I don't know how long it took to be cold again, and everyone also eased from the shock.

Even so.

The principal's eyes were still full of disbelief, only to hear him stutter a little stunned and ask: "Ten... Level fourteen? "

Shiro-san, you copy from this newcomer... Come out...... Level 14? The

language was a little confusing, but it was almost understandable to everyone, and it was full of incredible speed for Bai Yi's level improvement.

After hearing that the principal asked the outstanding committee members curious questions again, they all set their eyes on Bai Yi.

Seeing this, Bai Yi didn't think much about it.

He didn't know anything about the history of initial upgrades, let alone care about them, so he just thought that this performance was slightly better.

"If it takes half an hour, maybe you can reach level 15."

"It's a pity."

Bai Yi said humbly.

But the humility in his eyes really surprised this group of guilds and alliance members again.

"Re... Another half an hour, can you reach level 15!?

"That's amazing! Disastrous!

"Talent! Is this talent!


committee members also did not have their own shelves, and did not care about their own attitude affecting the forces behind them, and directly hung their thoughts on their faces.

I don't blame them for that.

No one would have thought that there would be a newcomer professional who could reach level 14 in just 8 hours, and even say that there was not enough time, otherwise he could go further!

You know, looking at the history of professionals, there has never been such a feat.

After all, this is a newcomer copy, and all those who enter it are newcomer professionals, except for full-time skills, there is basically no extra combat means.

No combat experience, let alone skilled in working with each other.

A complete rookie professional, if he is not careful enough and carelessly underestimates the enemy, just encountering a limbed wolf is enough to cause the destruction of the five-person team!

And Bai Yi reached level 14 in this 8-hour rookie copy alone.

The history of this profession was completely shattered, and directly created the most unimaginable record!

The committee members thought too much, and they still felt that it was too fantastic.

At this time, Bai Yi spoke:

"I need to kill some more monsters."

Bai Yi did not say anything, mainly because he was not used to saying those words, and it was more in line with his way of acting that the need was directly displayed.

This sentence made everyone come to their senses a little, and a committee member took the lead in stepping forward and said: "I can handle the relevant matters, that Xiao Dong principal, send someone home to rest first." "

Contemptible Cloud Determination Alliance Liu Huajie, you can call me Member Liu."

Committee member Liu looked at Bai Yi and nodded, his meaning of approval was not hidden.

After Bai Yi left.

Member Liu received a message from a friend of the professional system:

"How about old Liu, do you have any good seedlings over there, I met a rare seed player in B City, the profession is called [Nomad]!"

"What about people?"

"Don't return messages? If you don't reply to the message, I will die when you die!

Glancing at the news of this old fellow, Committee Member Liu thought about it, and the consciousness changed the text and sent: "

Our side..."

"Hidden profession, single, 8 hours, level 14!"


The person on the other side was choked, almost didn't come up in one breath, even if he had already experienced an unknown number of big scenes, he was shocked by these short words!

Regardless of anything else, upgrade from level 1 to level 14 in 8 hours, which requires experience....

Up to 17W3860-170,000 massive experience!

Being able to reach this value certainly means that Bai Yi must have killed a lot of high-level monsters in this copy!

"Hey, the hidden profession is really terrifying." Committee member Liu's friend said.

"If you calculate it this way, the profession of such a character is rounded up to the most exquisite profession!"

"Simply a ceiling professional with the whole world... Compared to the previous one! "

If all this can be made slightly more reasonable, it can only be attributed to the strength of this profession."

Looking at these news, Committee Member Liu's face was a little more worried, and he entered:

"Indeed, this profession is very strong, so strong that I have been shocked for a long time."

"It's just

..." "I don't know how far this kid can go, and whether this profession will still be strong in the future..." There

are also many rare professionals that Committee Member Liu has seen, and many of them, although they are talented and powerful, have died in the copy before they have fully grown up.

What's more, although it was very powerful at the beginning, it was immediately weakened.

In this world, there are many strange professionals, although it is not one person and one profession, there are many strange professions, and no one can say for sure the future direction of this future.



Bai Yi lived at home, and the living room was already showing the last rays of sunlight today.

The shadow below him emerges, sitting cross-legged on the ground, trying to improve mental power through 'meditation' and other methods.

In the Black Shadow Kingdom, the amount that can accommodate Dark Shadow's subordinates is as high as 140, which is also Bai Yi's spiritual power value.

The Shadow Limb Wolf occupies the main force of these 140, and the rest are the Shadow Iron Rats with the most, and as the strongest Shadow Iron Armored Bear under the shadow, there are only two of them.

The next day, 7 a.m.

Bai Yi was riding in Principal Dong's car and had already arrived at the outskirts of H City.

Breaking away from the walls built by special solid materials, Bai Yi can be regarded as the tip of the iceberg of this world.

The tight defense line and fence completely divide the outside of the city and the inside of the city into two different blocks.

While monsters are everywhere, the lights are brilliant and the flow of people is like a tide.

The area around the city will be cleaned up from time to time, and basically there will be no monsters of too high level, but the lowest level will not be less than level 8.

Officials will not tolerate high-level monsters entrenched outside the city, and low-level monsters cannot withstand the clean-up at all.

Therefore, there are mostly monsters above level 8.

But this does not mean that these monsters are weak, on the contrary, they are much stronger than the inside of the quest.

Just like raising cheats, those who can stay are basically some good monsters.

Moreover, these monsters will also drop materials, equipment, and everything else that is beneficial to the professional, provided that the professional cannot be a non-chief.

The items dropped are owned by the discoverer and can be exchanged for currency, or special classes can be entrusted to craft equipment.

That type of professional is not uncommon.

[Blacksmith][Armor Division][Caster], there are still many people who want to find it, not to mention that the official will also send a certain amount to major urban areas.

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