Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 67: Special Ability, Can You Understand Monsters?

Ye Mo stopped the forest elf's actions.

"Can you talk?"

When Ba Tianha saw that the forest elf had stopped moving, he breathed a heavy sigh of relief.


"Of course I can talk. He is a soldier, not a monster!"

"The city lord of Ha is called Tong Yao! He is your fan!"

"Ha, I swear to God, everything Ha said is true!"

Ba Tianha said everything in one breath.

In fact, after Batianha opened his mouth, Ye Mo thought that the husky might be a soldier.

The troop type is Husky?

Ye Mo wants to laugh.

Who is so unlucky to choose Huskies as a soldier?

This thing is famous.

I heard the word Tong Yao.

Ye Mo was relieved.

Not a family, don't enter the same door.

Still a fan?

Black fans.

Ye Mo became very angry when he thought of Tong Yao's words to smear him.

As for this husky...

"They should be 813's special monsters that can speak human language. Let's destroy them all!"

Ye Mo waved his hand.

Out of sight, peace of mind, no worries.

Ba Tianha was so scared that he peed.

"Howl! Howl!"

"Haha really isn't a monster!"

"What an injustice!"

Batianha is still making his final struggle.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask them!"

Batianha pointed at the five monsters.

Ye Mo was speechless, "I don't understand. What can I ask them about?"

"It's easy!" Batianha howled toward the sky, and then said to Ye Mo.


"What's better?" Ye Mo was still confused.

But I heard the monster over there say.

"This challenge is crazy. In front of our Tyrant clan, you still dare to act carelessly."

"It's okay, just wait for him and let him enjoy his last moments! These forest elves look good! Let's get some points later!"

Ye Mo,

He can actually understand what these monsters are saying?

Needless to say, it was the effect of Ha's voice just during the day.

Batianha explained, "This is Summoning ability, Daohat has the skill!"

"It's not that you understand the monster's language, it's that Ha understands the monster's language and conveys its meaning to you!"

Ye Mo understands.

This husky is actually a Husky translator!


Ye Mo suddenly didn't want to kill the husky to vent his anger.

Huskies are very cute and there are uses for keeping them.

If we go out to fight monsters and take this husky with us to act as a translator, will we be able to rob the monsters of more resources?

Facts have proven that the best way to survive is to prove that you are useful.

Husky did nothing else.

This ability to understand the monster's speech and convey its meaning to the people around him was directly praised by Ye Mo.

Ye Mo's attitude towards huskies has also improved a lot.

Batianha didn't know what Ye Mo was thinking, and thought Ye Mo wanted to kill him.

But Ba Tianha felt happy when he saw that Ye Mo could understand the monster's words.

Here's your chance to clear yourself.

The result was before Husky could speak.

I heard the Decepticon over there say.

"As expected of our Ba Tian family!"

"This bitch also has a strategy to infiltrate the local area!"

"IQ is okay!"

Ba Tianha, "???"


Ha no!

Haha, very innocent, okay!

You can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense!

It will be fatal!

The Decepticon then said, "It's a pity that it seems to have been discovered!!"

"Since we are a family!"

"Just come here quickly!"

"I said, why do you look so familiar?"

"Don't worry, they are all from the Tyrant clan. We will not look down on you just because you are weak!"

Ba Tianha

Is it okay for you to forcefully recognize your relatives?

Lilith on the side said, "City Lord, they are really a team."

"No wait, I'll go kill them."

"It's easy to catch!"

Ye Mo waved his hand to stop it. .

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