"Lying groove?" exclaimed Bai Yi.

"Can you still play like this?" Without

waiting for Bai Yi to sigh more, this fusion of

B-level and S-level skills has been completed! [B-level skill [throwing short sword] and S-level skill [flesh and blood forger] are establishing a link

] [looking for synthesis node]


Bai Yi felt the influence of the Black Shadow Kingdom, and it seemed that a Shadow subordinate who lived there had been explored something.

And that shadow subordinate is none other than Hundred Ghosts Zheng Yi.

Kenta Fujikawa, the predecessor of Hundred Ghosts Seiyi, has a skill that can summon demon knives, and what is embodied in Shadow Hundred Ghosts Seiyi is to directly summon a shadow blade.

And this skill.

Unsurprisingly, it was directly borrowed by the current professional system.

[Shadow Subordinate Hundred Ghosts Conquer A-level skill [Summoning Evil Demon Saber], has been used as a key node

] [Fusion...

] [Fusion completed!!

] [[Throwing Short Sword] + [Flesh and Blood Forger] = --... →Full-time Skill-[Shadow Blade Transformation]]

Bai Yi's eyes widened when he saw this scene, and he felt that the whole person was a little excited.

No way.

Can a bath still have this effect

, directly let the two chicken rib skills become a vital full-time skill for yourself?

!"Hahaha! I know

!" "My luck, has always been good!" Bai

Yi laughed twice, and pinched his thighs while laughing to see if all this was true.

I'm afraid it's not a dream! It's just a fantasy!

I don't want to wait longer.

Bai Yi directly opened the introduction of [Shadow Blade Shape] to view.

[Shadow Blade Avatar

]] [Introduction: Since Shadow's subordinates can materialize, what is the difficulty in dividing a weapon?

] [Introduction: After the king has this skill, each of your Shadow subordinates will be able to freely summon a blade that best suits him (automatically dissipate after more than ten breaths)]


! This skill is good!

Bai Yizheng was worried that the shadow subordinates had no weapons, and basically could only fight hand-to-hand.

There is no need to say more about the Honmei shadow and the ninja, and Bai Yi also bought some weapons to equip him.


at the shadow giant, in addition to shooting and smashing, and then look at the Shadow Naga King, which is directly death killing.

If there are weapons, these Shadow subordinates who can only use a single attack method, wouldn't the attack power be directly doubled?!

But it's all out of the way.

Melee weapons have always been held, and they will not be affected by this effect, and the long-range weapons have almost caused damage for a long time.

The only use of this effect.

I'm afraid that the enemy will not take away the weapon, and ... Let's prevent Bai Yi from mass-manufacturing Shadow Weapon Card BUG....

Bai Yi shook his head, dispelled these thoughts, and immediately returned to business.

Right now.


about it, Bai Yi planned to immediately take out the remaining S-level skill scrolls and use them all clean.

Immediately, Bai Yi mobilized an S-level skill awakening scroll and said: "Use items

[Skill Awakening Scroll]!" The system sent a prompt:

[Used item [Skill Awakening Scroll], the awakening skill is...

] [S-level Skill - Stealth]

[ Introduction: Stealth shape, moving in stealth state will be improved, if attacked or detected by skills will appear

] Bai Yi glanced at the introduction, felt very satisfied, and couldn't help judging

: "Not bad, very good

!" "Come again!" Mobilizing an S-level skill awakening scroll again, Bai Yi spoke: "Use


[Used items [Skill Awakening Scroll], the awakening skill is...] [

S-level skill - murderous qi

] [Introduction: Consume the same amount of [momentum] to launch, the Shadow King will use a powerful aura to trap designated enemies into a 1-minute [terror] state, and can designate up to 5 enemies (can be upgraded)

] [[Momentum]: The embodiment of self-confidence and majesty in each person, when all consumed will enter a state of emotional depression, and the momentum will slowly recover over time

] [[Horror]: All attributes except for HP are temporarily reduced by 50%]

Bai Yi looked at this skill and kept sighing: "Well, it's good, this can also be done!"

Bai Yi once again mobilized a skill scroll, and this one was the last S-level skill awakening scroll.

"God forbid, I hope to awaken a stronger one."

Bai Yi recited two sentences sincerely, but did not name names, just as if he had ridiculed two sentences without reverence.

"Use items!" [

Used items [Skill Awakening Scroll], the awakening skill is...

] [Full-time Skill - Dominator's Power

] [Introduction: It can have a physical impact on things without direct touch (can be upgraded)]

This short line of text touches Bai Yi no less than the thunder on the ground.

This introduction, meaning that himself, is equivalent to having a superpower that is almost 'Nian Power'?!

Bai Yi was a little stunned all of a sudden, and the surprises at this time were simply one after another, almost making him turn over.

These are insanely superb skills.

For a while, Bai Yi didn't even know where to start getting excited.


Yi just imagined in his mind, and the idea of holding up these ascending spirit liquids in front of him was immediately verified!

These ascending spirit liquids in front of him were really similar to what he imagined, and they were held!

It's just that the burden held by his hand was transmitted back to Bai Yi's consciousness, and although his hand did not move, this burden was still reflected on his body.


This 'motivation' is linked to one's existing strength.

But even if that's true, it's pretty good!

Just imagine.

As long as the gaze is there, it is equivalent to having a pair of invisible big hands that can be controlled.

If he had the ability to pause for a few more seconds, Bai Yi could directly shout two sentences of 'The World'.

Right now.

Not only are the original skills leveling up, but even the newly acquired new skills are slowly increasing the ranks.

"This thing feels bigger than I thought."

"If only I could bring it back."

Bai Yi pondered, trying to stuff these Ascending Spirit Liquids into the storage backpack.

But it's a pity.

The storage backpack came with a reminder repeatedly:

[This item is special and cannot be stored into the storage backpack!] This

also made Bai Yi have to give up this idea, quietly began to pinch the time to take a bath, quietly waiting for the level of all skills to improve.

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