Li Jian led a team of twelve people and airborne into the flesh and blood restaurant instance.

The sky in the dungeon was scarlet, filled with a weird smell of blood, like the sky of hell.

Li Jian's eyes were firm and he asked the temporarily formed teammates beside him:

"Why did you choose to volunteer to join the Raiders team?"

The burly warrior player replied:

"My little sister lives near this area and has been involved in the dungeon."

"I have to get her out of here!"

Li Jian saw in his eyes the will not to be afraid of death. The combat power of this twelve-person raiding team is very high, and they have basically awakened good talents. The average level is 28, and the combat power is not enough. Players who have joined the strategy team are just a burden and cannot successfully clear the dungeon.

Let alone the hidden ending of the dungeon.

"how about you?"Li Jian asked another temporary teammate.

This is a female priest player. She has the resurrection skill.

"I? Of course I followed the instructions of the city lord. This temporary team lacked a priest with resurrection skills."

"After all, you are also an S-level talent. With the hidden profession and my resurrection skills, the probability of clearing the dungeon is still very high, right?"

"Of course, the premise is that you don’t challenge the hidden ending."

"Look, what are those spreading fire storms?"

From the perspective of Li Jian's team, huge fire storms continued to spread out in the surrounding area of ​​the flesh and blood restaurant. A brilliant heat wave erupted, and they could feel the heat coming from such a long distance away. The hot wind is coming.

An archer player, using the insight skill, said incredulously:

"Are you kidding me?"

"Those huge explosions are the fire demon creatures releasing their skills!"

"The Balrog is actually killing the monsters in the dungeon!"

"Damn it, the damn Balrog is actually saving ordinary people and players?!"

"What a departure!"

The archer himself didn't believe what he saw. It was really unbelievable.

The Balrog itself is a high-level monster in hell, and there is no reason to appear here.

Li Jian frowned and said:

"Balrog creatures don't kill humans, but instead save ordinary people and players?"

"There is only one possibility for this, it is the player's summon!"


More violent explosions set off, and big explosions more terrifying than before spread out one after another. Everyone in Li Jian's team felt that the temperature was getting higher and higher.

That was the Balrog releasing"thick smoke + fire storm""combination skills.

Li Jian said:

"I moved the fastest. I went to check it out first. We gathered in that building of flesh and blood."

The Archer player added:

"There is a high probability that it is a summoned object. Even with my insight skills, I cannot see the specific attributes of this Balrog."


Li Jian turned into an afterimage. He activated the"Wind Step" skill and accelerated towards the battlefield.

The Wind Assassin that Li Jian changed his profession to is an assassin profession with high movement speed, high attack speed and high dodge.

For On the contrary, he is not good at areas such as invisibility, explosion...

He rushed to the battlefield first.

After arriving at the destination, Li Jian himself was a little dazed.

Under the attack of hundreds of Balrogs, a new wave appeared in the copy. Most of the ordinary monsters have been eliminated.

Many ordinary people and players were saved by the Balrog!

Otherwise, by the time he arrived on the battlefield, he would have already turned into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Li Jian showed a happy expression The look on his face was,"Is there a new player in the dungeon who is at a heaven-defying level?"

"Could a summon of this size and such terrifying summon attributes be an SSS-level summoning talent?"

"This is easy to handle. With this terrifying summoner, successfully conquering the hidden ending of the Flesh Restaurant will become full of hope!"

Li Jian finally locked the specific position of Bai Hao and rushed over. Bai Hao's position was too conspicuous. He was surrounded by stars like stars holding the moon.

In addition, there were 9 human shields with a faint blue color. As a summoned creature, Li Jian locked onto him at a glance.

Ice mage and handsome Sun Xuan said:

"It's simply too terrifying. Bai Hao alone is equivalent to an entire high-level legion!"

"He saved tens of thousands of people, otherwise in this short period of time, these tens of thousands of people would have become the storage ingredients of the flesh and blood restaurant. Song

Yang looked proud,"Of course, it's a small scene, and the next step is to clear the Flesh Restaurant dungeon.""

"It's just a level 30 dungeon. Even if it's a level 60 dungeon, the duo of Bai Hao and I can be invincible, save everyone, and break the dungeon!"

Sun Xuan directly ignored Song Yang. At first, he thought Song Yang was also a hidden boss.

Later, he realized that he was not as strong as himself. That is, the dagger was extremely powerful and could kill evil spirits and waiters instantly.

Sun Xuan's eyes were always on Bai Hao. Li

Jian, wearing a blue suit and carrying a large number of powerful props, activated"Wind Step" and rushed here

"Are you the summoner of the balrog creature?"

"I'm the official leader of the strategy team"

"With both of our hands, there is a high probability that we can complete the hidden ending of the Flesh Restaurant dungeon and completely destroy this dungeon! Bai

Hao responded:

"It's enough for me alone. My initial plan was to clear the level and hide the ending."

Li Jian's eyes were very vicious. He could tell at a glance that Bai Hao was only wearing three pieces of equipment!

This was a huge shock to him. He only wore three pieces of equipment, and looking at the patterns and styles, it seemed that It was just a green outfit, but it summoned such a terrifying fire demon army?

It is definitely an SSS-level talent. He is not running away!

Li Jian held a pair of daggers and responded:

"Yes, you can conquer the dungeon by yourself, but the hidden ending is not so easy to trigger."

"It may take some time"

"The longer the delay is, the wider the scope of the copy will be."

"The first purpose is to concentrate our efforts and completely defeat the copy."

"Otherwise there will be more casualties later"

"Take back the summons, concentrate your forces, and rush to the top of the flesh and blood restaurant in one go! Bai

Hao shook his head,"The dungeon area is expanding every minute. I choose to save people and conquer the dungeon at the same time!""

Under Bai Hao's control, the 129 Balrogs were completely dispersed. Wherever the monsters were refreshed, they went to clean them up.

Bai Hao once again summoned 12 Balrogs, because during this period During this time, his SSS-level Balrog summoning skills continued to upgrade, and the number of Balrogs existing at the same time increased again.


"These summons are enough to clear the dungeon."

Li Jian doesn't think Bai Hao would joke about this kind of thing. He thinks that 12 Balrogs are enough to conquer the dungeon, so it must be enough.

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