On the other side, our Ling University beauty, Ling Xueer, has also returned home.

With a sulky expression on her face, she walked into the luxurious city lord's mansion. The air pressure in her body was so low that the maids were so frightened that they did not dare to say hello to her.

Yes, her family background is not ordinary, she is the daughter of the city lord!

"What's wrong, my good daughter?"

During lunch, Ling Yi, the city lord of the main city of Tianhai, glanced at her strangely and asked doubtfully: "I heard that you have awakened your S Level Talent, and you also have a hidden combat profession, Frost Mage! "

When the transfer ceremony was over, the old principal of the school specially called to congratulate him. Therefore, the city lord had already known the good news and was waiting for her to take the initiative to show off.

But after waiting and waiting, his daughter always kept silent about it, so he could only take the initiative to bring up the topic.


Ling Xueer glanced at her father, feeling depressed and lowering her head to eat.

"Hey, who made my good daughter angry?"

Seeing this, the city lord couldn't help but frowned, a little helpless and a little funny.

This doesn't look like he has awakened his S Level Talent. Instead, he looks like he has changed his career, with an unhappy expression on his face!

He knows how proud this daughter is!

Normally, she would have held her head high! Where would it be now?

What happened?

"...There is another person in our school who has awakened S Level Talent and Hidden Combat Profession,"

Ling Xueer took a few mouthfuls of white rice and had no appetite to pick up the food. She said in a dull tone: "I wanted to form a team with him to level up, but... he rejected my invitation!"


The Lord of the City was a little surprised. He knew how attractive his daughter was. She was very charming and had many suitors. How could anyone refuse her invitation?

That's so surprising!

"……I'm stuffed."

Ling Xueer didn't want to say any more, threw down the bowls and chopsticks, got up and went back to the room alone.

"Is there a hidden combat profession for S Level Talent?"

The Lord City Lord touched his chin, feeling a little curious. He waved to the housekeeper and gave a few instructions in a low voice.

Not long after, his butler sent him a list of personnel and awakening information for this year's job transfer ceremony in the main city of Tianhai.

"Qin Yun...S Level Talent, Shadow Assassin?"

Seeing the name on the document, the city lord raised his eyebrows and smiled with interest: "Oh, his father is still a member of our city defense army... interesting!"

Moreover, his mother Liu Qin also works in the logistics department, which is quite a fate!

The son of these two people? Qin Yun...

S Level Talent, Shadow Assassin, the qualifications are very good, what a talent!

Maybe he might not be able to become a level 100 powerhouse in the future, which would be quite good.

Well, do you want to help your daughter?

The Lord City Lord touched his chin and thought to himself.

Ling Xueer didn't know what crooked thoughts her father was having. She returned to her room, lay back, and fell on the soft bed, forming a human shape.

She was in a very irritable mood and couldn't understand why Qin Yun, who had always been very kind to her, would reject her proposal?

Ding ding ding!

She opened the chat group and found that there were a lot of notifications for new messages in the newly created group chat.

Well, she just joined it not long ago. After the job transfer ceremony, the school official proposed that this year's class of more than 300 combat professional students formed a chat group together, and it was very lively!

Ling Xueer casually looked through the chat history, but found it uninteresting. They were all strangers greeting each other.

Suddenly, a message caught her attention.

That was her classmate and monitor of Class 1, Grade 3, Li Lei. He was showing off his A-level talent and career in the group, and was openly recruiting teammates to fight monsters and upgrade together. The conditions required were at least A-level, and female students were given priority. !

Those who are beautiful and have a good figure will be given priority!

Talent with good skills will be given priority!

Space is limited, first come first served!

You know, there seem to be only a dozen students in this year's class who have awakened the A-level Talent combat profession, and there are not many girls among them, only five or six.

There are more wolves and less meat, how can you succeed?

The group suddenly became noisy and argued with each other.

Even those whose talent level is lower than A level have all participated in the game, fishing in troubled waters, or scolding Li Lei for not being a son of a man, or recruiting teammates with the same talent as themselves to prepare for tomorrow's monster hunting and upgrade outside the city. .

Ling Xueer couldn't help but pursed her lips, feeling unhappy in her heart.

