at this time.

Bai Yi stood in front of the sea and put [Water Cube] into his storage backpack.

If it were filled with 10,000 tons of water, I am afraid that this limited space would have been filled long ago.

But if you only load one prop, this [Water Cube] only occupies a small square, and does not occupy too much space at all.


It can't be said to be a bug, at most it is a 'feature'.

After Bai Yi put away this [Water Cube] prop, he then thought about returning to the Hanxia Alliance and going back to sleep for one night.

To know.

It's all night now, so it's okay not to go to bed.

The next moment.

Bai Yi jumped up in the air, since this [Dominator's Power] had risen to the fourth level, it was much easier to use himself.

And the speed of volley flight is also a little faster.

If it used to be lifted slowly, now it is at least the speed of being thrown up.

Not often.

Bai Yi directly volleyed into the sky above this realm, and with a casual move, he mobilized the wind wheel aircraft and drove it directly.

Entering the Hanxia Alliance Airport as the destination, it is to start a short rest.


Bai Yi took out his identity black card and glanced at some of the functions he needed, including the recent contact list.

The last message of the night committee member was still hanging on it.

Bai Yi didn't have anything to do, naturally he wouldn't send information at will, but what made Bai Yi curious was that the existence of this level like the night committee member, what is the usual emergency

? They all said that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and the task between the committee members would be an enemy that even he did not expect?


all, these are all tasks that require committee members, and if he goes, although it can come in handy, it will not help much, right?

A flag was quietly set.

(flag: The original flag, often used on the Internet to ridicule the goal cannot be achieved, but the next moment it happens.)

(For example: after this battle, I will go home and get married, so I will hang up in the battle \ Even if I starve to death, I will never eat a mouthful of food, and in a blink of an eye it will be 'really fragrant')


Varan Siguo.

A brilliant sonic boom cloud crossed the border airspace.

An extremely fast empty ship is sailing rapidly, if Bai Yi is no stranger here, this empty ship is obviously the Wide Area Silence S2.

At this time.

The night committee member is setting up the wide area silence S2, and has gone to the world to pick up three or two members, and is rushing towards a place in a hot fire.

On this empty ship, in addition to Ye Yufan, the night commissioner, there were three other members in the cabin.

Like the night commissioner, he looks slightly younger.

But this young is only compared to those middle-aged members, if compared to Bai Yi, then these members are still more mature.

These members.

They are three members: Zhiqiufeng, Huo Zuo, and Yun Binglu.

At this time.

A person with dyed orange hair and constant chatter is more obvious, even if he is half a floor away from the cabin, his words are firmly in everyone's ears.

"Hey, old martial arts, can they do it? Can't this

be done?" "Hey, we have to be out of the horse."

"By the way, we can't stand it, it's inconvenient to escape?" As

if the speaking function was about to expire, the man's words kept talking, making the committee members a little silent.

"Know the autumn wind, can you shut your mouth!" Yun Binglu shouted.

"The minister seconded. Huo Zuo weakly raised his right hand in approval.

Seeing Yun Binglu, the female man, showing irritability, Ye Yufan did not speak, and was planning this trip in his mind.


The Wide Area Silence S2 crossed the airspace early and crossed the country of Berlin and German consciousness.

All the way to the green light, without any interference at the national level, intercept this empty ship.

This empty ship.

At a speed of 3,000 meters per second, he stepped into the airspace of the country of Elanxi and went straight to its capital.

If you stop and watch for a moment, you will see a catastrophic scene.

Surrounded by vegetation, it may be left unattended for a long time.

The fire is burning, probably with fire.

The vehicle is paralyzed and blocked, it may be a traffic accident, which was not solved in time.

But these three situations happened at the same time, and it is not difficult to see that at this time, the Lanxi Kingdom has fallen into an unprecedented disaster, an absolute crisis!——

Intelligent equipment crisis!"

"Have you heard of the 'natural disaster'?" returned the night commissioner lightly.

"Huh?" "

I will, the terrier of the stars, probably referring to the large-scale invasion crisis that regular humans can't stop."

"On the first day of the disaster-supreme agreement, the super intelligent mechanical AI invasion with extraordinary computing power.

"Second Calamity - Void Demon, a fast-growing Void Zerg.

"The Third Heavenly Tribulation - Gao Wei invasion, an army of necromancers, the kind of spirit form that cannot be defeated.

"But... Isn't this just a concept of a game?"

replied Zhiqiufeng decisively.

"No, no, can this Elanci's intelligence crisis be like the first disaster

?" "No, won't it?" "

I don't believe in silicon-based life, which can block missiles from washing the floor with a mechanical body." "

Even if you can, you can't solve it with one shot?

Zhiqiufeng raised his eyebrows, seemingly confident in his human side.

After raising his eyebrows and exhaling for a wave, Zhiqiufeng seemed to be still expecting Ye Yufan to refute him.

In the cognition of Zhiqiu Feng, there is basically no concept that can threaten the current Blue Star.

Don't say anything else.

There is no need for the alliance master of the Hanxia Alliance to make a move, just a deputy alliance master, dare to say that he can guarantee the next entire country by one person.

Not to mention.

Although the effect of ordinary bullets on monsters is much weakened, those absolute heavy weapons are still somewhat useful.

Although many high-level monsters can resist a few of Gatling's shuttles with their skin.


Once a missile passes, it will definitely suffer some losses.

Not to mention the peace bomb, the yield is large to a certain extent, what monsters can carry it down abruptly?


intellectual equipment crisis, as long as a few rounds of hydrogen bombs pass, can directly solve all crises, and even the pollution power of hydrogen under 10,000 tons is very small, or even close to nothing.

After the first day of casting, you can go to camping and barbecue on the second day.


This intellectual crisis has occurred in a large population of more than 40 million!

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