When he came to the canteen, Qin Yun ordered a meal.

Then, seeing Amelia Su who was at a loss with an empty dinner plate, he sighed and helped her get another helping.

He led her to an empty table where there was no one around, where she could feel at ease, and the two of them sat down.

"Come, eat!"

Qin Yun said to her with a smile, and then began to work hard.

As if being affected by his arrogant eating style, Amelia Su finally moved her chopsticks and dared to eat in small bites in front of him.

The meal Qin Yun brought her was full and generous!

Because just from his appearance, he could tell that Amelia Su had not had a good life before, looking like a malnourished bean sprout.

At this time, Qin Yun could understand what the little fat man Liu Haoran said at that time. The soldiers in the front row should indeed have a thick and strong body, so as to give his teammates a sufficient sense of security.

If you don’t believe it, look at the socially fearful girl in front of you. Do you dare to let her fight monsters in front of you?

You will subconsciously worry that she will be crushed by a monster's fist and then rush in front of you!

Although Qin Yun knows very well that appearance cannot be used to judge the strength of a job changer, because whether the person is strong or not is only related to the attribute panel of the job changer.

But, with just one bean sprout, who shouldn’t be worried after seeing it?

Anyone would subconsciously want to protect her behind them instead of letting her stand in front of them. This is purely because her appearance is too weak!

What's more serious than her appearance is her sociophobic character.

Qin Yun could tell that she had very low self-esteem, she didn't dare to look at others, and she spoke very quietly, looking like a doormat who could be bullied by anyone.

Such a person has actually awakened the SS Level Talent, and he is also a shield knight with a defense system that resists monsters in the front. I can only say that that bitch of the goddess of destiny likes to play with people too much!

While Qin Yun was eating, he was complaining in his heart and thinking frantically about how to solve this problem.

Since the dean has said it, let him and Amelia Su get to know each other and get to know each other.

That was actually a hint to him that he could try to form a team with her and join forces. He was very optimistic about the development of the two of them.

After all, her Talent is SS Level and has great potential!

Qin Yun was also a little excited. Although this SS Level was a bit beyond his expectation, it could still be saved.

You know, in the eyes of others, he is an S Level Talent plus a Transcendent Level genius with a hidden combat profession. He has the best results in this assessment and is a well-deserved No. 1 pick in the country!

But Amelia Su is SS Level Talent, no worse than him, and even has greater potential. There is no doubt that she is the number one Talent!

As a hidden SSS Level Talent, Qin Yun must challenge the Mysterious Tower in the future, but he will definitely not go alone. He needs to find a few teammates who can help him, and Amelia Su in front of him is very suitable.

A defense system that can resist damage from the front and attract the hatred of the BOSS, so that he can safely output as much as he likes and become more violent!

Qin Yun analyzed the pros and cons while eating, and finally made a decision.

After finishing the meal, he started talking to Amelia Su and getting closer.

How to quickly get closer to a stranger?

Moreover, this person is a girl with low self-esteem and social fear?

Of course, it’s about finding common ground between the two parties and letting them resonate with each other!

When Qin Yun learned that Amelia Su's high school grades were not good, he immediately laughed, but not at her, but at himself---

"Don't look at me like this, I'm a bad student too!"

Qin Yun pointed at himself and joked: "Before the awakening and career transfer ceremony, I was just a scumbag with average grades. No one paid much attention to me. I won't be called a Transcendent Level genius freshman like I am now!"


Sure enough, Amelia Su was very surprised, and her eyes that had been dodging focused on him for the first time.

"Why, don't you believe it? I'm telling you..."

Next, with Qin Yun's speaking skills and deliberate guidance, he soon had a deeper understanding of Amelia Su.

It turns out that she was born in a small main city, her family was very poor, her parents were both Low Level Talent professionals, and she had a younger brother at home.

The younger brother is very favored. Whatever good things his parents have, they will give it to him, but Amelia Su is always ignored intentionally or unintentionally.

Her parents seemed to regard her brother as their only hope and did not pay attention to her at all.

This made her develop a character of low self-esteem since she was a child. Obviously before her brother was born, she was still very lively and loved to laugh.

In school, Amelia Su is also an unknown and marginalized person, and no one pays attention to her.

Although she was not bullied, she had no friends and was always alone.

If the classmates in the same class were asked, they would just say "oh" and say that there seems to be such a person in the class, and his sense of existence is very low.

Until the day of the awakening and job transfer ceremony, Su Xiaoyu awakened SS Level Talent and became a blockbuster!

In a small main city, in an ordinary school where no S Level Talent appeared in previous years, a Transcendent Level Talent of SS Level Talent suddenly appeared!

This made Amelia Su instantly become the center of attention and became the focus of everyone's attention.

For the first time, her parents cared about her, asking for her well-being and smiling so hard that they couldn't see her teeth.

But Amelia Su was not happy, because she knew that her parents' smiles were not because they cared about her as a person, but because of the honor and money that her awakened SS Level Talent brought.

The school also paid attention to her, and even the city lord came to see her in person and praised her.

The old principal personally protected her and allowed four A-level talent transfers to form a team with her to fight monsters and level up to ensure that she would not fall behind in level.

Because she is a Holy Shield Knight, her defense ability is strong, but her output ability is not excellent. If she is allowed to fight monsters alone and upgrade, it will be very slow.

But if she is allowed to fight monsters in the front, so that the output professions in the back row can safely output, the efficiency will be very high!

The school will not let this rare good seedling grow bad, so it will take good care of it.

In this way, with support from all aspects, she finally reached Level 18 before the exam came!

It directly broke the best record in the history of that school in that main city!

The head of admissions at Kyoto University took the initiative to contact her and offered various favorable conditions to recruit her.

Together with the four A-level Talent students, they also benefited from the honor and were admitted to Kyoto University. It can be said that one person has achieved enlightenment and the chicken and the dog have ascended to heaven!

But none of this changed her character. She was still the timid girl with low self-esteem and fear of looking into people's eyes.

After knowing these things, Qin Yun was also very emotional and didn't know how to comfort her.

He knew why the dean didn't let her speak. It wasn't because he was discriminating against her, but because he was really afraid that she would faint on stage!

"Don't worry, when the time comes you come on stage with me and watch my performance!"

Qin Yun sent her back to the dormitory downstairs. Before leaving, he encouraged her in this way, hoping that she would have the courage to stand on the stage bravely.

His confident tone of assurance as he patted his chest made Amelia Su seem to relax a little. She lowered her head and hummed, then turned and walked into the door of the dormitory building.

"It's past six o'clock."

Qin Yun took out his mobile phone and looked at the time, then walked quickly towards his dormitory: "There is only more than an hour left, I have to sort out the speech first!"

Fortunately, the dean was very kind and gave him a few reference examples, otherwise he would have been a bit blind.

After hurriedly returning to the dormitory, Qin Yun responded to his roommate's curiosity and began to rush forward with the manuscript.

After Qian Duoduo and the others found out, they didn't bother him and let him do his work in peace.

Finally, before eight o'clock, Qin Yun finally got out the speech. Without enough time to refine it and confirm that there were no typos, he and Qian Duoduo hurriedly left the dormitory and rushed to the auditorium.

When they arrived, a counselor named Cao was relieved. The welcome party for freshmen was about to begin.

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