Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 66: That’S Interesting, The Batian Family? Where Did This Husky Come From?

"What a pity. I thought I could get in touch with challengers from other worlds!"

Ye Mo knocked on the cover.

There is no way to get over it now.

When the protective shield disappears, you can go over there and find out.

Not in a hurry.

Just two more days.

"City Lord, do we still need to search around here?"


Time is running out, and Ye Mo is not going to waste it.

Gather the forest elves and go to the coordinates of another gate on the map to find out.

Ye Mo followed the clues on map 29 and quickly found the marked location.

It's really a door.

It is said to be a door, but in fact it is just a lonely door frame.

There is nothing inside.

A mountain of gravel appeared in the desert.

This arched door frame is just above the gravel mountain.

It is ten meters high, ten meters wide, and the door frame is one meter thick.

Stone structure, earthy color.

This is the first time Ye Mo has seen such a large door frame.

"What's the use of this thing?"

Ye Mo said doubtfully.

He walked around the stone gate several times.

He went in and out from under the stone door several times.

But nothing happened.

Is this door just a decoration?

Ye Mo was confused.

I accidentally touched a mysterious character on the door.

All the characters on the entire circular arch lit up.

Show this light blue light.

The prompt of the God Tower World also appeared later.

"Name: Space Portal"

"Resource level: C-level resources"

"Introduction: There are two space portals. You can pass one of them and come out of the other space portal instantly within a range of three thousand kilometers!"

Space portal?

The name sounds like a good thing!

There is definitely no such thing in the real world.

It can travel instantly within a range of 3,000 kilometers.

The significance to the real world is huge!

If he were embodied, wouldn't people want to go to another city and even save the round-trip fare?

nice one!

But what puzzled Ye Mo was.

It is stated above that there are two doors in total.

Where did the other one go?


What about the monsters guarding it?

All resources should not be protected by monsters.

But Ye Mo came here, used Observation Haki and Byakugan, and didn't see any monsters nearby.

Ye Mo was confused.

The space door suddenly lit up.

The originally empty space door flashed white light in the middle.

Five monsters with humanoid and animal bodies came out from inside.

"Name: Tyrant Bat"

"Disaster level: King Tiger level!"

"Name: Decepticon"

"Disaster level: King Tiger level!"

"Name: Tyrant Bear"

"Disaster level: King Tiger level!"

"Name: Tyrant Monkey"

"Disaster level: King Tiger level!"

"Name: Tyrant Lion"

"Disaster level: King Tiger level!"

510 Ye Mo,

Look at this group of monsters that look like bats, bears, tigers, and lions.

Ye Mo was speechless for a while.

Is it possible that the practice of burying loving families is also popular in the world of the God Tower?

This also brought out a Tyrant family.

A group of tiger kings are completely unworthy of the stage.

Ye Mo was about to let the forest elves destroy them.

The door to this space lit up again.

A carried husky rolled out of the door.

Ye Mo,"???"

Ye Mo couldn't help but want to laugh.

The world of the God Tower is magical enough, with monsters that look like huskies.

Also holding a knife.


A husky that carries a knife is no longer a husky?

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