Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 85 Thirty-Star Troops! Devil Kun!

Ye Mo is strange.


Is there still a king in the siren world?

Ye Mo has never seen the Siren King.

But since he is called that by them, he should be the leader of the Siren World.

Since the boss is here.

Shouldn't these sirens be excited?

Why is your face so pale?

Feeling like you're going to die?

Ye Mo feels right.

These siren challengers are scared.

It's not a good thing that their king is coming.

In the eyes of the Siren King, there is no room for any sand.

Saw them captured.

The end result is probably death.

What if you can live, even if you die?

Ye Mo looked up and saw a ten-meter-tall lizard-like Siren Challenger walking towards this side.

Full of domineering aura.

"Who is he?" Ye Mo asked the anemone man on the side.

Guess this is the Siren King.

But Ye Mo still wanted to make sure.

"The Siren King! The king of our Siren World!"

"He is also the leader of our Kraken challengers!" The sea anemone man replied directly, his voice full of fear.

Sure enough it is!

After beating the little brother, the boss came out!

The Siren King appeared so quickly, so Ye Mo didn’t have to waste time looking for it!

However, Ye Mo still asked curiously, "190 shouldn't he be happy to see your boss?"

"Why are you so afraid of this?"

However, there were two Kraken challengers who saw the Kraken King coming.

Very happy.

They thought the Siren King could rescue them out of their usefulness!

"King, help!"

shouted the two Kraken challengers.

The anemone man shivered and cursed secretly in his heart.

Are these two Kraken challengers out of their minds?

Don’t you know who the king is?

It would be better not to be noticed by the king, but if he is noticed...

They are dead!

Unfortunately, the Siren King has already seen them.

And Ye Mo in the middle.

The Siren King's face was ashen.

what happened?

The noble Siren World Challenger is controlled by someone from a lower world?

Embarrass me!

The anemone man felt the chill coming from the distance and trembled as he replied, "That's because..."

Speaking of this, the voice of the sea anemone man stopped abruptly.

Including the ten surrounding Kraken challengers, their bodies were also stiff, fixed in place like sculptures.

next moment!

All eleven Kraken Challengers exploded.

Flesh and blood flying everywhere!

As soon as Ye Mo raised his hand, Armament Haki possessed him and blocked the flying corpses!

This explosion must have been the work of the Siren King.

Just for a moment, Ye Mo felt the power of a curse.

Ye Mo instantly used God's Possession to neutralize this power.

But these eleven Siren challengers are in dire straits!

Dead bodies on the spot!

Ye Mo understands, no wonder these challengers of the Siren World are so afraid of the Siren King.

After working on it for a long time, it turns out that the Siren King is a tyrant!

At this time, the Siren King stared at Ye Mo with green eyes.

What a surprise!

The body-exploding spell just now is a special ability unique to his Siren Royal Family.

It can directly detonate the life energy in the opponent's body from a long distance.

Directly kill your opponent!

It is a powerful and terrifying ability!

Countless challengers died due to the power of the Siren King.

It is a move that everyone is afraid of.

"We don't need weak people in the Kraken world!" the Kraken King snorted coldly, glancing at the twenty remaining Kraken challengers.

The twenty Kraken challengers were also sweating profusely as they desperately gave orders to the troops.

Let them find a way to deal with the forest elves!

After a while, the Siren King also treated them as useless and destroyed them...

"Huh?" Only then did the Siren King notice.

Ye Mo, who was at the center of the explosion, was completely fine.

No fur was harmed.

Wasn't it easy to use the body explosion spell just now?

Impossible, just a challenger from a lower world!

Even the challengers from the higher worlds and even the supreme world will not be affected by his move at all!

The Siren King does not believe in evil.

His eyes were green, and he used the explosive spell again.

Keep blinking at Ye Mo.

For a moment, it’s useless...

Two clicks, no use... 010111429 Feilu 163550270]

Three times, (cjch) four times, five times...

In the end, Ye Mo couldn't help it anymore.

"You've had enough of ogling me!"

"It's just a wink once, it's not over yet!"

"My orientation is normal, I have no interest in lizards, and I have no plans to keep pets in the near future!"

Siren King, "……."

What exactly is going on?

The magic that works every time has come to Ye Mo, but it doesn’t work anymore?

The Siren King never expected this.

A challenger from a lower world has the strength to easily block his move.


How did he know that in the presence of a god possessed, all spells would be ineffective!

Even if I blink for a hundred years, I won’t hurt Ye Mo at all.

There was a lot of laughter in the live broadcast room.

"Did you see the Siren King ogling Mo Shen? It was so funny that in the end the Siren King himself was gone!"

"Ye Mo never imagined that he would be ogled by a sea lizard in his lifetime!"

"I have recorded the Siren King's expression on the screen and made it into a short video. It will definitely be a hit!"

"Hahaha, you just come up and ogle! The Siren King is so funny!"

"Speaking of which, don't any of you pay attention to why Mo Shen doesn't do anything?"

"Who pays attention to that! Anyway, Mo Shen is invincible and will not accept any explanation!"

"If the Siren King dares to offend the Silent God, just wash his neck and wait for death!"

Siren King's sixth sense is that many people are talking about him behind his back.

I don’t know where this feeling comes from.

never mind!

do not mind the details.

It’s not just this challenger named Ye Mo.

And these forest elves...

The Siren King turned to look at the forest elves who were fighting fiercely with the five- and six-star soldiers.


It shouldn’t be called a fierce battle!

It should be the forest elves who beat the five- and six-star troops!

"Ninth-level arms? Are there such low-level arms in the Tower World?"

"What's going on with you! A bunch of useless things!"

"Suppressed by dozens of times in numbers, they can still be beaten by two hundred forest spirit Reiatsu!"

"Shame on my Siren World!"

"Get out of here! Let's see how this king handles it!"

The Siren King waved his hand.

His soldier, the Devil Kun, roared up.

As soon as Devil Kun appeared, he became the focus of the audience!

The level is as high as thirty stars!

The ability to move regardless of terrain!

Extra large size!

Devil Kun is gray in color, thirty meters long, and looks like a whale.

A horn on the head!

The devil's unicorn has the ability to destroy all things! Any opponent focused by this unicorn will be smashed into pieces by the destructive power!

It is an extremely powerful individual! What it is best at is running rampant!

Devil Kun suddenly flicked his tail and the earth shook three times!

Devil Kun received the order, and two hundred Devil Kun stabbed directly at the forest elf!

The black destructive power entwines the devil's horn!

Fast as lightning!

Arriving soon!

The five- and six-star troops on the road were unable to dodge and were hit by the devil's horn.

Turned directly into ashes!

He didn't even have a chance to cry out!

This is the power of the devil's horn!.

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