"Hello, handsome boy!"

The mature lady walked over with a smile on her face, followed by her three teammates, and took the initiative to greet Qin Yun.


Qin Yun turned to look at them with doubts in his eyes.

He didn't know why these people who gave up inviting him to form a team came to talk to him again?

"We are freshmen at Tianhai University... no, we will be sophomores soon!"

The mature sister blinked and introduced herself: "My name is Chen Tong, I am a priest. These are my teammates. They..."

"Is there a problem?"

Qin Yun interrupted her directly and asked.

He still remembered the disdainful attitude her three teammates had towards him not long ago. Although he didn't care, he didn't like it either and was too lazy to talk to them.


Chen Tong obviously saw his attitude, and his expression became a little embarrassed.

After all, the three teammates' previous dislike of Qin Yun was too obvious, and she didn't know how to restore it.

"Excuse me, were you playing a nightmare difficulty dungeon just now?"

The female teammate named Xiaoqiu stepped forward and wanted to clear up the doubts in her heart: "The leather armor you are wearing was just released in the dungeon, right? Did you really clear the dungeon by yourself?"


Qin Yun glanced at her, nodded, and said only one word.

"It's really true..."

Suddenly, several people were in disbelief.

This guy who claims to be only Level 20 and hasn’t played a single level yet actually cleared the Nightmare difficulty dungeon? How is this possible? !

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The sword and shield warrior named Cheng Gang shook his head violently, unwilling to believe that such a thing would happen: "Didn't you say that you are only Level 20? How can you clear the nightmare difficulty dungeon without even a single turn?" ?I do not believe……"

"Then how do you explain the ogre leather armor he is wearing? You can tell at a glance that it was just exploded..."

The female teammate named Xiaoqiu didn't want to believe it either, but the facts were right in front of her and she couldn't tolerate disbelief.

"Then he must be more than Level 20!"

Cheng Gang still insisted on his idea and turned to look at Qin Yun: "You were deliberately lying to us before, right? You are definitely not Level 20, but..."

"...Ah, yes, actually, I am already Level 40. I just made a bet with others and accidentally lost all my equipment, so...now I am back to play the Low Level dungeon..."

Qin Yun spread his hands and said helplessly: "If this explanation can make you feel better, then you can just think of it like this."

After saying that, he turned around and left, too lazy to pay attention to these people anymore.

He himself also knew very well that his output was so abnormal that no one would believe that a Level 20 rookie who had never even made a single turn could be able to clear a Level 20 dungeon of Nightmare difficulty alone. I don’t believe it.

Therefore, he simply followed the other party's words and made up a random reason, regardless of whether the other party believed it or not.


Looking at his leaving figure, the mature lady named Chen Tong hesitated to speak. Her eyes were obviously suspicious.

The female teammate named Xiaoqiu was a little doubtful and had a confused expression.

A certain male teammate standing next to her did the same thing, but he couldn't find a more reasonable explanation and looked confused.

"it is as expected!"

But Cheng Gang, the sword and shield warrior, slapped his thigh and showed a real expression.

Rather than believing that Qin Yun is a master, he is more willing to believe that he is a liar, deliberately pretending to be cute and deceiving them!

"Look, am I right? He is obviously a very high level, but he pretends to be a Level 20 novice. He must have bad intentions!"

His tone became proud and he looked at Chen Tong, as if to remind her to pay attention.


The three teammates looked at him like a fool and wanted to cover their faces to express that they didn't know him.


In the end, Chen Tong shook her head. She did not believe Qin Yun's reasons just now. Instead, she vaguely felt that what he told her at the beginning was true.

But in any case, the other party obviously didn't have a good impression of her team, so that's why they had such an attitude.

There was once an opportunity to meet a big boss in front of her, but she didn't cherish it, and she regretted it until she lost it...

If she could do it all over again, she would just ask: Boss, are you still missing a pendant on your thigh?

Even if you just take them to clear dungeons a few times, that’s fine!嘤嘤嘤……

The boss who could clear the nightmare difficulty alone just missed them!

It's a pity that if you miss it, you miss it.

Qin Yun didn't care about such trivial matters. After returning to the main city of Tianhai, he immediately returned home and investigated specific information online.

The first thing he searched for was the rare-quality 'Ogre's Crystal Core', wanting to know its function.

Soon, the search results came out.

"It's actually the main material for making jewelry?"

Qin Yun was a little surprised and took out the crystal core from his space backpack: "I'm making a lot of money now!"

It turns out that this ogre's crystal core is very precious and can be used to create a pendant. It is said to be the best piece of jewelry equipment for Level 20 career changers--the ogre's bloodthirsty pendant!

Its market price is as high as 150,000 to 200,000!

It cannot be exploded directly from the copy, and can only be produced through life occupation crafting.

And the crystal core of this ogre is its core main material!

Qin Yun checked its dungeon explosion rate, and found that the probability was only 0.01%, which was very low. Most career changers had never seen what it looked like even after playing dungeons for a lifetime.

Therefore, even if it is only used as the main material to create Level 20 accessories, the price is not low. It can often be sold for about 100,000 yuan, and it is still priceless!

You must know that a Level 20 purple rare quality accessory may not be available even to level 60 second-level career changers, but it is much more difficult to obtain than armor, and most of it depends on luck.

If you're not lucky, if you don't have it, you don't have it, unless you spend a lot of money to buy it.

However, career changers with insufficient financial strength generally cannot afford it. Even if they save enough money, they often choose to buy better weapons, because this is more cost-effective and will improve themselves more. Accessories are their last resort. Something that will be considered.

Only rich job-changers who don't care about money will spend a lot of money and install the best accessories.

And the ogre's bloodthirsty pendant is obviously such a luxury item!

"This thing is actually worth 100,000 yuan?"

Looking at the crystal clear core in his hand, Qin Yun was a little unbelievable.

He didn't expect that the items he discovered in the difficulty level dungeon were actually more valuable than the two pieces of equipment discovered in the nightmare difficulty level!

"Sell it?"

Qin Yun hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head: "No, let's forget it."

It is most appropriate to make it into an accessory equipment first, use it for a period of time, and then replace it and sell it when you get a better one later!

Qin Yun's eyes flickered, and soon he made a decision.

He looked at the various materials needed to make jewelry and found that there were still a few missing, but they could all be obtained from the dungeon of the Ogre's Lair, which made his idea even stronger.

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