Everything Starts From BTTH

Chapter 141 Pan Taoyuan (For Subscription, For Tickets)

After Li Jing took Nezha and the others back to Ling Xiao's palace, he was naturally scolded by the Jade Emperor.

Under the suggestion of Taibaijinxing, the Jade Emperor finally agreed and named Sun Wukong the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.

However, this Monkey King has only a false name and no rights.

Taibaijinxing took it, and after the Jade Emperor's will, he hurriedly went to Huaguo Mountain. After a flicker, he flicked Sun Wukong to Heavenly Court again.

After the Jade Emperor named Sun Wukong the Great Sage of Equaling Heaven, in order to satisfy Sun Wukong's vanity, he specially dispatched the second class of workers and officials, Zhang and Lu, to build a Mansion of the Great Sage of Equalling Heaven on the right of Pan Taoyuan.

There are two divisions in the mansion: a quiet division and a Ningshen division.

The Jade Emperor also sent Wudou Xingjun to send Wukong to his post, and gave him two bottles of imperial wine and ten golden flowers, which was considered to be the heart of Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong was sent by Wudou Xingjun to the Monkey King's Mansion in person, and he was rewarded again. He was so happy that he couldn't find the North. Once he arrived at the Monkey King's Mansion, he opened the imperial wine and drank it with joy. appearance.

"This monkey is really a turtle!"

Xiao Xie hid in the dark, and when he saw Sun Wukong, he got this reward. He looked satisfied and couldn't help but complain.

For the next few days, Xiao Xie has been in the dark, staring at Sun Wukong, waiting for the moment to come.


Sun Wukong is just a monkey, he can't be idle at all, and he, the Monkey King, is just a name, he has nothing to do, and he has nothing to do all day.

Either pull other immortals to drink in his Great Holy Mansion and call them brothers, or play around in Heavenly Court.

After learning about Sun Wukong's behavior in the past few days, the Jade Emperor felt that if it continued like this, Sun Wukong would sooner or later cause trouble in his free time, so he sent someone to pass Sun Wukong to Ling Xiao's palace.

When Sun Wukong heard the Jade Emperor's edict, he hurriedly ran over. In Sun Wukong's consciousness, as long as the Jade Emperor looked for him, he was going to give him something, and he was naturally happy.

"Your Majesty, what kind of reward do you have for your grandson to come?"

After Sun Wukong entered Ling Xiao's palace, he bowed his hands to the Jade Emperor and asked with a smile on his face.

When the Jade Emperor saw Sun Wukong, he was like a monkey who was not standing, scratching his ears and looking at his cheeks, and Chūnin couldn't help sighing, and said, "I see that you have nothing to do, so I have prepared an errand for you, and let him You go to manage that Pantao Garden, do you think?"

"Very good, very good!"

Hearing this, Sun Wukong couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and happily accepted the errand.

Sun Wukong's Great Sage's Mansion is right next to the Pantao Garden. He is in the Great Sage Mansion, and he can smell it from time to time. The fragrance of the Peach Peach has been coveted for a long time.

It's just that Sun Wukong never found an opportunity to sneak into the Pantao Garden. This time, the Jade Emperor asked Sun Wukong to manage the Pantao Garden, which was exactly what Sun Wukong wanted.

After Sun Wukong left Ling Xiao's palace, he couldn't wait, and rushed all the way to Pan Taoyuan, and Xiao Xie naturally followed suit.

"The Great Sage is here, what is the so-called?"

As soon as Sun Wukong arrived at the entrance of Pantao Garden, he was blocked by the land of Pantao Garden.

"The old grandson managed the Pantao Garden on behalf of the Jade Emperor at the will of the Jade Emperor. I came to check it today."

Sun Wukong smelled the fragrance of the peach, and his heart was like a hundred claws scratching his heart, and he just wanted to quickly get rid of the land so that he could go in and have a big meal.

"So that's the case, you haven't come to see the Great Sage yet!"

The land did not doubt Sun Wukong's words, and quickly called out all the tree hoeing fighters, water runners, peach cultivators, and cleaning fighters in the Pantao Garden.

After all, no one above Heavenly Court dared to falsely pass on the Jade Emperor's will.

"See the Great Sage!"

The wrestlers who managed the Pantao Garden heard the words of the land, and they all came out and respectfully saluted Sun Wukong.

The so-called magistrates are better off managing now. Since Sun Wukong has obeyed the Jade Emperor's will to manage Pantao Garden, then he will be their immediate boss in the future. How dare they disrespect?

"Don't be too polite, land, bring the old grandson in and do a good survey!"

Sun Wukong just wanted to eat Pantao, so he had no time, wasting time with the land and the others, he quickly waved his hand, and dragged the land into the Pantao Garden.

Xiao Xie was invisible, followed behind Sun Wukong, and as soon as he entered the Pantao Garden, he felt a strong fragrance coming from his nostrils, and the pores all over his body were transparent.

Even Xiao Xie would have such a reaction when he entered Pan Taoyuan, and Sun Wukong couldn't help it.

Sun Wukong saw the peach trees in the garden, with rosy and full peach trees hanging from the branches, secretly swallowing saliva, and said to the land impatiently: "Land, please introduce to the old grandson!"

The land pointed to the pan peach tree in front of him and introduced: "There are 3,600 pan peach trees in this pan peach garden. The front 1,200 trees have tiny flowers and small fruits, and they ripen once every three thousand years. The body is light and healthy. The middle 1,200 plants, the layered flowers are sweet and fruity, and they ripen once in 6,000 years. When people eat it, they will soar and become immortal. The latter 1,200 plants, with purple grains, will ripen once in 9,000 years. People eat the same life as the heaven and the earth, and the sun and the moon are the same."

After Sun Wukong heard the introduction of the land, he was even more coveted for these peaches.

But Sun Wukong is not stupid. He came to Pantao Garden for the first time today, and it was difficult for them to lower their eyelids and steal Pantao from the ground.

So Sun Wukong followed behind the land, looked at the pan peach tree, checked the ripe pan peaches, and the unripe pan peaches, and instructed the land and them, and then went back to the Great Holy Mansion.

"I'm a little bit, I underestimate this monkey."

When Xiao Xie saw Sun Wukong just now, he was scratching his head and scratching his cheeks. He thought he would, and he couldn't help but steal it on the first day!

But now it seems that this Sun Wukong is not stupid. He came to Pan Taoyuan on the first day, and the people of the land would definitely not be relieved and let Sun Wukong stay in Pan Taoyuan alone.

If Sun Wukong stole the peach now, the chances of being discovered are too great. If you want to steal pan peach, then it is best to do it honestly for a few days. Let the land and the others relax their vigilance, and then it will be much easier to steal the peach.

When Xiao Xie saw Sun Wukong, he didn't steal the pan peaches, so he didn't rush to steal the pan peaches.

After all, Xiao Xie not only wanted to steal Pantao, but also pushed the crime of stealing Panda to Sun Wukong, at least to make others not suspect himself.

The best time is to wait until Sun Wukong starts to steal the pan peaches and Xiao Xie takes the opportunity to steal the pan peaches.

For the next three days, Sun Wukong would come to inspect the situation of Pan Taoyuan every day, and he looked like a businessman, which made the land and the others relax their vigilance.

Xiao Xie hid in the dark, and when he saw Sun Wukong's appearance, his heart burst into laughter.

If it wasn't for Xiao Xie, knowing Sun Wukong's character, maybe it was true, he was deceived by his honest appearance.

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