Everything Starts From BTTH

Chapter 138: The Ex-Girlfriend Strikes (For Subscription, For Tickets)

The second time I met Lu Ziqiao, I was taken to a billing party (body shēn) night, and then I drank too much. I missed my wedding and my wife ran away.

After arriving at the (love ài) (Qing qíng) apartment, I took the lawyer qualification exam, and I failed many times.

The unfortunate things that follow are the same, and Xiao Xie will not list them one by one. Anyway, Zhang Wei has been unlucky since it appeared.

At this time, Zeng Xiaoxian, who had answered the phone, ran over excitedly and patted the sofa and said, "Lisa called just now to say that the person who will be participating in my show tomorrow night is a famous beauty!"

Lin Wanyu's face stiffened when she heard Zeng Xiaoxian's words, and Lu Zhanbo asked in shock, "Name((prostitute jì)jì)?"

Seeing that Lu Zhanbo had misunderstood, Zeng Xiaoxian hurriedly explained: "Well-known entertainment reporter! I heard that she is a man of the hour, and she just won the Pulitzer Prize."

Lu Ziqiao asked suspiciously, "Isn't Pulitzer a tire?"

Guan Gu explained magically: "What! The Pulitzer is an international journalism award. It is very famous in (Japanese rì)ben!"

Zeng Xiaoxian ((mean jiàn)jiàn) said with a smile: "Not only that, she is also a columnist for National Geographic!"

Lu Ziqiao pretended to be very knowledgeable and interjected: "Geography, I'm the most annoying in geography exams. What about free fall, acceleration, centrifugal force. Ah! One (set tào) (set tào) formula is about to explode!"

"Pfft!" Hearing Lu Ziqiao's serious nonsense, Xiao Xie spit out all the drink.

Lu Zhanbo said on the side, "Zi Qiao, you are talking about physics!"

"Hahaha..." Everyone laughed instantly.

"This is Mr. Zeng's guest, he's not bad looking!" Xiao Xie searched for the latest news about the Pulitzer Prize, found the latest picture of the Pulitzer Prize winner, and said with a mischievous smile.

"I'll take a look, she's a beautiful woman!" When Lu Ziqiao heard this, she quickly leaned over to Xiao Xie (body shēn) to watch.

"Really? Hehehe...I'll take a look..." Zeng Xiaoxian took the mobile phone and took a look at it with a proud face. After a shock, he threw the mobile phone out instantly, then slumped on the ground and said with a look of despair. : "Laura, how could it be Laura?! There are so many people all over the world! How could my guest be her?!"

Lin Wanyu walked over and helped Zeng Xiaoxian up and asked, "Mr. Zeng, what's the matter with you?"

Zeng Xiaoxian did not answer or kept mumbling to himself, Lin Wanyu comforted: "Mr. Zeng, do you want to sit down first!"

"That's a good idea!" Zeng Xiaoxian nodded, and was about to sit back on the sofa, only to sit on the ground.

"Mr. Zeng, are you alright!" Lu Ziqiao and Lu Zhanbo quickly helped Zeng Xiaoxian to the sofa.

Chen Meijia asked curiously, "Mr. Zeng, who is this Laura?"

Zeng Xiaoxian muttered to himself: "She is my nightmare! Nightmare!"

Lu Zhanbo asked, "Didn't you say that my sister is your nightmare?"

Hearing Zhanbo's words, Hu Yifei gave Lu Zhanbo a fierce look, and Lu Zhanbo immediately shut his mouth in fright.

After Zeng Xiaoxian heard it, he said with a broken face: "Yeah, my God! I actually have two nightmares now! I..."

Lin Wanyu comforted Zeng Xiaoxian and said, "Mr. Zeng, do you know this Laura?"

Zeng Xiaoxian said incoherently: "I know too well! Many, many things happened between us, very, very complicated, I'll keep it short! This matter (love qíng) is a long story!"

Xiao Xie knew that Laura was already a knot in Zeng Xiaoxian's heart, otherwise he would not have gone to see a psychiatrist, but this knot must be solved by himself, and others can't help him.

"Then speak slowly!" Lin Wanyu said, handing Zeng Xiaoxian a glass of water.

Zeng Xiaoxian took a sip of water, tried his best to calm his heart, and said, "She dumped me!"

"It's not too long!" Lin Wanyu looked puzzled, wondering why Zeng Xiaoxian had such a big reaction.

At this time, Hu Yifei suddenly spoke up and asked, "This Laura is not the woman who gave you the cuckold!"

