Fortunately, after releasing the ice, the big spider used its little wisdom and survival instinct to realize that the thin ice crystal in front of it should be very dangerous.

But how dangerous is it?

I don’t know, give it a try first.

A slender spider foot carefully and tentatively stepped into the frost realm.

As soon as he felt the slight chill, Meng Manzhi was like a tarsal maggot wrapped around a big spider, and died on the spot.

The mage boy also became numb on the spot.

Why do you love to play so much?

Fortunately, another big spider arrived in time and discovered this frightening scene. The eight spider legs retreated crazily in panic.

But the hunter's instinct is to stand firm outside the frosty field and confront the prey boy, making threatening sounds.

As long as this strange frost disappears, it will go over and tear him apart.

In anger, he spat out corrosive white silk balls at the mage boy.

The elegant young man easily dodged slightly and was not in a hurry.

After the frost has cooled down, continue to perform the same trick, throwing a few wind blades, ice arrows and the like.

However, the noise caused by these subsequent skills destroying the mine floor did not attract more large spiders except for attracting another large spider responsible for wandering.

There are a few little red dots that remain motionless even if they are very close to Qin Chuan.

The big spider that was attracted from behind rushed over like a reckless man and hit the frost field that happened to be cast, and also turned into smoke and dissipated.

But no matter what, the timid big spider was even more afraid to come forward.

At first, Little Red Riding Hood's eyes widened slightly when she saw the outrageous injuries suffered by the trial boy, but then she continued to look at the ground with a calm expression.

More than forty seconds had passed. The elegant young man lowered his head and looked at the little girl with expectation and a hint of ridicule.

After noticing the boy's gaze, the little girl still had a calm expression but tilted her head and squinted to express disdain.

Huh, if you don't cry later, don't blame me for being cruel and ruthless.

And it is also stipulated that you must always cry and walk out of the correct exit. Don't blame your brother for walking slowly when the time comes.

As the time approached, the little girl's red hood even began to flash as a warning.

You have so many tricks.

One minute's up.

The little girl still looked calm.

This is?

However, the little hands quickly took out a box of matches from the cabbage basket.

A match was struck neatly and expertly, and then the matchbox began to sparkle and emit the heart-wrenching cry of a child, so penetrating.

"Wow wow wow~"

Hearing the cries of Matchbox, the elegant young man seemed to be suspended in time and was stunned.

The little girl looked up and showed a proud but mean smile.

He is so insidious at such a young age!

The elegant young man who had been deceived could not help but tremble all over, clenching his fists.

At this time, several large spiders had gathered in front of the young man.

Without any mercy, the breeze quickly gathered in front, and a light green wind blade angrily shot out from the front of the staff, cutting several large spiders in front of it in half in an instant.

The anger did not break away the deceived boy's reason. Open flames are not allowed in the mine tunnels, and production safety must be kept in mind at all times.

Besides, he was holding a little girl with a constitution of 10. What should he do if he got hurt?

However, the boy who was deceived believed that even if she was affected by the AOE and her health points dropped to zero, she would still appear in front of him with a calm expression.

It will just announce the failure of the trialer's mission.

This guy is very insidious! Must be alert at all times!

There is only a small red dot left on the small radar. It is obvious that the other big spiders guarding the door are here, but you don't come. Maybe you are just guarding the real exit.

And this glowing matchbox is still playing the cry of a child.

The elegant young man only thought it was noisy.


It actually has to keep playing until you reach the exit.

The wronged boy immediately picked up the little girl and looked for the exit in the direction pointed out by the little radar.

Unfortunately, the small radar cannot display terrain information, and the mine roads are winding and have complicated road conditions.

After enjoying the matchbox torture for a while, I found the big gatekeeper spider.

Without further ado, a simple and easy-to-use wind blade.

After getting rid of this lord-level monster, a door of salvation emitting white light appeared in front of the boy.

The mage boy who had fallen quickly with agility flashed over and went directly to the third floor of the trial tower.

Relief, the trial tower mission is so terrifying!

After being put down, the little girl closed the matchbox.

The plain and pretty face suddenly changed into a happy and sweet smile.

"Congratulations to the trialist brother for successfully completing this trial mission!"

"The mission result evaluation is the highest!"

"Within the amber level, for every level you upgrade, all attributes will be +50 and free attributes will be +30."

"The special rewards for this trial mission have also been distributed to your backpack space!"

The handsome young man knelt down and pinched her pink round face.

"You want to be cute and get away with it, right?"

The little girl gave him a lovely eye roll again, and then smiled encouragingly.

"Brother Trialist, come on, you are strong. I hope we can meet again at a higher level."

Then it changed into little stars flying to the mural on the ceiling.

Returning to a mysterious space like a fairyland, the little girl's eyes showed wonder.

This big brother is actually better than the big sister in the red dress back then.

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