The direction of things is not magic.

It can even be said that... it has very physical properties and directly contains several major laws of Mr. Niu.

Just see.

Just after flying a short distance, Fujikawa Kenta, who was about to break through the sky and run away...

Directly, he was slapped down by a big hand made of black shadows!

‘Snap! ’

It was the shadow giant who took action!

It doesn’t matter if he can fly.

He can take action!

It’s like a normal human being slapping a flying fly, easily and casually.

And all this happened in a flash.

It was less than a few seconds.

If Bai Yi was there, he would definitely say "wonderful, too wonderful".

Who would have thought that in just a few moments, these two foreigners came up with so many tricks, but were still slapped down by the shadow giant?

Everything happened very quickly, even a little comical.

The scene turned.

You can see that Fujikawa Kenta was slapped to the ground, and the solid ground was imprinted with a human figure.

Fujikawa Kenta HP-14514!

"It's really... too much, ba... ga ya lu..." Fujikawa Kenta used the only remaining swear words.

Neon country's swear words are not rich. They don't greet their parents, and their vocabulary is mainly based on personal character, such as pervert, disgusting, otaku, and fool.

So, this is the most direct swear word Fujikawa Kenta has ever cursed.

Although there is no aggression, it can't change the current situation.


Kenta Fujikawa was still unwilling to give up and wanted to get up and fly again.

But he didn't expect that Aaron said something:

"Don't always think about running away, bastard! You and I might be able to fight our way out together!" Aaron roared.

This sentence seemed to have aroused a little fighting spirit in Kenta Fujikawa, and his eyes seemed to have ignited a little fighting will.


Kenta Fujikawa slowly stood up, and his whole body made a banging sound, as if he was ready for the battle.

"That's right! That's it! Fight hard!" Aaron began to feel a little happy.

But he didn't expect.

In the next second, Kenta Fujikawa moved twice, flapped his wings, and flew into the sky again.

This time, he deliberately avoided the shadow giant for a distance.

But he didn't expect.

A wave of joint sound waves came from the sky, and before he could react, another circle of extremely solid black shadow spider web caught him.

With his wings unable to flap, Fujikawa Kenta fell heavily again.

As he fell, he could still see.

The dozens of shadow Nagas and Black Barton were smiling like a joke.

"Damn it!" Fujikawa Kenta shouted angrily.

This time.

It completely dispelled Fujikawa Kenta's thoughts of escaping. It seemed that flying in the air was completely impossible!

Seeing this scene.

Aaron couldn't help swallowing his saliva. In fact, he was not without flying skills.

It was just that it took a certain amount of time to display.

His profession was [End Dragon Seed] with SSS-level potential, and the future was limitless.

But as of now, only if he could live to the future could he have this future.

It's not that he couldn't fly.

It's just that he needed to activate his professional skill - [Half Dragon Transformation], which took nearly a minute.

Aaron didn't dare to gamble.

If I were in my current state, I might still be able to survive, but if I stood still for a minute, I would definitely die!

The original plan to fly and escape after half-dragon transformation was also completely abandoned by Aaron.

In this situation.

The only way is to fight to the death!

Before Aaron could think about it, the shadows beside him had already launched an offensive.

The short time of less than ten seconds just now was just to test the opponent's ability, so they didn't take action for a long time.

Now look.

One only knew to run away, and the other was a little scared.

The worry about the potential of SSS and SS+ in my heart was swept away, and they took action directly!

I thought it was very strong.

Now look, they didn't fight head-on at the first time, doesn't this indirectly explain their evaluation of themselves?

They... don't have the confidence to deal with such a large number of shadow subordinates!

Knowing this is enough!

The first to attack is still the natal shadow.

He was seen holding the Ancient King's short spear in one hand, and his feet were as fast as the wind. In the blink of an eye, he came to Aaron's side.

"What?!" Aaron was shocked.

He didn't expect the speed of this natal shadow to be so fast that even he almost couldn't keep up with its speed!

You know, even in human form, he is still a leader among many professionals.

'Swish! '

The natal shadow didn't say anything nonsense, and didn't make any extra movements.

It just stabbed Aaron's neck with a short thorn.

The purpose was to hit the fatal weakness and cut the most exposed neck - the meridians and arteries.


There was a short and rare spark.

Looking closely at the part that was scratched by the short thorn, there was actually a thin piece of scale armor in advance.

"Hiss!" Aaron covered his neck and grimaced in pain.

Although it was not scratched, the pain was real.

"Damn monster, go to hell!" Aaron's pupils turned bright gold, and the scorching sun gathered in his mouth.

Unexpectedly, the shadow seemed to be prepared.

He took a half step forward and hit Aaron's jaw with a left hook.



The short explosion flashed a few meters in the air, and the rest was held tightly in Aaron's mouth.

Feeling the pain like oral ulcers and esophageal erosion, Aaron was furious.

But it was obvious.

All of Aaron's skills were seen through, and his anger now was pure impotent rage.

Before Aaron could do anything else.

He felt a heavy thud on his back.

Looking closely again, he didn't know where it came from, and it hit him hard from behind.

Subconsciously touching his back, Aaron was a little stunned.

Before he could come back to his senses.

Another harpoon came from behind his head, pointing directly at the back of his head.

Instinctively, Aaron tilted his body to the side, and just when he was proud of his fighting instinct, he saw the shadow in front of him attacking him again.

A short thorn of the ancient king was about to hit the eye socket!

"Fuck! Can't these monsters fight one-on-one?!"

Aaron was a little crazy, and actually prayed that the numerous shadows would send representatives to fight him one-on-one.

But it was obvious.

Not rushing to kill him was already the biggest concession.

"Fuck! Fuck!"

Aaron didn't know where the fighting skills he learned in the family went.

Originally, he was very good at it during practice.

What about now?

In extreme panic, he almost forgot everything.

Once a person is forced into a corner, he wants to use all his trump cards.

But Aaron doesn't have the conditions to use them now.

So, he can only create conditions.

"Asshole! Hey! Do you have the skills to delay time? One minute!"

"One minute?" Fujikawa Kenta dodged Black Barton's attack.

While running away with his injured body, Fujikawa Kenta heard this key word and complained hurriedly:

"Yes, yes!"

"Aaron-san, why didn't you say it earlier?!"

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