superior? Still not going?

Qin Yun felt a little hesitant. This was the first time he encountered a situation where he couldn't see the monster's attributes, so he was a little unsure.

There is still more than an hour left, less than half the time, before the battle for Secret Realm ends.

If he can win this leader-level BOSS, he will get 4,000 points. He will basically win for sure, and the championship will definitely be his.

But if you accidentally overturn your car, other teams may get the points and overtake you to win the championship!

After carefully weighing these two possibilities, Qin Yun took a deep breath and decided to play it safe first.

He turned around and exited the altar, walked down the stairs, and stared at the skeleton monster wandering nearby.

Since it's not stable enough, let's let our points lead others by at least 5,000 points!

As long as we kill all the skeleton monsters in the center of Secret Realm, that should be enough.

He is now more than 2,700 points ahead of the second place, still more than 2,000 points behind.

The skeleton monsters here are around Level 35. In other words, killing about seventy more will be enough.

And when he fought all the way towards the altar just now, he only eliminated hundreds of skeleton monsters, less than half of their total number.

As long as you kill all the remaining skeleton monsters, your points will be unparalleled and firmly at the top of the list!

"Okay, let's do it!"

It was about the ownership of a piece of Legendary Level equipment, and Qin Yun didn't want to be careless and regret it in the end.

There is no denying that his output damage is really fierce!

But his body is actually only 50% damage reduction, which is still a bit unsatisfactory.

Qin Yun was very calm and did not let the upcoming victory go to his head. He still remembered that his biggest goal this time was to win the Secret Realm championship, not to compete with a leader-level BOSS!

"He's hesitating!"

Seeing Qin Yun in the projection standing in front of the entrance to the altar without going in immediately, Jiang Yue could certainly see his hesitation and couldn't help but curve his mouth slightly, looking forward to what decision he would make.

If he maintains high damage output and rushes in to challenge the Secret Realm BOSS without hesitation, then of course he deserves to be praised for his courage!

But this is the behavior of a reckless man, a bit reckless of the consequences.

Although he is currently leading in points, there is still a possibility of being surpassed. If he rushes in without taking this into consideration, it means that he is not calm enough and cannot analyze his situation.

If this is the case, then her evaluation of him will be much lower.

Because sooner or later, you will be in trouble, otherwise, especially in a place like the Mysterious Tower where there is no way to resurrect, you have to be careful!

Jiang Yue couldn't help but laugh when he saw Qin Yun turn around and walk off the altar, running to kill those skeleton monsters.

This is what she wants to see, the qualities that an excellent career changer should possess!

"He is really suitable to join our guild!"

She looked at Xiao Yu'er, her eyes full of appreciation.

"Then he has to be willing..."

Xiao Yu'er said expressionlessly, pouring a handful of cold water on her to cool her down.

Probably because she is worried that the greater her expectations, the greater her disappointment.

"He'll agree!"

Jiang Yue nodded, seeming very confident.

"Okay, all cleaned up!"

After spending some time, Qin Yun finally cleaned up all the skeleton monsters near the center of Secret Realm and harvested some messy materials.

He looked at his points that had soared to more than 8,000 points, which was more than 6,000 points ahead of the second place, and he couldn't be too satisfied.

"Now, even if others want to surpass me, they won't have enough time to find enough wild monsters!"

Except for the Secret Realm center, monsters are not so dense in other places. Even if there are enough, they are scattered, and they do not have enough time to hunt them down.

Well, the championship is secured!

Qin Yun was convinced of this fact and felt relieved.

Even if he quits Secret Realm now, he will still be number one!

"Uh... If that's the case, then... there seems to be no need to fight the Necromancer, right?"

He scratched his head and muttered to himself.

Then why has he been busy for so long?

A showdown with the Secret Realm boss BOSS?

"Forget it, that's it anyway, let's go and challenge it!"

Qin Yun looked at the altar again, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

He wanted to see how powerful this Secret Realm BOSS was, with all question marks on its attribute panel.

Climbing the long staircase, Qin Yun came to the entrance of the altar again. This time, he stepped in resolutely.


A biting cold wind suddenly hit his face.

The blue flame in the eyes of the necromancer who was sitting high on the throne suddenly brightened!

It was alarmed by the intruder and slowly stood up from the throne. The terrifying aura spread toward Qin Yun.

Well, it looks like a big BOSS!

It slowly raised the skeleton staff in its hand, and the terrifying magic power stirred in the entanglement on it, making a faint scream and wailing sound, as if it was about to release some amazing skills!

Qin Yun also felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy and did not dare to look down upon him.

The reason why he did not activate invisibility and use the Level 25 general skill 'Sap' to control it is because the boss-level BOSS has a hegemonic body. Before being defeated, he is basically immune to most controls except taunting, among which is Including coma.

His eyes narrowed, and he immediately activated his Talent skill Delusion-breaking Eye, marking its weakness.

Then, he struck first, and with a flash, he came in front of the Necromancer---

Tear and cut!

Qin Yun activated his Level 15 general skill, and his dagger suddenly crossed and swung, landing on the necromancer's body.

The next second, he didn't look at the damage value at all. He stabbed it in the back and teleported behind it.

The dagger in his hand penetrated deeply into the Necromancer's back!



Two consecutive terrifying damage values ​​​​floated from the head of the necromancer, almost in no particular order.

One didn't hit the weak point, and the other hit accurately, which is the critical damage in red and bold!

Just when Qin Yun wanted to continue to attack, he found the necromancer wailing and died suddenly on the spot!

"Uh... it actually took a second?"

He didn't even know whether it was the first move that came out instantly or the second move that came out instantly, and he stopped moving for a moment.

Fortunately, he planned to throw all his skills at it to maximize the damage!

"Is this BOSS not as powerful as I thought?"

He couldn't help but feel dazed as he watched the Necromancer's body spontaneously combust, with blue flames emitting from his body, and finally turned into a pile of ashes, leaving only a ball of rags and the skeleton staff.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling purple light lit up on the spot!

"Eh? The equipment actually exploded?!"

Qin Yun screamed in surprise, and he immediately walked over and picked up the things.

He had swiped so many skeleton monsters, and all that came out were ordinary materials. This was the first time he saw light, and it was also purple light, so he couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised.

Could it be that the BOSS's skeleton staff exploded?

Just as he was about to check the space backpack, there was suddenly a loud noise outside...

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