Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 72 The Second Country To Be Removed From The List Today

Salman had seen the power of the Kraken world and had no intention of resisting at all.

If it weren't for Salman's tower base not far away.

He wouldn't take on this chore either.

Before the two-day novice period ends.

The tower still needs to be guarded at night.

Only after the novice period ends, the assessment period will begin.

Earth's challengers don't need to defend the tower, they just need to save their lives!

Along with him, there is Yilanmu, the challenger from the coastal country.

"These guys arrived near the coastline so early because they want to wait until the tower world opens and rush in as soon as possible!"

Yilanmu asked.

Salman 270 nodded in agreement.

"The challengers in the Siren World all look like humanoid monsters! They are not easy to mess with at first sight! Especially on the huge building ship, they look like lizards!"

"Have you seen it? The other sea monsters all respect him! He must be their boss or something!"

After saying this, Salman lowered his head suddenly, "Oh no, that monster seems to have seen me!"

Yilanmu felt that his partner was a bit timid.

"If you see it, see it! There is a protective shield, and those sea monsters can't get through!"

Salman laughed to himself.

The same goes for (cjee).

These guys can't get through, so what are they afraid of?

Suddenly, the whirring sound of wings came from overhead.

Salman suddenly looked up and saw dozens of pterosaur-shaped soldiers flying above his head!

"Falling Dragon: Four-star unit!"

A sea lion-headed kraken challenger stands on the body of the falling dragon!

The challenger of the Kraken World is out!


Within the protected area.

The challengers gathered together to discuss the next countermeasures.

The news from the front line also stimulated their nerves.

Star troops?

Is there this level?

The challengers are all in danger.

Most challengers support avoiding the edge and finding a place to hide.

However, there are also challengers who believe that as long as they unite together and confront the Kraken World, victory may not be impossible.

"What are you afraid of them doing? Just do it and it's over!"

"There are so many of us!"

"Everyone drowned them with his spit!"

When meeting such a person, other people will only say a few words.

Sand sculpture!

Think it’s a gang fight in society?

Is it useful to have more people?

Right now.

The prompt from the Tower World sounded.

"Salman, the challenger of the Divine Cow Kingdom, dies! +1 possession point in the Kraken World!"

"Coastal Country challenger Yilanmu dies! Kraken World possession point +1!"

After the two announcements, the challengers fell into a brief silence.

Aren't Salman and Yilanmu the two people responsible for tracking the world of Sirens?

Why did you die?

Just when the challengers were confused.

Announcements from the Tower World began to flood the screen.

"Sado, the challenger of the Rainbow Kingdom, dies! The Kraken World possession point +1!"

"Coastland's challenger Dort is dead! Kraken World possession point +1!"

"Challenger Bard of the Coast Country dies! Kraken World possession point +1!"

Death announcements continued.

It just never stopped.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of people were announced on the death list by the Tower World.

"All Coast Country challengers are dead! Coast Country challenge is over!"

The second country to be removed from the list has appeared!

The challenger is in an uproar!

they know.

Things are getting serious!

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