
Those detection devices turned out to be so oversighted.


It's not just an oversight that can be explained simply, there may be some things worth pondering behind this.

But in today's situation, there is not enough time for the army to react.

Now the military of Roland City is fully preparing to resist those intelligent armies.

At this moment, it is just a wave of temptation from the Intelligent Armament Army.

See you.

The large number of intelligent robots on the outer layer of defense did not rashly attack, but watched from afar, just like real humans, making people feel hairy in their hearts.


Those cold eyes are reflected in people's hearts, more like hyenas waiting to be killed, but always calm.

The improvised defense of the 'Boom --!'

was broken, and for a while, armies in several directions were fighting with intelligent robots.

See this scene.

Bai Yi directly glanced at it, remembering the location of the chaos in the surrounding block, and then planned to go down to the ground and release the army of shadows.

But at this moment, the officer standing next to a tank on the ground also found Bai Yi.

He stretched his hand into the air and beckoned.

Bai Yi looked at him, and it was not difficult to understand what he meant, and he was letting himself go down to the ground to communicate with him.

The screen turns.

Bai Yi slowly descended to his position.

In a circle of peripheral defensive facilities, the officer's vicinity was not affected by the fire.

"Hello, something?" asked Bai Yi bluntly.


"Excuse me... Are you a reinforcement from other regions?" the officer, though a little eager, spoke as clearly as possible.

"Yes. Bai Yi nodded, and even called the shadow out.

The next moment.

In the officer's line of sight, Bai Yi's shadow instantly broke away from the ground and directly turned into a pitch-black materialized human form.

The officer swept his eyes in amazement.

However, it was found that the information that could be detected was basically only ??, which showed that the difference in strength between the two sides was too large.

"Great, we are exactly when we need assistance, if the other party is not all intelligent robots, I would have wanted to surrender!" shouted

the slightly young adjutant on the side with joy, and even shouted out without shying in the words of surrender.


What are you talking about, how can we be so unbearable!"

the officer immediately retorted to the adjutant, his expression so serious.

At this moment, a communication soldier ran not far away, and eagerly transmitted a message:

"Report! The ammunition stock is insufficient, and our firepower cannot maintain the defensive suppression

!" "Whether to reduce the defensive range again, please ask the commander for instructions!" The

communication soldier straightened his figure, did not care about breathing, and directly shouted to report the situation.

The chief had a black line on his face, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Look, I'll just say, this reinforcement, what do you think?


We are not so down, reinforcements are not..." The commander wanted to argue two sentences, but was directly interrupted by the communication soldier.


Just now, the southwest region was breached through four fronts, causing a large number of casualties. "

Please give the order in time!"

the communication soldier shouted, causing the commander an immediate headache.

Although he was not the supreme leader of this defensive battle, he also commanded the defensive fronts in the southwest and south.

Knowing that one of these directions had been lost directly stuck in his throat with his unspoken debate.

"We... "We

don't care, but there are still 120,000 people here, although most of them have been transferred to underground facilities

..." "In short..."

"Okay, I almost already know the general situation.

Bai Yi waved his hand, which directly left this chief a little speechless.


In fact, Bai Yi not only felt what this commander felt, but directly turned to

the signal soldier and said: "Can you contact the people in this war zone?"

"Report!" "

My ability can only establish a heart and communicate with others, and the scope is limited!" This

signal soldier's answer was obviously much simpler and more powerful, and the concise answer made Bai Yi very satisfied.


Bai Yi nodded and praised casually.

The praised communicator did not have any superfluous words, and did not answer if he was not asked to answer, but only for the most important and critical things.

It made Bai Yi feel very satisfied.

Followed by.

Bai Yi directly spoke, "You can inform the others, right?"

"It's friendly. "

Say it.

Regardless of whether these Lanxi soldiers around him could understand the meaning, Bai Yi's direct intention was to let the shadow move from the Black Shadow Kingdom, and a large number of shadow subordinates came out.

Bai Yi didn't know how many intelligent robots attacked the city.

But Bai Yi knew a little.

That is, this group of intelligent robots is generally not high-level, if Bai Yi makes a move, it is basically the kind that will be broken when touched.

Although with this fatal drawback.

But the main reason for the headache for Valancy today is its "self-replicating" horror character.

Come a wave of commotion, and after a while you can produce another wave, and then come and harass again.

The main one is long-lasting.

This is also the biggest headache for the entire Lanxi, as the 'mother' intelligent weapon BOSS, attracting the vast majority of the highest combat power units.

The rest of the Lanxi who were able to fight were complained by these intelligent robots that were not high in strength but were constantly harassed.

It's like a fly.

There are many of them, it is not easy to fight, and even if you kill one, you may fly in through the window the next second.

This one.

Under this sustained attrition, the Lanscian military, which had the most dominant advantage, was delayed into a passive state.


, the appearance of Bai Yi will reverse this situation.

Although it is only a battle against the city of Rolanda, it is also a crucial wave of reversal!

The army of shadows, for the first time from the public view!

What?!" the communications soldier didn't react for a moment.

In the concept of Elanci, shadows are just shadows, simple objects that cover things produced by light sources.

But what did the young man in front of him just say.

What is it called....

Shadow, is it friendly

, but the next moment, this communication soldier deeply understands everything!

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