Qian Duoduo and Meng Chao are both A-level Talents, and there may be no conditions for preferential treatment when joining the guild, but Zhao Qinghe is an S-Level Talent and still has great potential!

Before leaving the guild headquarters, Qin Yun discussed with Jiang Yue in advance and reached an agreement.

Therefore, he directly used his authority as the vice president to upgrade Zhao Qinghe's guild position from an ordinary member to a High Level member!

When Zhao Qinghe's level rises in the future, he should be able to be promoted to an elite member, and even gain the attention of the guild and be appointed to senior management. His future is bright!

As for Qian Duoduo and Meng Chao, well, they can only slowly improve their guild positions by upgrading their levels, completing guild tasks, and making continuous contributions.

Neither of them cared about this, because A-level talents are so common in places like Kyoto University where geniuses gather, and they are basically everywhere!

They have been mentally prepared for a long time, because even if they join other guilds, they still have to start as ordinary members, there is no difference.

Qin Yun originally wanted to promote them to Middle Level members, but that would not mean much at first, and it would also easily make them look at them in a strange way, thinking that they came through the back door, which would be detrimental to their situation in the guild. .

We are all newcomers to A-level Talent. Why are we ordinary members and you become a Middle Level member as soon as you join?

They don’t worry about the scarcity but the inequality. In this way, they are too easy to be hostile and isolated by others!

Zhao Qinghe is different. He is an S Level Talent, so he can receive preferential treatment. This is a recruitment rule set by the guild long ago, and others will not have any objections.

Qin Yun said these words to Qian Duoduo and Meng Chao, and they both agreed very much. They decided to start from ordinary members and rely on their own strength to make people speechless!

"Boss Qin, we want to discuss with our former teammates to see if anyone is willing to join the guild with us!"

Qian Duoduo and Meng Chao looked at each other and said so.

They have gotten along well with those teammates over the past month, and they would like to invite them to join the guild and continue to cooperate.

"Okay, as long as they want, that's fine!"

Qin Yun also has a good impression of those three people. They were willing to stand up and repay his kindness last time. They are very good characters!

On the other hand, Zhao Qinghe, the team he joined last time was a team of independents. Although they are all very powerful guys, they are not close to each other and may not agree to join.

Therefore, Zhao Qinghe did not speak, knowing what he was talking about.

"Okay, then please pay attention. After joining the guild, you will gain experience. Remember to fight monsters and upgrade every day. Don't waste it!"

Qin Yun reminded them that the three hours of double experience every day should not be wasted in vain, because it will be reset every day and cannot accumulate time, so use it when you use it!

"Hey, I got it!"

Of course Qian Duoduo and the others also saw the prompt. When they first joined the guild, the large list of guild buffs made them very excited.

"Well, I'm going to fight monsters and level up first!"

After explaining the matter, Qin Yun didn't bother to enter the school. He directly got on the heavy motorcycle and planned to go to the wild area.


There was a low roar of an engine, and he drove a cool heavy-duty motorcycle and disappeared into the distance like a phantom.

"No, it's too handsome. I want to go home and bring my collection over too!"

Seeing this scene, Qian Duoduo was very envious and immediately made a decision: "When the time comes, each of us brothers will drive a car and be the most handsome boy in the whole street!"

But he didn't know that Qin Yun's heavy-duty motorcycle was not an ordinary motorcycle, but a special vehicle!

It was built by an S Level mechanical engineer and is extremely precious!

Not only can it be run in the main city, but it can also be used in the wild areas. It has a protective value and can withstand monster attacks, and will not be easily damaged or scrapped.

Qin Yun was driving a heavy-duty motorcycle at high speed in the wilderness. Its performance was very good. Even on some difficult steep slopes, as long as the angle was found, it could be easily driven up. It was full of horsepower.

The long journey that originally took more than an hour has now been shortened to ten minutes, which is really exciting!

He first rushed to the Spider Cave and cleared all three dungeons. Then, with everyone's envious eyes on him, he drove a heavy motorcycle and set off for the more distant wild areas.

"So proud!"

"Where did this rich second generation come from?"

"If I read correctly, he should be riding a special vehicle, right?"

"Of course! When an ordinary car reaches the wilderness, it becomes a living target. It will be scrapped after being attacked by monsters a few times!"

"That's right, his gadget is worth at least several million!"

"This heavy-duty motorcycle is so cool! I really want to try what it feels like to sit on it? It will definitely be fun!"

"Don't think about it, just move bricks hard, work hard to save money, and everything will be fine!"

"That's right, didn't you see that guy just went straight to the nightmare difficulty level? His equipment probably costs over a million, and it must be all purple rare quality!"

"Yeah, I guess one piece of his equipment is almost equivalent to all our equipment. It can't be compared, it can't be compared..."

"But I think he's not very old. How did he get so much money?"

"Haha, wouldn't it be enough if I have a rich father?"

"Maybe he fell in love with a rich woman?"

"Or maybe he has a very high professional talent and is noticed by the big boss of the big guild?"

"Well, it's possible. I heard that there was a talented freshman at SS Level and Transcendent Level this year. He was indeed taken seriously by all the major guilds. It is said that even the president of the Shengshi Guild came here in person!"

"Shengshi Guild? Could it be that Sun Zhengyang and President Sun?"

"That's right!"

"Wow, that's a big shot! He's actually here, it's really incredible..."

"Hey, the gap between people is so envious..."

"But, how did I hear that this year's SS Level Transcendent Level genius freshman is a female!"

"Uh... then I don't know..."

Everyone in Spider Mountain exchanged the gossip they had heard with each other, and the conversation was lively. They were extremely envious of Qin Yun who had just left.


The low roar spread wantonly in the vast and uninhabited wilderness.

Many wild monsters were alarmed along the way and tried to rush over to attack, but they were left far behind and only deserved to eat the flying dust!

Qin Yun took off his helmet directly, his hair flying, enjoying the strong wind brought by the speed, and he was in a very happy mood.

Although roads cannot be built in wild areas, causing the road conditions to be a bit uneven, which is equivalent to the natural wilderness, the performance of this heavy-duty motorcycle is still able to run very fast and achieve lightning speed!

Except for the steep slope, there are basically no obstacles that can prevent it from moving forward quickly.

Its pair of large front and rear tires have very strong grip. Driven by the powerful engine, it spins and rolls very fast, leaving a clearly visible mark on the dirt!

quick! powerful! Cool!

Qin Yun loved this feeling and enjoyed it very much!

It would be even more perfect if there could be a White Rabbit girl sitting in the back, it would be the pinnacle of life!

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