
Bai Yi turned all his attention to the simple factory in front of him.

The two intelligent robots in front have been completely destroyed, and the target they are looking for is obviously in the improvised factory in front.

The next moment.

Bai Yi's pace quickened and walked directly to the simple factory.

Step forward.

Standing in front of the simple factory, he did not immediately push open the door and break in.

Bai Yi's mind moved.

The shadow of the essence next to him clings to itself, changes back to a shadow state, and passes through the gate of the simple factory under the light source.

Followed by.


Inside the simple factory.

The shadow that melted into the ground at the doorway directly turned into substance at that end, standing up and becoming a human form.

The Natal Shadow appears.

Silently entered the interior of the simple factory.

The first thing they did was to explore the surroundings and find a target in the simple factory.

In this factory.

It seems that some engineering sample machines for processing rice are stacked, and an entire factory is squeezed into almost no space, and it may be inconvenient for people to walk in it.

The shadow of life stepped into it, and the entire factory had very little light source, and it was basically in a dark state.

The shadow of life is here, almost as if it has been invisible.

But although this simple factory is dark, there are still some light sources shining, especially in this factory.

After seeing that light, the Honmei Shadow stepped forward slowly, without making the slightest sound.

Dozens of quick steps and immediately arrived at the light source.

Look closer.

There were actually a dozen intelligent robots surrounding something, and a temporary light above the head flickered on and off, and it seemed that the power was about to run out.

"Execution procedure: interrogation."

"The first step is to impose the element 'pain'."

A robot made a sound, followed by a snap.

It was the sound of the steel palm slapping on the face.

Immediately afterwards, an angry, but rather weak voice shouted:

"You metal! I said I didn't know! I don't know if you ask again! A

mournful voice of an adult male appeared.

"The first step is to apply the element 'ask'."

"Please, give the general policy of the human resistance strategy, and the word count should be between 8,000 and 15,000 words."

"Yes, clear, logical, and true."

The intelligent robot made a voice again, and his tone was cold, without even the slightest emotion.

"your horse..." said the man in a somewhat weak voice.

"Detection of the second step has not been achieved, one-way repeat execution of the procedure."

The robot paused slowly, and then spoke again

: "Execution procedure: interrogation."

"The first step is to impose the element 'pain'."


Its simulated metal palm fell again.

"Snap!" A slap in the face sounded violently.

See here.

The Honmei Shadow had already seen the whole situation in his eyes, and transmitted all the information to Bai Yi's mind, which had a similar mental communication effect.

Outside the simple factory.

Bai Yi was silent.

What the hell was the situation, the goal was to find it, but it was a little different from what he imagined.

Bai Yi imagined.

He is a soldier who has been scratched by gunfire or shrapnel in a non-lethal part and cannot stop the bleeding, and is hiding in the ruins to survive, gradually losing his breath.

But now....

A group of intelligent robots surrounded a man, asked questions, and slapped them if they couldn't answer.

This... There are some differences from what he imagined, and this difference is not small!

The reason why this life card constantly appears in an abnormal state is most likely not that the other party encounters any external life and death factors, but that he has not eaten and drunk water for a long time, and is dying of thirst...

"Forget it."

"It is important to save people, save them first."

Bai Yi waved his big hand, and the order was quickly given.

The next moment.

The shadow of the essence inside the simple factory began to act.

The exit of the Dark Shadow Kingdom opened in the body, and six Shadow Declines emerged from it, and their small childlike bodies crept behind those intelligent robots.

This time.

Those intelligent robots are still executing programs.


"Please, give the general policy of the human resistance strategy, and the word count should be between 8,000 and 15,000 words."

"Yes, clear, logical, and true."

The man who was surrounded in the middle had no intention of replying, and his spirit was weak.

Right at this time.

The Shadow minions have struck!

See you.

These shadows declined, moved behind these intelligent robots, and the [Shadow Blade Avatar] appeared, and a black shadow vortex appeared on their faces.


A not weak adsorption appeared, directly causing these twelve intelligent robots to stagger backwards.

For a while, it was impossible to maintain the balance of the body.

The next moment.

I saw two black shadow daggers flashing by, and the dark cold light was as brilliant as the refracted light everywhere.

No explosion roar, no electric sparks flickering.


It's just an attack with extreme strength and speed.

In an instant, this was not too scattered, and the twelve intelligent robots that stood densely were completely disintegrated.


sound of metal objects falling from the 'Boom--' 'Sonorous ---'

sounded, and these intelligent robots were completely scrapped.

Honmei Shadow withdrew the five Shadows to decline, leaving one and quickly scouting around, finding that there were no remaining intelligent robots hiding.

Followed by.

The original position of the shadow decline instantly became Bai Yi Buddha-figure.

Bai Yi swept the somewhat dim light source above his eyes, and then set his gaze on the man in front of him.

This man was dressed in a normal enamel military uniform.

Forced to sit in a chair with a urea bag over his head.

All four limbs were bound strongly, and what bound him was a twisted circle of steel bars.

Just at a glance, this guy's wrist is a little purple.

"It's unlucky." Bai Yi muttered.

Immediately, Bai Yi took out the life card and shook it beside the man.

As a result, it can be imagined that no matter where this life card is obtained, it will drift towards this man without wind.

At this time.

The man heard Bai Yi Fangcai's words.

This strange human voice forcibly supported his consciousness that was about to faint.

"Who...?" The man subconsciously raised his head, but the remaining strength could only make him raise his neck slightly, and his head was not raised too much.


Yi was speechless, and the shadow of life beside him shot out, cutting off the several circles of steel bars that bound the man's body.

After being released, the man did not react for a while.

His hands and legs were numb for a moment before he gradually regained consciousness.


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