"Oh~!" Everyone looked at each other with a stunned expression.

Zeng Xiaoxian was exposed by Hu Yifei's words, and he shouted in a broken voice, "I just said that both of them are my nightmare!"

Only then did everyone understand why Zeng Xiaoxian reacted so strongly! Everyone knows that Zeng Xiaoxian was once given a green hat by a woman. Today I finally know that this heroine is Zeng Xiaoxian's guest Laura tomorrow night!

"Teacher Zeng, isn't that your old man? Take this opportunity to catch up or talk about something else!" Lu Ziqiao said with a smile. Say, it's a little thing!

"Hehe, what's the old story? Is it to recall the pain in the first half of my life or look forward to whether the second half of my life will be more painful!" Zeng Xiaoxian said incoherently.

"Mr. Zeng, you're overreacting! It's been so long!" Lin Wanyu felt that Zeng Xiaoxian was a little surprised.

"It's just because it's been too long, I've forgotten her, I don't want to see her again, I don't want to hear anything about her!" Zeng Xiaoxian exclaimed excitedly.

Chen Meijia comforted: "Mr. Zeng, things like breaking up happen every day! Keep an eye out!"

Zeng Xiaoxian seemed to recall his pain, lowered his head and muttered: "We were together for eight years, and finally she told me that you are a good man, in fact you are very good! You should..."

"You should find a girl who loves you more than me! Please, this line will be used in all bad movies!" Hu Yifei continued angrily.

Lin Wanyu said with emotion: "Eight years is not easy for a girl!"

"This, I agree, it's not easy, especially after I found out that she had been cheating with others for six of the eight years!" Zeng Xiaoxian collapsed, saying that the whole person's surroundings were dark. go down.

Xiao Xie thought about it for a while, it won't work like this, he has to divert Teacher Zeng's attention, Xiao Xie said jokingly: "Mr. Zeng, if you care so much about this, you should still be a male!"

"..." Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Xiao Xie with a livid face, which was too thorough.

"Chief, man, hahaha...you and Laura were eight years ago..." Hu Yifei was about to laugh madly.

"Hahaha..." Lin Wanyu and the others immediately laughed when they heard Xiao Xie's words.

"Xiao Xie, I hate you!" Zeng Xiaoxian shouted angrily, looking at the laughing crowd.

"Mr. Zeng has some things that you can't avoid, you have to face it, so come on!" Xiao Xie said earnestly.

"I see, I'll try it!" Zeng Xiaoxian said in resignation.


Early the next morning, 3601 next door started to make trouble. Zeng Xiaoxian's ex-girlfriend, Laura, came to the door in the morning.

"Xiao Xie, Teacher Zeng's ex-girlfriend is here, come and see (re) trouble!" Chen Meijia was holding a bag of popcorn in one hand and Coke in the other, as if watching (re) making trouble big look.

"Let's go! Let's go and cheer for Teacher Zeng!" After Lu Ziqiao finished speaking, he couldn't wait to open the door to see the trouble.

Xiao Xie shook his head helplessly, and He Guan Gu followed.

I saw Zeng Xiaoxian in the living room of their room. Laura took Zeng Xiaoxian's arm and said, "Xianer, it's been a long time since I saw you."

"Xian'er?" Xiao Xie and the others looked at each other, numb.

Laura took Zeng Xiaoxian's arm and sat on the sofa in the living room, looking at Zeng Xiaoxian with full eyes, and Zeng Xiaoxian! She could no longer resist Laura's tenderness, and looked at Laura with an intoxicated expression.

"Xian'er, we haven't seen each other for 664 days!"

Zeng Xiaoxian asked in surprise, "Do you remember?"

Laura said deeply: "How could I forget! Your eyes, your face, your nose, and your vigorous hair!"

When Zeng Xiaoxian heard Laura's words, he said in disbelief, "Do you really remember?"

"Of course, otherwise why would I come to your show!"





Everyone was listening to the conversation between the two, trembling all over. Chen Meijia couldn't help but whispered: "This is too (meat ròu) numb!"

Lin Wanyu said angrily, "Teacher Zeng is finished! Her hair is straight!"

"Didn't you just say that Teacher Zeng is a 10,000-ton ship?" Lu Zhanbo asked curiously.

Lin Wanyu said disdainfully, "He is the Titanic. I knew he would sink sooner or later, but what I didn't expect was that he would sink so fast! So thoroughly!"

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