Now that we know the function of this imprint, how can there be a reason not to try it.


"How should I use it?"

Bai Yi had some doubts, although he knew that with the mark of this ultimate key, he could control the teleportation within some copies.


There is no detailed step, is it all based on imagination?

Bai Yi was silent for a while, and then began to analyze.

If it is idealistic, then you really can use the ability of this imprint just by thinking

, but even if it is so convenient, it should be at least more detailed, and have an idea of where to go.


Bai Yi imagined in his mind that a portal would appear in front of him, leading to the outside world of the copy.

'Buzz. '

Fiercely, a series of purple slime appeared from mid-air.

Directly around an oval more than two meters high, then a portal-like scene appeared.


"Is it really okay?" Bai

Yi was a little speechless, but he didn't expect that the correct use of this mark was really like this, and he could open the teleportation with a little imagination.


This thing is much slower than his [Shadow Swap], and it will take a while to open the portal.

Also, I don't know which copies can be used and which ones can't, and in general, it is better to use [shadow swap].

"Well, talk is better than nothing.

Bai Yi pouted, not caring too much about this mark, only the copy behind this mark [Ultimate] made him care.

If he guessed correctly.

Classes will eventually have a limit on their level, and only by clearing the [Ultimate] quest can they break the level limit.

And this invisible mark on the back of his hand is one of the three keys that open the copy [ultimate].

This is quite critical.

The Origin Shadow came to Bai Yi's side and turned into an ordinary shadow again, but as long as Bai Yi needed it, he could instantly become a substantial combat state.

Followed by.

After Bai Yi saw that all the shadows had been retracted, he slowly stepped into the purple portal.

On one side, is Honolulu Island-Honolulu Quest.

And the other side.

It is the real island of Honolulu, back above the blue star.


After taking a deep breath of air, Bai Yi felt that the whole person was relieved a lot.

After staying in this copy for about two and a half days, the whole person was a little tired, and he used to be in the copy for a maximum of 12 hours.

Now these two and a half days are like a failed wild trip.

Reach out.

From the storage backpack, he mobilized his identity black card in the Hanxia Alliance.

After waiting

for about three seconds, the message was sent back

: [Night Committee: Received! It took about an hour

and a half to arrive] This exclamation mark, it is not difficult to see the excitement of the night member.

Bai Yi raised his eyebrows, looked at the sunset not far away, and sighed at the time difference between inside and outside the copy, as if it was only this Honolulu Island-Honolulu replica.

In previous copies, the time seems to be synchronized.

During this period of time, Bai Yi was a little idle.

The idle even took the hundred ghosts to conquest, and those 172 ghost abilities that could be borrowed were watched for two or three rounds.

That's not enough for an hour and a half.

During this period.

Bai Yi was idle, and moved his attribute panel again, and looked at it a little boringly

: [Player: Bai Yi

] [Class: Shadow King (only

)] [Level: Level 44 (12W6220\512W4000)] [HP: 31W6600\31W6600

] [Basic Attack Power: 11000+

] [Spirit: 440]

[Equipment: Shadow Guardian, Walker Dagger, Quenching Poison Flying Thorn, Violent Wound Ku Wu, Ancient King Short Thorn

] [Shadow Subordinates: [Honmei Shadow (the only one)], [Polar Decline], [Shadow Water], [Black Balton], [Shadow Giant], [Half-Dragon], [Hundred Ghost Sign], [Shadow Mutant Jackal x12], [Shadow Naga x21], [Shadow Element x199], [Shadow Fading (Fat)...] [

Skills: Shadow Extraction (First Order), Black Shadow Kingdom (Fifth Order), Origin Shadow (Second Order), Monarch Realm (Full Order), Shadow Swap (Full Order)]

Looking at this somewhat dazzling data, Bai Yi was quite satisfied.

It seems that his current strength has been greatly improved.

Still idle.

Bai Yidu, who was idle, picked up a few stones and began to float in this sea.

It's just that this water drifts, and this number has to be calculated in at least a hundred units.

A casual throw can stir up a shock on the sea.


This hour and a half is still here, standing on this Honolulu island, you can see a small black dot not far away is rapidly approaching.

That, it was the wide-area silence S2 piloted by the night commissioner.

After beckoning, Bai Yi was finally not so idle.

Not often.

The Wide Area Silence S2 slowly descended on Honolulu Island, and the ladder was slowly lowered.

Standing at the door of the cabin in the ship, who else could there be except the night commissioner who was still moody.

"Congratulations. The night commissioner nodded.

Seeing that the night committee member asked solemnly, "In the copy, have you encountered a lot of difficulties?" Seeing that

the night committee member was so serious, Bai Yi looked relaxed.

He casually said

, "Harm, just a little wind and frost."

When this sentence fell, the night committee member fell silent again.

What a simple sentence, but the degree of danger behind this is difficult to even imagine.

Can it be so

simple that Bai Yi said that Bai Yi's mouth could be so simple that many top professionals in the world could not have heard from all the copies that were not heard from at all? The only explanation is that Bai Yi suffered a disaster unimaginable to ordinary people, and finally gritted his teeth and survived.

At last.

But just a relaxed 'a little wind and frost'.

'A little bit of wind and frost, this kid I'm really getting more and more optimistic.' The night committee member picked up Bai Yi and sat in the driver's seat, thinking to himself during the period.

Sitting in the cockpit, everything was adjusted, and the Wide Area Silence S2 was started again.

Goal: Return to the headquarters of the Hanxia Alliance.

Estimated time: 1.5 hours.

Sitting in the cabin, Bai Yi looked at the sea that was constantly jumping and retreating with a pensive face, pondering a question.

Did he forget something?

In the copy, I also met professionals other than Aaron and the two?


the Osa team learned what Bai Yi thought, they would definitely shout two words: I

may not be human, but you kid is really ...

Good man.

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