also immune to damage.

But this core... can't cause any damage?

It seems that it can only generate underwater shock waves, pushing the surrounding creatures away by dozens of meters.


On the sea surface.

Under the chest of the shadow giant, it is soaked with seawater.

The terrain under its feet is not solid. It seems that as long as it moves a little, a lot of sand will pour down to the bottom of the sea.

But this did not have much impact on Bai Yi.

Just see.

The shadow giant raised his hands high and held Bai Yi at the center of his eyebrows.

He can still play with the three water element clones.

But before the water element clone crossed the long distance and sent a water column to Bai Yi's forehead, it suddenly changed its course and gradually dived into the water!

The first water element clone...

unexpectedly stopped chasing Bai Yi stupidly!

Bai Yi raised his eyebrows and realized that things were not just on the surface.

This water element clone dived into the water, clearly to protect its core.

If this water element clone was allowed to protect its core, the weakness that the BOSS had finally revealed would no longer exist.

This water element, if it can't find a new weakness, will probably be at a loss again.

"No time."

Bai Yi's eyes condensed, and he immediately gave the order.

The natal shadow and Bai Yi have the same origin, and to some extent, they are one, so most of Bai Yi's skills can be used by the shadow.

In an instant.

The shadow used Bai Yi's professional skill - shadow swap.

The next moment.

The shadow naga next to the water element core changed instantly, and in an instant, it swapped positions with the shadow.

The shadow that should have been on the sea surface was instantly replaced next to the water element core.

And the shadow naga on the bottom of the sea was replaced on the sea surface.

After the replacement was completed.

The natal shadow did not hesitate at all, holding the ancient king's short thorn in his hand tightly, and swam towards the core in a swimming posture that did not know how to swim.

It was better to say that he kept stepping on the seabed and leaping again and again.

It was like an astronaut stepping on the moon soil.

It was also like Sun Wukong who had performed the water-blocking spell and kept leaping on the seabed.

Although the water element clone was huge, it took a lot of time to get here.

And this time.

It was enough for the shadow to release an attack and cause certain damage.

'Buzz. '

The water element core burst out a shock wave, causing the shadow to be pushed back several meters by the invisible wave.

After the first experience, the shadow directly predicted the time when the shock wave would arrive, and plunged his legs into the mud and sand on the seabed at the last moment.

Now, even this shock wave could not shake the shadow at all.

After several predictions and moves.

The shadow had already come close to the water element core.

Standing firmly on his legs, Shadow held the short thorn in his hand and directly stabbed it into the core of the water element that was flashing with dots of light.

[Your shadow subordinate [original shadow] attacked the key part, causing an excessive critical strike, causing [water element core] HP-92362! ]

[Your shadow subordinate [original shadow] attacked the key part, causing an excessive critical strike, causing [water element core] HP-85852! ]


The HP of the water element core is unknown.


The higher the attack and dodge of the water clone, the more flaws the water element core has.

Every attack.

All hit the vital point, and the ancient king's broken thorn in Shadow's hand hit the core of the water element again and again.

Due to the passive special effect of the ancient king's broken thorn [critical damage 200%], each damage seems to be exceptionally considerable.

The orange excessive critical strike prompt keeps appearing somewhere on the seabed.

This action seemed to directly make the water element core furious, and the shells on both sides trembled continuously.



The two shells wrapped around the water element core began to move.

Although the speed was not fast, as slow as an old lady eating, the posture was like a frightened clam desperately protecting itself.

You can say.

If the shell is completely closed and then wait for the water element clone to return, it may be a real headache.

So far.

The speed of the shadow's hand has reached the fastest.

Strings of nearly 100,000 damage are floating.

On the sea.

The two water element clones seemed to have noticed Bai Yi's situation and began to attack Bai Yi.

Bai Yi's calm demeanor has also retreated.

Without the skill assistance of the natal shadow, he can only exchange positions with the shadow subordinates in the sea.

He could no longer teleport perfectly like before, and he had to play with these water element clones with great discretion, and each time he sat firmly on the hand of the shadow giant, not letting himself get stained with a single splash of water.

Looking at the two water element clones approaching from a distance, Bai Yi took a deep breath.

He was ready to enter the water and slowly consume it.

But thinking about the shadow that was about to succeed, his eyes suddenly sharpened, and he silently said in his heart:


"Another me."

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