Qin Yun couldn't make up his mind for a while, which one should be better?

But now that the decision has been made to choose between the Shengshi Guild and the Tower Demolition Team Guild, the plans to meet with several small and medium-sized guilds that were originally planned can be cancelled.

This suddenly gave him an extra day and a half of free time, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

Download a copy? Fight monsters and upgrade?

No, let’s repay the blood in your wallet first!

He originally only had more than 10,000 yuan left. In the past two days, he had met others for dinner and spent thousands more, so there was not much left.

Taking advantage of the time, he went to sell all the messy materials that he had obtained from defeating monsters in Secret Realm. He packed them up and sold them in a big sale. He probably made less than 10,000 yuan, well, just over 3,000 yuan.

Monster materials above level 20 are indeed more valuable than those below level 20, but not much.

But fortunately, he had another unexpected gain, the Level 40 purple rare quality Necromantic Skeleton Staff that Secret Realm BOSS revealed!

Qin Yun found a weapons store near Kyoto University and took it to inquire about the price.

After careful appraisal, the boss decided to purchase it at a price of 280,000 yuan.

Qin Yun felt that the price was a bit low, because he estimated that Level 40 purple rare quality weapons should generally cost more than 300,000 yuan!

This boss was a bit ruthless. Although it was a recovery price, it lowered his price by tens of thousands of dollars!

Even though Qin Yun asked him to raise the price and pushed him several times, the other party still insisted on not letting go.

Qin Yun thought for a while and decided to forget it and not sell it to him!

But Qin Yun was too lazy to go to other stores. He shouted directly on the campus forum of Kyoto University, put it up for sale, and posted a screenshot of the properties of the Necromancer Skeleton Staff.

Suddenly, a bidding war broke out on the forum, and many sophomores and juniors were very interested in it.

In the end, Qin Yun successfully sold it for 350,000 yuan!

Well, the person who finally bought this undead skeleton staff was a junior mage sister. She was very rich and extremely aristocratic. She threw away 350,000 without blinking an eye!

Rather than this staff, she was more interested in Qin Yun, the handsome boy who won the freshman competition. She took the initiative to ask him to have a meal with him.

Qin Yun politely refused. He saw her evil intention, which was to eat him up!

Although he always complains that he is too poor and wants to find a rich woman to support him, he is just joking and mocking himself and cannot be taken seriously.

Now facing the fiery eyes of the junior senior who was really interested in him, he ran away without daring to respond.

"Not bad, I finally have some money!"

Looking at the balance in his wallet, Qin Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and then decided to start doing what he had wanted to do for a long time, buy, buy, buy!

He ran to the store again and bought two Level 20 purple rare quality daggers, spending all his money.

All of a sudden, I spent nearly 300,000 yuan on the 350,000 yuan I just earned!

There are only 60,000 to 70,000 yuan left. You can earn it quickly and spend it quickly.

However, money is something external to the body. Use it when you need it. Improving your own strength is the most important thing!

Qin Yun did not hesitate at all and was very decisive.

"Come, let me see your transformation!"

He looked at the pale blade in his hand, filled with anticipation.

It has now been upgraded to five stars. If you devour the two purple daggers in front of you, you should be able to advance to a higher level, from rare level to epic level!

Qin Yun took a deep breath and immediately started to take action.

‘Ding, if you detect a target that can be swallowed, do you want to activate the ‘Infinite Evolution’ special effect of the Pale Blade? Please confirm: Yes/No. ’

‘Yes, confirmed! ’

He clicked the confirmation button without hesitation and watched as the purple dagger he had just obtained turned into white light stars, was absorbed by the Pale Blade, and disappeared.

Since it has been upgraded to five stars and is at the threshold of grade promotion, its attributes have not been improved at all.

It’s just that there is an extra word (1/2) after its name.

"Well, very good, swallow it once more and you can complete the advancement!"

Qin Yun's eyes were bright and he couldn't wait to start devouring it next time.

However, just when he was about to use the remaining purple dagger as a material for the Pale Blade to devour, the system prompt that popped up showed a slight difference---

‘Ding, if you detect a target that can be swallowed, do you want to activate the ‘Infinite Evolution’ special effect of the Pale Blade? Please confirm: Yes/No. ’

‘Special reminder, it is detected that the current level of the host is Level 25. After this devouring is completed, the level of the Pale Blade will be promoted to the epic level, and its level requirement will be increased to Level 60. Please operate with caution! ’


Qin Yun, who was about to press the confirmation button, was so frightened that he immediately stopped and almost broke into a cold sweat.

I'll go, what the hell?

After being promoted to the epic level, will the Pale Blade no longer be equipped?

No, this won't work!

Fortunately, there was a systematic reminder in time, otherwise, he almost did a stupid thing!

I originally thought that the Pale Blade was a special soul weapon that could be upgraded at will, so I didn’t need to pay too much attention to these things. I didn’t expect that there would be such a change!

However, if you think about it carefully, the best equipment below Level 60 is purple rare quality.

Well, luckily I didn't have time to stop.

Qin Yun immediately put the pale blade back, not daring to continue to devour it. If he did, he would have no weapons to use.

You know, he only has 60,000 to 70,000 yuan left, and he can't even afford a Level 20 purple dagger. He can only buy a Level 20 blue high-quality one.

In that case, not only will his strength not be improved, but it will be reduced!

The epic Pale Blade can only be left to gather dust in the space backpack, just like the Ring of the Phoenix, which can only be looked at but cannot be used!

"Fortunately, the system is pretty good and it actually reminded me, otherwise it would have been terrible!"

Qin Yun breathed a long sigh of relief and gave a thumbs up to the system that had been diving and not bubbling much.

Don’t look at it pretending to be dead all the time, but at the critical moment, it is really useful!

"In this case, we can only wait until I reach Level 60."

Qin Yun put the Level 20 purple-equipped dagger back into his space backpack, thinking this.

He didn't regret buying it. It would be useful sooner or later anyway, but it would take a while, so it wasn't a waste.

"Well, then, let's go fight monsters, upgrade and clear dungeons!"

After thinking for a while, Qin Yun decided.

There is no way, he is now short of money again and must continue to work hard to make money.

The armors he wears are all mixed blue equipment, not even a suit, and there are two missing accessories, so he has to find a way to make up for them!

If I join a guild, I wonder if I can get better equipment?

Qin Yun touched his chin, a little eager to try.

Just when he was trying to find a way to make money to improve himself, on the other side, Jiang Yue, the president of the Tower Demolition Team Guild, made an appointment with a talented freshman at the Transcendent Level and wanted to invite him to join the guild.

Yes, that person is Amelia Su!

She has been very busy in the past few days and is very popular. Almost all the big guilds want to win her over to join their camp and offer many favorable conditions.

Amelia Su was very hesitant, not knowing which one to choose.

Today, it was the turn of Jiang Yue's tower demolition team guild to send a request for an appointment. They had already invited them enthusiastically several times, and Amelia Su was finally able to take the time to meet and talk with them.

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