In this world, vehicles have not been completely replaced.

Although powerful professionals can run more or less fast, at least no one does that.

After the vehicle traveled for most of the way, Principal Dong stopped the car.

H City, official exchange.

The buildings here are no worse than any large buildings in the entire city, after all, they are specially built for professionals.

After thanking the principal, Bai Yi strode into it.

As soon as he entered, the imagination in Bai Yi's mind was completely overturned.

In his imagination, the official exchange may be a noisy and noisy place like a wet market, or it may be as disorganized and orderly as the hunting group in "Monster Hunter World".

But I didn't expect that.

Here in the official exchange, there is quite a sense of future technology, not many people reside, and there are many virtual monitors.

Just like a bank, there will be some unclear people to familiarize themselves with the operation.

A clerk lady came over, introduced most of the methods to Bai Yi, and then left according to Bai Yi's request.


Even if no one introduces them, the general functions of these devices can be understood.

After all, it has long been intelligent, and the device will display the function and its operation mode when it is on standby.

"It's a bit futuristic."

Bai Yi was speechless, and then walked directly to a machine that said 'self-service trading machine'.

The machine looks roughly like an ATM, but the interior space is several times larger, and the virtual display appears in mid-air, which is much simpler.

After some operations, Bai Yi successfully established an account.

【Please select the item to sell】

Bai Yi clicked on the option, and then took out the contents of the storage backpack, which was the bone spur dropped by killing the alienated wild dog.

A burst of grainy blue light scanned by, and the virtual display in front of him refreshed the text again.

[Identification completed

] [Item: Alienated Bone Spurs

] [Quality: Grade D

] [Drop Source: Level 12 Monster [Alienated Wild Dog], Level 9 Monster [Tumor Spike], Level 11 Monster

...] [Scope of Application: Forging Throwing Weapons, Decorations...

] [Value: 1 Gold

] [Is it for sale?] 【


After clicking the 'Yes' option, the self-service trading machine will unfold a row of storage slots and signal it to be put in.

It is similar to the slot of the ATM, but the length and width are dozens of times larger.

Bai Yi tried to put an alienated bone spur in, and then the storage slot automatically closed after 15 seconds, and the text appeared again on the virtual display

: [Account: Bai

Yi] [Deposit: 1 gold coin

] [Reservation: None]

This gold coin can also be obtained physically, Bai Yi clicked to withdraw money.


A gold coin about the size of a 1 yuan coin appeared, held in the hand, no more than 4 or 5 coins in weight, 24 grams, it was cast in real gold.

In ordinary life, the purchasing power is about 10,000 yuan.

Not far away.

A woman wearing a red dragon scale suit stood in place, looking in Bai Yi's direction with nature.

Her companion had just finished his business, returned to her, and when he saw her in a daze, he patted her on the shoulder and said, "

Look what, let's go."

The woman crossed her arms, looked in Bai Yi's direction, and said without turning her head:

"Look at that kid over there, repeatedly depositing and dropping a gold coin, it's so fun."

The companion gave her a blank look:

"Didn't you come from that time, what are you proud of?"

"Ahem... I didn't look down on anyone, I just thought it was interesting.

"Okay, it should be a newcomer professional who just hit a drop, don't bother people."

"It's also..."

at this moment.

I saw that through the special glass of the self-service trading machine, I could see that a large number of alienated bone spurs appeared out of thin air in Bai Yi's hands.

Like Yang Sha, all the brains were thrown into the storage trough.

And that's not the end of it.

As if it was inexhaustible, after holding out a bundle of alienated bone spurs, he dropped a large number again.

Dozens at a time, full of back and forth for a long time.

This scene really made the two professionals who stopped to watch a little stunned.

It's not that these alienated bone spurs are rare.

I just think that Fang Cai, judging from Bai Yi's performance, is a newcomer who has just become familiar with self-service trading machines.


Can a large number of people who lose materials and sell them, this can be a newcomer!?

The corner of the woman's eyes twitched: "This

..." "It should be the first time I have saved for a long time..."

"Also, this should be all the inventory."

"For a newcomer professional, it is already an exaggeration to be able to sell these materials."


And yet.

Bai Yi did not notice these insignificant things.

These alienated bone spurs sold for a total of 730 gold coins, which is a small amount.


It is to sell the materials, some stones, and rare resources that were previously stored in [Wandering Stone Ridge].

Another burst of particle blue light scanned, and the identified text appeared.

[Identification completed

] [Item: Stone with soul

] [Quality: C+ level

] [Drop source: [Wandering Stone Ridge] copy product

] [Scope of application: Forging puppet props

] [Value: 10 gold coins] [

Is it sold? [


Bai Yi's eyes lit up for a moment, this feeling is good, 10 gold coins a piece, the inventory in his hand is much more than alienated bone spurs.

The figure takes a slight step forward.

Directly take out the contents of the storage backpack and place them in mid-air on the storage slot in front of you.

'Boom! ''


'Boom! ''


'Boom! '

Stones falling, the sound of colliding with each other kept ringing.

It was like a big truck, unloading a large number of stones, and suddenly the scene was a little shocking.

The two of them were already a little stunned, and the information sent by the captain was ignored.


The message sent by the captain can be read at any time.

This newcomer professional, directly shaking the massive amount of materials, or the first time to see!

Contrasting things always bring people a lot of shock, but today's Bai Yi is like this.


The stones with souls were all put into the self-service trading machine.

Sold total: 32,160 coins!

Coupled with the gold coins that previously sold the alienated bone spurs, Bai Yi's current account has accumulated a staggering 32,890 gold coins!

If it is converted into currency in ordinary life, it has already become the purchasing power of hundreds of millions of yuan!

The two people behind were already so shocked that they couldn't even speak.

Even if they wanted to get this amount of gold coins, they had to fight six to nine years earlier, and a brat who traded for the first time could get so much, how could they not be surprised!

But that's not the end of it.

Just see.

Bai Yi slowly called out three rare resources from the storage backpack.

It is the purple nucleus that killed the purple nucleus, the purple crystal nucleus dropped by the stone ridge giant, and the dark blue earth crystal nucleus!

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