With one glance, Qin Yun's mood sank.

Because there is no light there, just some materials.

This shows that after completing this difficult level dungeon, not a single piece of equipment was revealed.

"Oh, the explosion rate of equipment is really low!"

Although he had already had psychological expectations, Qin Yun was still a little disappointed, shook his head and sighed.

He walked over, picked up these materials one by one, and threw them into the space backpack.

"Huh? This is..."

Qin Yun looked at the crystal core in his hand. Its bright purple name made him widen his eyes.

Name: Ogre's Core

Type: Material

Grade: Rare

Introduction: The precious crystal core of the ogre is very rare. It contains mysterious energy and can be used to build equipment.

"It's actually a rare quality material?!"

Qin Yun was surprised and happy, and couldn't help but smile.

That's right, the materials released by Warcraft also have levels, which are similar to the levels of equipment, including ordinary, excellent, sophisticated, rare, epic, legendary, and Divine Level!

Their names and colors are also the same, divided into white, green, blue, purple, gold, orange, and red, which are clear at a glance.

The materials Qin Yun obtained from killing monsters and upgrading before were all Low Level materials, all of ordinary white quality. This was the first time he encountered purple materials!

Generally speaking, if you want to build a piece of equipment of the corresponding grade, you must consume the same material of the corresponding grade as the core.

And this ogre crystal core can obviously be used as such a core to create a rare-grade purple equipment!

I don’t know what type of equipment can be made with it, and whether it is suitable for my own use?

Qin Yun is not a professional, so he really doesn't know about it.

Is it the core material of the Level 20 set?

Well, after returning to the main city of Tianhai, you can check online and you should be able to find out.

You can even check its copy explosion rate and the specific market price!

However, a rare-grade material must be worth at least tens of thousands of dollars, right?

Qin Yun thought of the prices of the Level 20 purple equipment he saw in the store in the main city not long ago, and gave it a slight estimate in his mind.

"Anyway, this trip is definitely profitable!"

He thought happily, admiring it for a while before reluctantly taking it back into his space backpack.

In addition to this purple-quality crystal core, the other materials are also good, including two green-quality 'Ogre's Tough Leather' and a green-quality 'Ogre's Tooth' , as well as several pieces of ordinary quality 'Ogre's Mace Fragments'.

Overall, what was revealed this time is quite good!

Qin Yun put them all away, feeling very good, and then chose to exit the copy.

With a flash of light, he appeared in front of the entrance to the copy again.

"The difficult level dungeon is indeed relatively easy for me. It's not too difficult. Next, do you want to challenge the nightmare level?"

Looking at the starlight gate in front of him, Qin Yun touched his chin, eager to try.

He still has two dungeon tickets in his bag, which is just enough to complete the number of dungeons today.

The higher the difficulty, the higher the equipment explosion rate.

Rather than materials, he wanted to get equipment that suited him more.

"Sister Chen, look, that guy is out!"

At this moment, someone not far away happened to spot Qin Yun's figure and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What? He came out? Not dead?"

Another pleasant female voice sounded next, seemingly very surprised.

Qin Yun turned around and saw that it was indeed the mature lady named Sister Chen. She and several teammates were looking here with a somewhat surprised expression.

However, he didn't intend to ignore them and took out a ticket directly from his backpack.

"Huh, it must be that after he entered, he found that he couldn't defeat the monsters in the dungeon, and he didn't want to waste the resurrection badge, so he took the initiative to quit the dungeon, right?"

The sword and shield warrior named Cheng Gang frowned, seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but smile scornfully: "Young people today are overconfident and think they can defeat anything. They even dare to enter the dungeon alone. , now you know how much you weigh, right?"

Qin Yun was so handsome and seemed to be favored by Sister Chen. Cheng Gang was very jealous and disliked him no matter how he looked at him. Whenever he got the chance, he wanted to step on him and gain some sense of superiority.

Huh, just a pretty boy!

You dare to go in and play a difficult level dungeon when you are only Level 20? Go ahead and dream!

You're lucky if you don't die inside!

I thought you were some kind of rich person. You took the initiative to enter the dungeon and were killed by monsters. You wasted a resurrection badge to quickly return to the city. Unexpectedly, you finally exited the dungeon obediently...

Hahaha, you must be frightened by the monster attributes of the difficult level dungeon, and you don’t even dare to take action, right?

After staying inside for a few minutes, I had to give up, give in, and exit the copy!

Cheng Gang thought he had seen through the truth of the matter and looked at Qin Yun with disdain.

"Cheng Gang, how can you talk like this!"

The mature lady turned back and glared at him, a little angry.

She still has a good impression of Qin Yun. She feels that his temperament is very special. Although his current level is not high, he has the potential to become a master!

"How about I invite him to join the team and play difficult level dungeons with us? Give it a try?"

She looked at the other two, wanting to discuss it with them.

After all, they have been waiting here for a while, but they still haven't found a suitable output profession to serve as a temporary teammate. Maybe Qin Yun can really do it?

But the two of them were a little hesitant and did not speak.


Seeing this, the mature lady could only sigh.

Level 20 does not have a small assassin, and the output is indeed a bit poor. It may be okay to play the normal difficulty dungeon, but it is a bit unsightly to play the hard level dungeon, which will drag down the team.

She could still guess what her teammates were thinking, so she didn't force herself any further.

The mature lady shook her head and looked in the direction of Qin Yun, wanting to smile apologetically at him, but unexpectedly, she didn't see him at all.

"Damn it, that guy went in again!"

Cheng Gang's eyes widened, his expression a little unbelievable.

"Moreover, this time he entered...actually...the nightmare level!"

The female teammate also looked surprised and her tone trembled slightly.

Just now, she clearly saw the vortex of the Star Light Gate emitting a terrifying red light that represented the difficulty of nightmares!

That is a level of difficulty that their team has not dared to challenge so far!

"What did you say?!"

The mature lady was shocked. She looked at the whirlpool of stars that was gradually dimming in disbelief, her red lips slightly opened.

You just exited the difficulty level dungeon and immediately entered the nightmare level?

Could it be that...he...

"Could he have cleared the difficult level dungeon just now?"

The female teammate screamed in disbelief, her eyes widened, and she immediately thought of this possibility.

How many minutes has it been? That is a difficult level copy!

Moreover, he is only one person!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Cheng Gang yelled loudly, unwilling to believe that such a thing would happen.

If Qin Yun really cleared the difficult level dungeon, what do those words he just said count, are they a self-humiliating clown?

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