After a casual glance, Bai Yi found that the experience required to upgrade to level 37 was 3.05 million. This high number is about one-third more than that at level 36. "Oh, it's getting harder and harder to level up." Bai Yi sighed. But even so teasing. Bai Yi did not forget that it took him less than a week to jump from level 1 to the current level 37. But from what can be seen now, the demand for experience may become greater and greater in the future. Even his profession, which is so convenient for brushing experience, feels a little pressure. The rest of the professions are even more imaginable. "I really don't know how those committee members reached such a high level."

"Did they get there bit by bit over time?"

Bai Yi lay on his back under a tree, feeling the continuous receipt of experience.

[Kill the monster [Weak Decline], experience +8w7760]

[Kill the monster [Fat Decline], experience +11w5960]

[Kill the monster [Fat Decline], experience +11w5960]

[Kill the monster [Weak Decline], experience +...]

[Drops (to be picked up): Decline Core x23]

Feeling the continuous acquisition of experience, Bai Yi was a little relaxed.

But even so.

He did not forget the purpose of his coming. He was not here to gain experience. He still had an important task.


Lie down for a while.

Bai Yi lay down to rest, and with a wave of his hand, he issued another order.


Some shadow mutant jackals, shadow elements, and shadow decays stood out and touched the purple slime portal.

Although there were still decays appearing.

But this did not stop the shadow men from obeying orders.

When encountering a new decay, kill it on the spot!


A slightly funny scene appeared.

In front of this purple portal that was not very wide, the decays were teleported out all at once.

And the shadow men who were crowded in front of the portal squeezed through like they were in a subway.

A decay came out and was killed.

Another one came out and was killed again.

The speed at which these decays came out obviously could not keep up with the speed at which these shadow men killed them.

It was like an assembly line, delicate and fast.


The first shadow man who touched the portal appeared.

It was a shadow element. As soon as his humanoid body touched the purple portal, it passed through slowly and surely as if it passed through a thin film.

First, an arm passed through, and then half of the body and the entire shadow were all submerged in it.

And through the slightly transparent portal, you can see that the shadow did not appear on the other side.


He successfully passed the teleportation and arrived at the source of the decline.

Without waiting for a reply, a large group of shadow subordinates from the back swarmed in.

Who cares what is on the other side of the portal.

Just charge.

The king's order is the most important, and the others can be ignored.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yi did not give the order to stop.

He wanted to know what was behind this portal.

"A different setting from other copies, a monster that is afraid of sunlight."

"That's interesting."

"Let me see if there's anything else interesting."

Bai Yi was lying under a tree, and he gave orders to the shadow minions that had passed through the portal.


At the same time.

On the other side of the portal.

It was the same structure as in the cave, but it looked a little weird.

The surrounding walls were spontaneously glowing.

It was just dark purple, and it looked very underworld.

The purple mucus was all over the ground, and it was even wriggling. If an ordinary person was here, he would probably lose a few san points.

As soon as these shadow minions entered.

The purple mucus around, on the walls, and on the ground started to wriggle like crazy.

It was even faster than before, and it was wriggling like a small motor.


On the left wall, a large amount of purple mucus gathered to form an oval shape similar to a hole.


Like spitting out melon seeds, a round shell half a person's height was spit out from the hole.

The round shell rolled around and quickly formed four limbs.

He stood up suddenly


It was a Decay!

There were many similar holes around. In just a few blinks of an eye, there were more than a dozen Decay on the ground.


None of these could hinder the progress of the Shadow's men.

After just a few attacks, these Decay fell down one after another like wheat under the knife of a wheat harvester.


The speed at which these holes produced Decay gradually could not keep up with the speed of the Shadow's men clearing.

Look at the back.

One after another, Shadow's men walked out of the portal and joined the clearing.

If these purple slimes had intelligence, they would definitely ask:

——Am I the one who exploded the troops, or are you? ?

But at this time, these Shadow's men completely ignored their intelligence and acted as arrogantly as bandits entering the city.

The entire cave was quickly cleared.

There was an endless stream of Shadow's men entering.

Cleaned up to the end.

The entire cave was explored, or in other words...

The entire cave was killed.

Even at this moment, there was little purple mucus left on the wall, and even a weak decline could not be produced.

It was also at this time.

The portal to the outside world became intermittent and looked very unstable.

Seeing this, Bai Yi directly asked all the shadow men in the cave to withdraw.

If they were trapped inside, wouldn't it be a loss of hundreds of shadow men for nothing?

The speed of the shadow men was extremely fast.

The speed of executing orders was even faster. It was only a moment after the order was issued that they returned to Bai Yi's side.


The result of this exploration behind the portal did not satisfy Bai Yi.

Although many declines were killed.

But unfortunately, no special existence was found in the cave behind the portal.

Even the cave of the entire portal was explored cleanly, but nothing was found.

At the end, there was only a dead end.

Bai Yi frowned slightly, but he was not depressed.

Just because he didn't find it this time doesn't mean he won't find it next time or the next time. As long as he continues to explore the caves, he believes he will find the BOSS of this dungeon sooner or later.

He will definitely find it!

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