Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 73 The First Wave Of Offensive By Human Challengers

When the encounter began, there were still many people who were optimistic about Brut.

No matter what you say, Brut has already gathered many challengers.

Represents the strongest force that human challengers have been able to muster so far.

Twenty thousand soldiers versus thirty soldiers.

The crowd-crushing tactic is not necessarily hopeless!

The beautiful country is divided into two factions.

One group thinks that Brut is too reckless.

You shouldn't stand in front of this kind of thing.

You should avoid its sharp edges.

But the other group thinks that we should give it a try.

As the largest country.

There is no precedent for fleeing without a fight!

Most people hold the second view!

In the president's office, the president of the beautiful country also appreciates Brut's approach.

"Well done! Just a Kraken Challenger!"

“Twenty thousand to one in strength!

"It's time for the world to see the strength of our beautiful country!"

"A beautiful country will surely win!"

At this moment, the whole world's focus is on this upcoming war of the century.

If he wins, it will set a precedent for the challenger from Earth to defeat the challenger from Kraken!

Prove that the Kraken Challenger is not invincible!

Brute raised the corners of his mouth slightly, full of confidence.

"You are looking for death!"

"Think of me as another challenger?"

"You think I'm a soft persimmon too?"


Under the command of Brut.

More than 800 challengers from more than a dozen countries quickly arranged their formations according to Brut's requirements.

Those with melee capabilities are ranked in the front, and those with long-range attacks are ranked in the back.

The first wave of attacks was launched quickly.

Just like the previous attack with the Chaos Venomous Bee.

Brute's strategy is simple and crude, which is to consume the opponent through remote consumption!

It’s definitely not possible to fight alone!

But there are so many of them that I can’t stand them!

What’s wrong with the four-star troops’ strong defense?

Their kind of water is passing away like a stone.

It will definitely consume this four-armed dragon ape to death!

The Shark Monster seemed not to have expected Brut's counterattack to come so quickly.

Originally, challengers from the low-level world had no choice but to escape when they encountered challengers from the high-level world!

There are only a handful of people who dare to resist collectively!

These Blue Star challengers have never experienced the horror of the advanced world!

Do you still dare to unite and counterattack?

Think too much!

The shark demon chuckled twice, showing disdain...

The shark demon didn't move, and neither did the four-armed ape under him!

This feeling is good!

The Kraken Challenger, who became a living target, was quickly submerged in the flames!

The long-range attacks on Earth Challenger's side are mostly shock waves, fireballs, wind blades and the like.

There are many types of soldiers with this ability!

There are 20,000 troops, accounting for half of them!

Under such a high density of attacks.

The ground where the Kraken Challenger was located soon couldn't withstand the force of the explosion, and a large crater tens of meters deep and a thousand meters wide was blasted out!

Who can withstand such a high-intensity attack?

The people of the world are watching this battle.

I was also shocked by the scene of 20,000 soldiers gathering 0.2 units to attack!

The momentum is huge and scary!

Especially the attack center, in addition to the lightning and fire, and the shocking loud noise.

There is nothing else.

However, you can still vaguely see that the Tetrabranch ape inside has not fallen down!

It doesn't matter!

With such a high-intensity attack, it is only a matter of time before the Tetra-armed Ape is destroyed!.

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