"The mysterious tower is related to the fate of every job changer!"

After thinking for a while, Qin Yun spoke slowly, nodded and said, "I know very little about it now, and I haven't even seen it with my own eyes, but I also know its importance."

"It has to do with the level cap bottleneck for job changers. When I reach Level 100 in my fourth job, I will definitely have to take a look!"

He did not hide his intention to break into the mysterious tower, and firmly believed that this was an idea that every job changer would have, and it was natural and nothing surprising.

"Is it?"

Jiang Yue nodded, took a sip of tea, and then continued: "But some people don't think so!"


Qin Yun asked knowingly, pretending to look at her doubtfully.

After the last meeting, he certainly knew that Sun Zhengyang seemed to be very afraid of the mysterious tower and was unwilling to talk about it.

Does she also know about this?

"The Mysterious Tower is very important, far more important than the level limit you just mentioned!"

Jiang Yue's eyes flashed, but she seemed to realize her gaffe, and her eyebrows lowered: "They all know it, but they turn a blind eye and deliberately pretend not to know!"

"More important?"

Qin Yun caught the key words in her words, frowned, and asked.

But she just shook her head and continued talking to herself---

"They all believe that no one except SSS Level can get past the 100th floor!"

"But I know they are just afraid of death!"

"Including Sun Zhengyang, whom we just talked about!"

"Even though he is also an SS Level job transferee, he doesn't want to break into the Mysterious Tower at all to fight for a glimmer of hope for all job transferees, for humanity, and for the world!"

"You said he was very courageous?"

"Perhaps it is true for other things, but it does not include breaking into the mysterious tower!"

"The president of the Shengshi Guild? Ha!"

"If you ask me, he is just a coward and a coward, just like other old guys!"

"They are content with the status quo and don't want to take the risk of changing..."

"They are all already rotten..."

"They were all scared out of their wits!"

"We are obviously at the top of the world, but we are content with the status quo and unwilling to fight and climb to a higher peak!"

"They don't deserve to be called the strongest job changers!"

"A bunch of dry bones in the grave, they don't deserve it!"

Jiang Yue suddenly raised his head and drank all the tea in the cup. A little excitement flashed in his eyes, and he put the tea cup down with a thud, showing the aura of a hero while tasting tea.

"I don't believe it!"

"So, I established the Tower Demolition Team Guild!"

"The purpose is to break through the insurmountable chasm in their eyes!"

"I'm going to prove them all wrong!"

"The 100th floor of the Mysterious Tower is not as scary as they thought!"

"Even if it's just SS Level, you can do it!"

She looked at Qin Yun and said word by word: "This is the purpose of our guild!"

"What they can't do or dare not do, we can do it!"

"Mr. Qin, do you want to be a hero? Or a bear?"

At this moment, Jiang Yue has forgotten everything. Amelia Su and SS Level are no longer important. What she wants is like-minded comrades and partners!

Even if it’s only S Level, so what?

You can still contribute to this goal and contribute your strength!

She sincerely wants to invite Qin Yun to join in and work together to accomplish this great goal!

"Hero... I may have done it once, but the price I paid was very high."

Qin Yun couldn't help but think of his previous life, when he sacrificed his life to save a little girl.

does it worth?

He often thought this and asked himself.

But in that urgent moment, he actually didn't have time to think, so he just did it subconsciously, that's all.

Want to be a hero who saves people? Being praised? Being publicly praised? Get an award? Guangzong Yaozu?

No, it was just because he happened to be standing there, just in that position, just in time to run over, and just able to stretch out his hand and reach the little girl, that's all.

There is no awe-inspiring sense of self-sacrifice for others, no selfless consciousness of risking his life. He just did it based on his instinctive reaction because everything was just right.

But he sacrificed his life and ended up in this strange new world!

In his own opinion, how could he be considered a hero?

"Is this so..."

After hearing his words, Jiang Yue's eyes dimmed a little, seeming a little disappointed.

If he refused, she would not continue to force him.

"But I don't want to be a bear, a coward, or a turtle!"

Seeing the change in Jiang Yue's expression, Qin Yun couldn't help but twitch his lips, changed the subject, and said with a smile.

Indeed, even though the strength of the Tower Demolition Team Guild in all aspects was far inferior to that of the Shengshi Guild, he did prefer this guild in his heart, perhaps because of its weird name?

I fell in love with it at first glance, it fits my aesthetic perfectly!

As a hardcore gamer and a career changer, you should challenge the strongest BOSS, go through the most difficult levels, and get the best rewards!

What about the 100th floor of the Mysterious Tower? Just rush and that’s it!

If you are a man, go to the 100th floor!

This was the first true thought that came to Qin Yun's mind when he read the information about the mysterious tower on the Internet.

"Okay, then on behalf of everyone in the Tower Demolition Team Guild, I welcome Mr. Qin to join us!"

Jiang Yue's eyes suddenly widened, she was overjoyed, and smiled happily. She stood up, walked over, and stretched out her right hand towards him.

"Am I on a pirate ship?"

Qin Yun also stood up and held his right hand with hers.

"Haha, you are the vice president now, you ask me?"

Jiang Yue smiled, if this is a pirate ship, then you are the deputy captain and cannot escape!

"By the way, I want to ask, does our guild still accept people?"

Qin Yun blinked and smiled as well: "I have a few friends who also want to join the guild with me!"


Jiang Yue was a little surprised, but immediately nodded and said: "Of course, you are the vice president now, you can decide for yourself!"

"However, the main purpose of our guild is to conquer the Mysterious Tower. You must make it clear to them first."

She warned with a serious expression: "If they are not afraid of death, then just come!"

For like-minded comrades and partners, the more the better, the more the better.

"Haha, okay, I will remind them seriously!"

Qin Yun smiled and nodded. He really needed to go back and ask Qian Duoduo and the others to let them know the situation clearly. Otherwise, he would have harmed his good brother.

This is no joke, conquering the Mysterious Tower will really be life-threatening!

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