Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 80 I, Ye Mo, What Do You Do For Me? (Down)

This shiver is not from fear.


The Sea Snakeman gave an order, and the Star Bat and the Wuxin Venomous Python, who were supposed to use their ultimate moves to annihilate the remaining challengers, all retreated.

"Do you know Ye Mo?" the sea serpent asked.

With the existence of the God Tower World, Qingyue and others could easily understand each other's language.

The challenger from the Siren World talks to the challenger from the Blue Star World for the first time.

Qingyue and others looked at each other.

This sea snake man "Er San San" obviously knows Ye Mo.


The name of the Silent God has already resounded throughout the Siren World.

Don't say it!

This is really the case.

If you tell Siren World about Blue Star Challenger, they won’t respond.

They are just challengers in the low-level world, not worth their trouble!

But if you mention Ye Mo's name to them.

These Kraken challengers will definitely have sparkles in their eyes.

Not only Ye Mo killed several Kraken challengers.

And because Ye Mo found Ye Mo, they can become prosperous! The reward from the Siren King is not guaranteed!

Is there any boy who is simply a gift of wealth?

Whether it is hatred or profit, Ye Mo's reputation in the world of sirens has been raised to an unprecedented height.

"If you know Ye Mo, ask him to come over!" The sea snake man explained his meaning directly without any nonsense.

Qingyue felt that something was interesting, so she stepped forward and replied, "He is already here and is on the way! He will probably be there in about ten minutes!"

The sea serpent and the moray man looked at each other.

It’s hard to overstate the excitement in my heart!

No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to find anything, and it won't take any effort at all!

Ye Mo was nowhere to be found, and there was no mention of meeting her by chance.

If a person has great luck, no one can stop him!

Sea Snake people feel that happiness comes too suddenly!

It seems like I saw a future where I destroyed Ye Mo, obtained the qualification for the secret realm of the God Tower, and reached the pinnacle of demon life!

The Moray Man asked, "Should I inform the king?"

The sea snake man shook his head, "Don't worry!"

"Wait and see!"

"Once these blue-shoe challengers deceive us, Wang Lai Pule will have nothing!"

"Then it will be miserable for you and me!"

"It's the same thing to wait until Ye Mo comes and beat Ye Mo to half death and then offer him as a sacrifice!"

The sea serpents spoke without concealment.

Qingyue and others realized that these two siren challengers were coming for Ye Mo!

Still want to beat Ye Mo half to death?

Where does confidence come from?

The strange thing is, why are the challengers of Siren World so anxious to find Ye Mo?

Did the previous killing reminders alert these sea girl challengers?

However, one thing is for sure!

They are safe for now!

In order to use them as bait, the Kraken Challenger stopped the next attack!

It also means that they are all safe until Ye Mo arrives!

After Ye Mo arrives...then there is no need to worry about their safety!

"Bye bye silent god!"

"That's okay too!"

The challengers never expected...……………………

Chanting the name of the silent god can really solve their problems!

Could this be the power of the silent god!

If I haven’t experienced it myself, I can’t believe it!

They just shouted "4.6 Ye Mo, help" and they survived!

Some challengers couldn't help but wonder.

Until now, all high-end records of Shenta were made by Ye Mo!

Ye Mo, you are truly a god!

Son of Destiny!


Just shout your name and miracles will happen!

Tong Yao never bullied me!


Ye Mo has gained several new fans.

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