Everything Starts From BTTH

Chapter 205 Chi Lian (For Subscription, For Tickets)

"Xiao Xie, your current name, the seventeenth brother, I am the only relative left in this world. Do you still remember my Elder Sister?" Seductive, with a seductive figure, like a seductive woman with a beautiful snake, muttering to herself.

"You are no longer the seventeenth brother of the year, and I am not the red lotus princess of the year. When we meet again, can you still recognize me?" Today's quicksand killer, Chi Lian looked in the direction of Qingyun City and muttered murmured.

Originally, Xiao Xie had been living in seclusion, and Chi Lian thought that Xiao Xie was dead, but more than a month ago, when Chi Lian was investigating the recently famous Dengtianlou, he inadvertently learned that the seventeenth son of South Korea was not dead. , changed his name to Xiao Xie, who is also the owner of Climbing Sky Tower.

Although she hadn't seen him for many years, but after looking at him from a distance, Chi Lian recognized at a glance that Xiao Xie was her seventeenth brother, but she only dared to look at Xiao Xie from a distance, instead of recognizing Xiao Xie. Because she doesn't know Xiao Xie, can she still recognize herself now? She was afraid that Xiao Xie would not recognize herself, so she chose to escape.

"Someone is coming?" Chi Lian felt the strange movement from the Chi Lian King Snake wrapped around his waist, Liu Mei frowned, and then showed a playful smile.

"We are here to meet the host here. This way of receiving guests is really detrimental to the etiquette of the Korean royal family!" As soon as they entered the woods where the quicksand was located, Li Si and his party were surrounded by a group of poisonous snakes, facing the increasing number of poisonous snakes. , Li Si's expression remained unchanged, and he said loudly.

"Giggle..." At this time, Chi Lian's seductive laughter came from the depths of the jungle, and the poisonous snakes also retreated.

"Well?" Only then did Li Si and his group see the appearance of the person who came. Chi Lian wearing a red slit dress was like a Chi Lian King Snake, beautiful but dangerous.

"The woods here can eat people, everyone, follow me closely, and don't get lost!" Chi Lian gave Li Si and the others a playful look, twisted the water snake's waist, and walked into the depths of the forest.

Li Si followed with an expressionless face, and the other soldiers looked at each other. Although they were afraid, they still mustered up the courage to follow.

Finally got to the destination, I saw Chi Lian retreated to the side. There is a dragon chair at the front door, and the person they are looking for is sitting on it.

This person has white hair, wears a black coat with gold trim, and has sharp eyes that make people dare not look directly. He is another descendant of the Guigu School, Wei Zhuang!

"Next is Li Si from Qin." Li Si bowed to Wei Zhuang and said respectfully, he knew the horror of the man in front of him.

Wei Zhuang didn't move, and said lightly, "Otherwise, you wouldn't have come in alive."

After hearing this, in order to show his loyalty, a soldier pointed at Wei Zhuang and shouted, "How dare you speak to Lord Xiangguo in such a tone of voice, be more respectful."

A sword light flashed, Wei Zhuang put the sword back into the scabbard, and the soldier was dead.

Wei Zhuang said lightly: "The good habits of ancient times have been forgotten. If you say it again, some people don't want to remember it."

Seeing this, the remaining three soldiers quickly drew their swords and stared at Wei Zhuang who was sitting vigilantly.

"Mr. Han used to be the most outstanding warrior in front of King Han. It would be a pity for such a talent to only sleep in this forest." Li Si waved his hand and asked the soldier to put away the sword in his hand. He changed his color and said to Wei Zhuang.

"Oh, really?"

"His Majesty is an unprecedented emperor."

"You mean King Qin Yingzheng?"

"There is only one king in the world right now, the king of Daqin. His road to hegemony has just begun, and he desperately needs Mr.'s outstanding talents to work together..." Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Wei Zhuang's words.

"You came from afar, just for the solemn words of the general Fenghou, hehe, Mr. Li disappointed me a little!" Wei Zhuang said leisurely, tapping on the faucet with his fingers, and then again Said: "You are just like the rest of the world, this is not a big mistake, let's go!"

"Mr. Wei..."

"Some things I don't want to say a second time!"

"Everyone, please take your companions with you too!" Chi Lian on the side said aloud when he saw Wei Zhuang's impatient expression.

Li Si squatted down and looked at the wound on the soldier's body, and said in a sighing tone, "What a terrible swordsmanship, but compared to Genie's swordsmanship, it can only rank second."

Hearing this, Wei Zhuang frowned and said with some memories: "Gai Nie, a name that is hard to forget!"

He glanced at Li Si, and then affirmed: "The Mo family has been active during this time, planning unfavorable plans for Ying Zheng. I believe this is why Master Li came to me!"

"When Mr. Wei sealed his throat with a sword, the story of killing the leader of the Mo family spread far and wide, and the disciples of the Mo family are still afraid of you."

"These years, they have been looking for me everywhere, just to kill me and avenge the leader."

"The whereabouts of Gai Nie this time have a lot to do with the Mo family."

"What is the identity of the child that Guy Nie is protecting?"

Hearing Wei Zhuang's question, Li Si paused for a while and said slowly, "A life that shouldn't be left in this world."

Hearing this, Wei Zhuang said lightly: "You get that child, I get Genie, this is a deal, and we have nothing to do with it."

"Let's go." After getting a satisfactory answer, Li Si said to the remaining three soldiers, and then they carried the corpse of the soldier killed by Wei Zhuang and hurriedly left.

Chi Lian asked Wei Zhuang, "Should we go too?"

Wei Zhuang stood up slowly and asked Chi Lian, "Wu Shuang, Canglang, Baifeng, where are they now?"

"I'm going to tell them to gather." Chi Lian replied, and then continued: "Wu Shuang is in the deep mountains 300 miles away from Lishangdang Cultivation!"

"Let Wushuang go and check first." Wei Zhuang said lightly.


In a village hidden deep in the mountains, there were bursts of shouts of martial arts training.

In a room, Xiang Shaoyu was practicing martial arts with several big men from the Xiang clan.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Young Master's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and every time he has to win the prize." Several big men who were knocked to the ground by Xiang Shaoyu said with some complaints but some gratification.

"If you officially face the enemy, if you're not so serious, it's not a matter of hanging on." Xiang Shaoyu turned his head and said to the bearded Xiang Liang, "Uncle Liang, I'm right!"

"En!" Xiang Liang nodded in relief.

Suddenly, there were two sounds of fireworks rising into the sky, and Fan Zeng, who was covered in white hair, said firmly, "An enemy is coming!"


At this time, Xiao Xie was speechless. Although he got the news that Gai Nie brought Tianming into this deep mountain, the three of them wandered around in the deep mountain for a long time, and most of the mountain was almost finished, but no one was found. Got the dog.

"Master!" Murong Huang exclaimed in surprise when looking at the two fireworks that suddenly appeared in the sky.

"This should be a fireworks for an alarm, Gai Nie and the others should be there!" Murong Feng said with some certainty.

"Let's go!" Xiao Xie raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and walked towards the place where the fireworks appeared.

Seeing this scene, Murong Feng and Murong Huang quickly followed.


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