Hehe, I wanted to invite her to form a team not long ago, but in the end, I turned around and wanted to invite other girls to form a team to upgrade?

Humph, men are all big pig hooves!

Although she didn't have any thoughts about Li Lei, the other party's behavior still made her a little unhappy, as if she had been betrayed, and she felt even more unhappy.


While she was bored, Ling Xueer's attention was attracted by the news of another person. It was someone who was having a passionate exchange with Li Lei!

Well, that's right, the person who Li Lei didn't deal with was none other than Qin Yun's deskmate and best friend, the fat little Liu Haoran!

Since Qin Yun and Li Lei are both secretly in love with Ling Xueer, they are both suitors and have a competitive relationship, so the two sides will naturally dislike each other. For this reason, the little fat Liu Haoran often helps his brother to stand up for Li Lei. The relationship has always been poor.

Because Li Lei was openly recruiting female teammates in the group chat, the little fat man started talking in the group, making some sarcastic remarks, and then started scolding him!

The little fat man mocked Li Lei because his face was full of pimples and looked like a toad. He wanted to eat swan meat, but found that he couldn't eat it, so he planned to find some female toads.

Seeing that he dared to ruin his good deeds, Li Lei almost exploded with anger, and immediately started scolding him. In and out of his words, he despised the little fat guy who was just a B-level talent, and he dared to find trouble for himself!

Li Lei wildly mocked the little fat man as a stupid pig. He might not be able to advance to Level 10 in the next month, and he wouldn't even be able to get into a second-rate university. No one wants him at all! In the end, I can only go to a third-rate university!

This map cannon annoyed many students below B-level Talent. After all, there are many people with low Talent levels in the group chat.

More people joined in and scolded him, but Li Lei didn't care at all. He even bluntly said that these people are garbage. Sooner or later, they will get stuck at the threshold of first and second rotations. They will have no hope of being promoted to a higher level in their lifetime and can only become job transfers. The lowest level of the people.

The little fat man Liu Haoran took the lead in the charge, mocking Li Lei for not knowing his own capabilities and being arrogant, and became the main force scolding Li Lei!

He scolded Li Lei, a mere A-level person, for how dare he be so arrogant in the group? There are no tigers in the mountains, but the monkey is the king!

He bluntly said that his good brother Qin Yun is an S Level Talent and has a hidden combat profession. He can take him to upgrade together. When the time comes, he will definitely upgrade faster than Li Lei and get into a better university.

But Li Lei mocked the little fat man, saying he was just a waste and a burden, which would only drag down Qin Yun, causing both of them to fail to advance to a higher level. In the end, Qin Yun would go to a rubbish school together, and he might not be as good as an A-level talent...

The two sides started an unprecedented scolding battle, with no one convinced, but in the end, there was strength in numbers. Li Lei was scolded and ran away in the end, and he did not dare to speak in the group chat again.

The little fat man Liu Haoran also fell into silence and stopped talking.

Ling Xueer, who had been watching the whole scolding battle, suddenly felt something in her heart and felt that she had discovered the truth of the matter.

She hurriedly searched in the group chat, and soon found Qin Yun's name. She took a deep breath, initiated a private chat with him, and typed several lines.

"Qin Yun, I know that you have a good relationship with Liu Haoran, and you want to take him to upgrade together, so you rejected my invitation..."

"However, I can agree with you to bring B-level Talent Liu Haoran, and the three of us will fight monsters and level up together!"

"Although this will slow down my upgrade speed, which will be slower than the two of us teaming up, and will affect my results in a month, but I promise you!"

"Tomorrow, let's form a team together!"

Ling Xueer was full of expectations, waiting for the reply from the other side, with a smile on her lips.

She is so considerate, takes the initiative to lower her attitude, and considers the other person. Qin Yun will definitely be very touched!

She believes that Qin Yun will definitely agree happily!

However, there was no reply from the other side, and she waited until the flowers withered.

It wasn't until that night that Qin Yun, who hadn't paid attention to the group chat at all, ended his online search for information, picked up his phone and took a look, only to find her private chat information.


He first asked a question.

Then, he replied immediately---

"Sorry, I refuse."

Ling Xueer, who had been waiting all afternoon, finally saw his reply before going to bed. She was so angry that she almost broke her phone on the spot.

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