Soon, Qin Yun encountered a team.

However, he didn't want to conflict with the other party, so he left invisible.

The five-man team also recognized his identity, and thought he was trying to stealth and attack. They were alert for a while, and finally found out that he had actually left, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Because they are all freshmen contestants of A-level Talent, they are very afraid of Qin Yun, the national champion, and do not want to provoke him at all, even if he is just one person!

Who doesn't know the instant explosive power of assassins?

If he gets caught, even if they can kill him, at least one or two members of their team will have to be replaced, which is not worth it!

If there were attrition in the team, the points gained from defeating monsters and rankings would definitely be affected, and they didn't want to cause any problems.

If you want to target talented seed players, you still need more people to unite to effectively target them. It is better for individual teams to be careful.

In the early stages of the battle for Secret Realm, everyone was very sensible and knew what was most important now.

Only Li Lei, who has a personal grudge against Qin Yun, would be so impulsive and commit suicide as soon as he gets started!

In the Late Stage, the points are gradually spread out, and those contestants who are lagging behind find that they can't catch up, so they start to join forces to make trouble. That's when the competition becomes most intense!

"Hey, it's actually an Elite Level monster?"

Qin Yun suddenly saw a particularly large wild monster, almost two or three times larger than ordinary wild monsters, and very conspicuous.

He threw a detection scroll over and found that it turned out to be a Level 28 elite monster!

Without hesitation, he stabbed him in the back and killed him instantly.

In an instant, he obtained 280 points, and his points ranking jumped by more than 30 places. He successfully entered the top 100 and is now ranked 86th.

Yes, of course the new contestants in Secret Realm can also see the changes in real-time rankings, instead of just immersing themselves in grinding monsters. Otherwise, where will the pressure and motivation come from?

While they are working hard to farm monsters and gain points, they are also paying attention to changes in their rankings, especially those at the top, and do not want to be pushed too far away.

Moreover, as everyone continues to move towards the center of the Secret Realm, it is inevitable that the probability of them encountering each other is increasing.

If you can maintain restraint, that's great, everyone is safe.

But there were also conflicts between the two sides, mostly to grab monsters, and eventually turned into a fight, with real swords and guns, and real fire.

Generally, under such circumstances, losses and attrition will inevitably occur, which will have an impact on the team.

Since the battle for Secret Realm has begun, the team has been fixed and cannot be changed, and no one else can be invited to join the team. Therefore, once attrition occurs, the impact on the team will be serious, and the efficiency of killing monsters and earning points will be significantly reduced.

Most of them are actually freshmen contestants with good talents, because they are often more confident in their own strength. Once they conflict with others, they often refuse to give in and will fight to the end for the sake of face, but suffer a big loss.

Qin Yun saw several group fights, but he did not intervene and sneaked past.

They are all his competitors anyway, so it’s none of his business to try to fool them. It’s good if he doesn’t secretly do anything!

"How dare you sneak up on your Mr. Qian? You're looking for death!"

Suddenly, Qin Yun heard a familiar voice. He blinked and rushed towards the source of the sound.

Soon, he saw the owner of the voice, it was Qian Duoduo!

He was fighting with someone and was screaming with anger!

An archer seemed to have his eyes on him, and he fired wildly at him. If he hadn't put on a mana shield in time, he might have been hit by several arrows.

Even so, his mana shield is also shaky and about to be broken.

"Eat my big fireball!"

Qian Duoduo made a big fireball and threw it at the archer, but he rolled and dodged it nimbly.

The opponent fired another arrow, finally breaking through his mana shield.

Qian Duoduo was suddenly in danger, but his teammates were all entangled.

"Whirlwind Slash!"

Seeing this, Meng Chao became anxious and used his Awakening Talent skill. He waved the wheeled ax in his hand, spinning as fast as a windmill. He struck down the ax head hard, trying to force the enemy sword warrior in front of him to retreat. Go back to support.

But the other party resisted, preferring to trade injuries with him rather than give in, and sneered at him.

Their priest gave him a sip of milk, and most of his lost blood volume suddenly recovered, but Meng Chao's blood volume continued to decrease.

Because the priest girl on his side had no time to take care of herself and was running for her life, and the two outputs on both sides of the enemy and ours were trying to protect and hunt down, and it became a mess.

The two tank tanks not far away were also in a stalemate. You mocked me, I mocked you. They were both turtle shells. Neither could cut the other, nor could they get away.

When Qin Yun arrived, he saw this scene.

"Dare you touch my brother?"

He immediately became angry and ran over without even using his invisibility skills.

"Boss Qin, help! They not only steal our monsters! They also want to kill us!"

When Qian Duoduo saw him, he was overjoyed, shouted for help, and condemned the other party's shamelessness.

If he hadn't been well equipped, he would have been shot to death by the archers on the opposite side!

"Qin Yun?"

The expressions of several members of the enemy team changed slightly.

"I advise you to mind your own business!"

The archer seemed to be the leader of the team. He glared at Qin Yun, warned, and shot another arrow at Qian Duoduo.

He is an S Level Talent, so he is not afraid of Qin Yun. If he meets him at other times, he might even attack Qin Yun, but now he is worried that he will disrupt the situation.

You know, in addition to him, there are two S Level Talents in their team. They are very powerful and are not afraid of Qin Yun, who is also S Level!

As long as they spend a little more time, they can completely defeat the Qian Duoduo team!

"I advise you not to advise me!"

Qin Yun flashed and came behind the archer, and then used a Level 15 general skill - tearing and cutting!

If nothing else, this move seems to be the most painful!


The damage amounted to more than 40,000, and the archer whose expression changed drastically was instantly killed on the spot, and he could no longer say a word.


The sudden death of the archer instantly shocked the others.

They never expected that Qin Yun could actually kill his captain with one move. It was so terrifying!

"Boss Qin is mighty! Boss Qin is domineering!"

Qian Duoduo immediately cheered and shouted with great excitement.

"Hahaha, your doom has come!"

When Meng Chao saw this, he didn't worry anymore. He wielded the ax in both hands and slashed at the opponent, one axe, two axes, three axes, very rhythmically!

Qian Duoduo and his teammates were also overjoyed and struggled even harder with their opponents.

"Retreat temporarily!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the sword and shield warrior on the other side knocked Qian Duoduo's shield warrior unconscious with one move. He controlled him for a few seconds and began to shout the order to retreat.

But how could Qian Duoduo be willing to let them go, so he raised his hand and threw a big fireball at him.

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