It can be said that these different jackals are simply unique.

Unfortunately, they all end up turning into experience points.


Bai Yi waved his big hand and gave the command straightforwardly.

Immediately after.

It was the Origin Shadow and the four Shadow Jackals who directly attacked, rushing towards the group of jackals at an even more terrifying speed.

The outcome is predictable.

Ben got the super buff bonus of the [King Domain], plus a powerful teammate like Honmei Shadow.

Just with these ten or so jackals, they are not qualified to look at them more.

After a simple and relaxing battle.

A hint appeared in front of Bai Yi's eyes.

[Kill monsters [harpoon-wielding jackals], experience +9842! ] 【

Kill monster [Valiant jackal], experience +13181! 【

Kill monster [jackal], experience +9842! 【

Kill monster [jackal with stone axe], experience +13181! 【

Kill monster [jackal], experience +9842! 【

Kill monsters...】【

Drop (to be picked up): Jackal's claw tip x66]

This battle is simple and has no difficulty.

Bai Yi continued as usual, let the shadows bring the loot over, and carried out shadow extraction.

Now these jackals, if only a dozen at a time, I am afraid that it is completely insufficient.

After all, Bai Yi's profession is different from others, others may be weaker the more they fight, but Bai Yi is stronger and stronger the more he fights!

No way.

For each monster you kill, you get a stronger shadow.

It's a little hard to weaken.

Life is like opening a simple mode, and the horizontal push is over.

Looking at this new eleven jackal fever, the attributes are different, but the skill includes one, that is:

- Call companions.


Bai Yi opened his mouth and gave an order: "A few of you, roar two voices and listen." He

pointed at the three Shadow Jackals, and Bai Yi ordered them to unleash their skill, Calling Companions.


Without thinking, these shadow jackals instantly obeyed Bai Yi's order, raised their necks and began to roar.



''Whoosh! Three

loud jackal howls resounded in the air.

At the same time, the jackals running in the distance immediately pricked up their ears and slowly stopped the footsteps under them.

Carefully discern the meaning of these howls.

It's calling for companions!


The group of jackals in the distance, as if blindly guessing the seriousness of a matter, raised their necks and howled:

- Brother, don't worry, arrive soon!


''Whoosh! In

the distance, one howl after another of jackals was heard, and the entire quest was filled with dangerous warnings.

In the middle of the forest.

A rookie professional who entered the copy and was undergoing the entrance test began to tremble.

He is only level 15, although he can face a level 20 jackal alone.


The howling of such a large number of jackals reflected groups of jackals not far away.

He was shocked in his heart: "It's over, it's over, if it really doesn't work, give up."

"So many jackals, you can't devour me alive!"

Thinking about it, he immediately crushed the copy just in case it repelled the spar, gave up the test, and left the copy.


Bai Yi didn't know that his random move scared off a professional who was also taking the test.

But he knew that a large number of jackals were about to arrive.

Looking at the fifteen Shadow Jackals around him, as well as his own true shadow, Bai Yi simply made the next team assignment.

Three in a team, the more special jackals mixed in the middle.

For example, the heroic Shadow Jackals, who are stronger than ordinary Shadow Jackals, or the Harpoon-wielding Shadow Jackals, they are slightly stronger in attack.

That's it.

Including five teams of Shadow Jackals, Natal Shadow is ready to fight alone.

Recalling the number of howls in the distance below, Bai Yi thought of making more preparations.

It's not that he is worried that this group of jackals can break his shield, but he simply does not want this group of jackals to escape.

What if the fight is fought, and this group of jackals' army collapses and directly turns into a sky full of stars and runs, Bai Yi has not lost a large number of experience in vain.


Bai Yi summoned a large number of old subordinates in the Black Shadow Kingdom.

It is said that it is an old subordinate, but in fact, it has only been more than a day with him, and it is basically the last copy that was included under his command.

With the movement of the mind.

The shadow together with the Dark Shadow Kingdom, a large number of dark shadows nested out of it.


''Boom. The

Shadow Stone Monsters began to crowd one by one, and for a moment the stone monsters collided.

The things that bothered Bai Yi still happened, this group of shadow stone monsters were too big, and it was really not easy to act in this forest.

"You guys, find a place to ambush and disguise yourself as a stone wall."

"Responsible for blocking the escaping monsters."

In this group of shadows, there is also a special humanoid shadow.

The head hood, wearing a black shadow mask that covers his face, and holding an ancient king short thorn, is the 'ninja' he collected not long ago.

'Ninja' doesn't have much blood, but specializes in assassination.

If you find the right time, you can easily burst a double critical hit, coupled with the ancient king short thorn with passive [200% critical damage], it can be said that it is invincible in pursuit and assassination.

"You, in charge of chasing down the escapees."

"You can also participate in kills."

Bai Yi gave the order in advance to prevent the large number of jackals from arriving and then hurriedly giving the order.

At this time.

The large number of shadow stone monsters had also scattered around, disguised as stones.

Even though a lot of trees were knocked down, the goal was eventually accomplished.

The disguised stone walls and huge stones, if you do not act, you can't see it at all, and you can't tell that this is actually alive.

Shadow giant, shadow purple core stone monster, Bai Yi did not plan to release it, these targets are too big, and they all want to scare away the group of jackals from a distance.



Inside the assessment room.

Several examiners looked at the picture in front of them with a little excitement, as if they were excited to watch a big trouble in the Heavenly Palace when they were children.

Yan Jing was a little unable to sit still.

He was surprised: "Then who, it doesn't seem to be what you said."

"What do I think... Can this kid drive hundreds of shadows? "


The examiner looked

shocked beyond words: "My lord, it seems... That's true..." For

a moment, no one said too much, all looking intently at the picture, thinking about what would happen next.

In the end, it is to destroy the decay and disrupt the overall situation.

Or did the pieces fall wrong and lose all the games?


This group of people looked at the hundreds of shadows being manipulated, and also knew one thing, that is...

——This kid is terrifying!

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