These declines are bloated and slow-moving, completely different from those childlike declines.

These monsters, obviously, are different.

Just like between stone monsters, there are also differences between blue cores, white cores, and purple cores.


In Bai Yi's eyes, these differences are nothing more than an analogy of early death and late death.

Just see.

Bai Yi casually stretched out his hand, enough to crush these declining shadows, and the nest was dispatched.

One dark shadow after another, poured out of the shadow.

Although not all of the Shadow's men, it is completely adequate.

Nearly a hundred Shadow Elements and Shadow Naga poured out, and with their size, even small forests could still shuttle on their own.

Unlike the huge size of Black Barton, if you encounter dense wooded terrain, you have to destroy it to facilitate your progress.

It's like walking alone in an unripe corn field:

although he can walk, he is very irritable, and every now and then he has to break a few corn stalks to release the pressure.

The small Shadow men were sent out and quickly killed the group of tall, bloated declines that had just been discovered.

Hints appeared in front of Bai Yi's eyes:

[Kill Monster [Fat Decline], Experience +11w5960] [Kill Monster [Fat Decline], Experience +11w5960

] [Kill Monster [Fat Decline], Experience +...

] [Drop (To be Picked): Core of Decline x11]

These corpses and dropped objects were also handed over to Bai Yi.

Transporting these resources back and forth does not require too many Shadow subordinates, just a few scattered ones.

Not often.

These things were sent to Bai Yi's eyes.

Those deformed bodies that bulged before death, but after death, they seem to have shrunk as small as water balls.

Looking at these fading corpses, Bai Yi did not have the slightest hesitation, and directly launched shadow extraction.

The next moment.

The shadows under those corpses instantly turned into substance and slowly broke away from the plane.

It's just that the slight difference is that these shadows are obviously a little bigger, it can be said that they are more than one or two circles bigger.

The group of dwarf declines is less than one meter, but these declines are about one meter and five meters.

It's still not tall, but it's completely distinguishable.

[Monster: Shadow Decline (Fat

)] [Level: Level 41] [HP: 12W1049\\12W1049

] [Comprehensive Attack Power: 3100

] [Status: (Special Amplification Buff King Field)]

] [Skill: C Level [


is a little lower data, but it has an additional C-level skill called Collision.

This slightly tall group of declines, about a dozen.

Bai Yi waved his hand and ordered him to continue looking for the monsters in this copy.

He has a hunch that as long as he continues to search, he will definitely have clues to the boss in this copy, or even find the boss directly.

However, this is just to think.

If it was really so easy, wouldn't the hundreds of professionals from the Dragon Kingdom have gone out a long time ago?

Leaving aside the litter left by these fading corpses, Bai Yi sent a ninja to sort it out.

Unlike straightforward drops, these items are buried in the middle of the declining corpse, often with hands full of purple mud when they are taken out.

Small fading is a drop object, which is the [core of decline].

Of the larger ones, some have two corpses, some have three.

Bai Yi didn't know what these things were for, but they were always put away.

Without him, if he doesn't pick up the drop, he will feel bad.

It's like money that falls on the ground, and there's always something wrong with not picking it up.



There are hundreds of dead and wounded in the entire quest.

At the same time.

Bai Yi also expanded the Shadow Decline by several hundred, and the experience and dropped items also received a lot.

After the statistics of the professional system, Bai Yi has a clear total.

There are as many as 79 weak shadow declines.

The dark shadow decline of obesity is 285, which is already a large scale.

In the meantime.

Shadow Naga and Shadow Element were injured a lot, but after taking turns and entering the Shadow Kingdom to recover, there were no deaths and injuries.

Other words.

Bai Yi's nearly one-night time was almost a small shadow legion in vain.

This is the moment.

There was still some time before dawn, and the whole sky became a little brighter.

But it's only brighter, not much.

It's just enough to allow ordinary people to see into the distance.

Bai Yi estimated that the sky in the copy at this time was almost like around four o'clock in the morning in winter.


Several Shadow Declines sent messages, and Bai Yi took the messages from them, and his eyes changed directly.

They, unexpectedly, found out....

- A group of professionals who are suffering from enemies on their backs!


Team Ossa:

Formed by three melee combatants, a meat shield, a mage, a nanny, and two ranged members.

Career potential above A+ level per capita.

But even so, they are slightly defeated.

And their enemy is precisely the decline of that group after herd!


A hill, slightly protruding hill, is surrounded by simple wooden walls made of trees.

On the north and south sides, there are also watchtowers that can be easily operated by remote professionals.

But even in such an easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack site, the wooden wall in the east was completely destroyed, and a large gap appeared so empty.

Such a huge vacancy was reflected in front of the eyes of the Osa team, making their confidence multiply lower.

Precisely because....

From the eastern gap, the monsters that continue to attack are declining!

One, five, ten...!

This is just rushing in from the gap, and the entire hill is surrounded by decline!

As long as it is a random sweep, it is not difficult to see that the decline of this land siege is not a thousand, but also five hundred!

It's just that the compact monster head makes people's scalps numb.


An authentic hairy bear Chinese came out: "It is brewed, no matter how you fight, you can't finish fighting!" There are more and more of these beasts! "

It was a man from the country of hairy bears, not tall, but he erected a shield with a gate high and stood resolutely in the front.

"One by one, are they all over?!" The remote female professional in the team cursed.

"Damn, we shouldn't take this task, do you really think we are heavenly dependents?"

"Forget it, come and mouth vodka before you die, honor Allah Allah!"

"Ula! Allah Allah! "

These professionals in the Hairy Bear Country, knowing that they may not be able to survive, poured down the remaining spirits fiercely, hoping to paralyze themselves a little.

But it was under this final.

The distant professional suddenly rubbed his eyes, looked into the distance in disbelief, and shouted in amazement:

"What is that!?"

"Did I drink too much?!"

And following her gaze, all the people in the team saw in unison....

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