Everything Starts From BTTH

Chapter 193: Take Down Yang Chan (Please Subscribe, Ask For Tickets)

Xiao Xie doesn't know, Chang'e's careful thinking, otherwise Xiao Xie will definitely be wronged.

After all, Xiao Xie, from Hydra's subordinates, was mainly to rescue Chang'e, and saving Yang Chan could only be regarded as incidental.

And Yang Chan, because of Xiao Xie's hero saving beauty, fell in love with Xiao Xie, that's not Xiao Xie, go to provoke Yang Chan?

It can only be said that Xiao Xie's charm is too great to make Yang Chan move Fan's heart. That's right, that's it! hey hey hey...


"Sister Chan, I'm here to see you!"

When Chang'e and Xiao Xie arrived at Huashan, they directly took Xiao Xie's hand and rushed to the manor where Yang Chan was.

"Chang'e Elder Sister, you are here!"

Yang Chan, who was painting, heard Chang'e's voice, a happy smile suddenly appeared on her pretty face, and she trotted out with a gust of fragrance.

"Xiao... Big Brother Xiao?"

When Yang Chan saw Xiao Xie standing beside Chang'e, her delicate body froze slightly, and she cried out in disbelief.

"Sister Yang Chan Younger, we haven't seen each other for a while."

Xiao Xie looked at Yang Chan with a surprised look on her face. She couldn't help laughing with her cute mouth open.

"Big Brother Xiao, how have you been recently?"

Yang Chan lowered her head and asked shyly.

"Okay, if you have something to do, sit down and talk slowly!"

Chang'e saw this, the corners of his mouth twitched, and with a knowing smile, he pulled Xiao Xie and Yang Chan and walked into the manor.


"Chang'e Elder Sister, you said Pikachu, but Big Brother Xiao changed it!"

After Yang Chan heard Chang'e's words, her beautiful eyes were full of shock, and she looked at Xiao Xie with a dull look.

Xiao Xie looked shocked when she saw Yang Chan, and couldn't help joking: "Yeah! Younger Sister Yang Chan, when you were sleeping, did you kick me out several times?"

When Yang Chan heard the words, the feeling of shock at first disappeared in an instant, but instead changed, she felt a little embarrassed.

When Yang Chan thought of herself, the scene where Xiao Xie's Pikachu turned into sleeping in her arms, she couldn't help feeling her cheeks get hot.

"Then Big Brother Xiao, you turned into Pikachu for Chang'e Elder Sister?"

Yang Chan, who came back to his senses, also noticed that the unusual relationship between Xiao Xie and Chang'e caused a pain in his heart, and asked in a strange way.

"You can say the same! When I saw Xiao'e for the first time in Guanghan Palace, I swore in my heart to make her happy."

When Xiao Xie heard the words, he nodded, turned to look at Chang'e, his eyes were tender and full of doting smiles.

Seeing this, Chang'e's heart trembled, his beautiful eyes were full of tenderness, he couldn't help stretching out his jade hand and grabbed Xiao Xie's palm.


Yang Chan became even more depressed when she saw Xiao Xie and Chang'e, who were in love with each other.

Since the last time Xiao Xie rescued Yang Chan from Nine-headed Worm's men, Yang Chan had already developed a favorable impression of Xiao Xie.

After hundreds of years of waiting, this good feeling. Not only has it not faded, but it has become deeper and deeper with the passage of time.

But Yang Chan, never imagined that when she saw Xiao Xie for the second time, it was in this situation.

Not only did Xiao Xie have a loved one, but this person was also Yang Chan's best friend, which made Yang Chan's hundreds of years of waiting suddenly turned into a joke.

"If you don't like me, why take it, my sachet?"

Yang Chan looked at Xiao Xie, her beautiful eyes were full of misery, she really wanted to question Xiao Xie aloud.

But she couldn't, she was afraid that once she asked, she might lose Xiao Xie and her friend Chang'e at the same time.

"This silly Missy is so kind, let the Elder Sister help you!"

Chang'e noticed the misery in Yang Chan's eyes, and sighed secretly.

Chang'e knows Yang Chan's character, this Missy is too kind, otherwise she can't use Lotus Lantern.

If Chang'e didn't help her, with Yang Chan's character, she would probably choose to bury her feelings for Xiao Xie in her heart forever. I would rather suffer alone than destroy the relationship between Chang'e and Xiao Xie.


In the dead of night, Yang Chan walked towards Chang'e's room with a puzzled face.

This morning, Chang'e quietly told Yang Chan to ask Yang Chan to find her in her room at midnight. She had something important to tell Yang Chan.

As soon as Yang Chan approached, Chang'e's room, there was a burst of coquettish panting that made people blushing.

Although Yang Chan has no personnel, when she hears this voice, she still understands what happened? The pretty face was instantly dyed, with an attractive blush.

"I...I'm still tomorrow, come back...to find Chang'e Elder Sister?"

When Yang Chan listened to this, the sound of extravagance made her heart pound like a deer, and she subconsciously wanted to stay away.

However, just as Yang Chan was about to turn around and leave, she suddenly paused in her footsteps.


It was the first time that Yang Chan was a little nervous about eavesdropping on the corner of the wall.

Xiao Xie sensed that Yang Chan, who was eavesdropping outside the door, moved slightly, but was hugged by Chang'e's neck, and she leaned into Xiao Xie's ear and said coquettishly, "Bastard, it's cheaper for you..."

When Xiao Xie heard Chang'e's words, he was stunned for a moment, then the corner of his mouth raised, a smug smile appeared, and he fought even harder.

Half an hour later, Yang Chan, who was eavesdropping on the corner from the door, had already lost her footing and could not stand still.


Just as Yang Chan was about to leave secretly, the door was suddenly opened.

"Xiao Xiaoxiao... Big Brother..."

Yang Chan looked at Xiao Xie who opened the door, and was so frightened that she couldn't even speak completely.

It's really embarrassing to be caught eavesdropping on things like the corner.

Right now, Yang Chan really wants to become a bug, find a hole in the ground and burrow into it, then hide in it and never come out.

When Xiao Xie saw Yang Chan, her face flushed anxiously, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, she hugged Yang Chan in her arms, then lowered her head, and kissed Yang Chan's jade lips forcefully.


Facing Xiao Xie's sudden move, Yang Chan only felt that her head exploded, her brain went blank, she didn't know what happened at all, she only knew that subconsciously, she was catering to Xiao Xie.

Xiao Xie picked Yang Chan up by the waist, kissed her, and walked towards the bed.


Not long after, there was a painful muffled sound, heralding the transformation of a young girl into a young woman.

Listening to the sound of extravagance in the room, even the moon couldn't help it, and shyly hid behind the clouds.


Early the next morning, the early morning sun, through the window, quietly fell on the ground.

The scattered clothes on the ground clearly showed how fierce a battle took place in this room last night.

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