Everything Starts From BTTH

Chapter 844 Elf Race (For Subscription, For Tickets)

Due to the longevity of the elves, it is inevitable that there will be some old monsters who have survived the Ten Thousand Years, these old monsters, . . .

If it wasn't for the elves, the population was relatively sparse, and the elves were independent of the world and liked to live in the forest. I'm afraid this orc Continent would have to be renamed the elves Continent.

The treasures in the elves are also famous. After all, the elves have a long lifespan. Items that they have used for thousands of years may be ordinary items to them, but to people of other races, they are antiques.

Especially among the elves, the unique water of life can not only keep people young forever, but also can play the role of withered bones and flesh. A drop of the water of life can be sold for tens of thousands of gold coins.

Among the Orc Continents, the wealth of the elves is second only to the dragons.

After all, the giant dragon family has reached a very paranoid state when it comes to collecting treasures. If you want to compare wealth with the dragon, it is completely incomparable. The dragon's favorite thing is to collect treasures, and then lie down on the gold and silver piles to sleep.

Since there are many babies in the elves, it is inevitable that some people will have other thoughts. Although they dare not go to the elves to steal them, they will sneak into the elves quietly to steal these treasures.

If nothing else, if you can steal a pot of water of life, then you don't need to worry about money in your life. That's why, every year, many thieves die in the hands of the elves.


"Xiao Xie, what are you thinking? Today, ten gold coins have been credited, um... not bad, not bad!"

Vivian patted Xiao Xie on the shoulder and asked a question curiously, but was immediately attracted by the ten gold coins on the table.

It's not that Vivian really cares about these ten gold coins, but because Vivian has earned ten gold coins for the first time since opening the tavern!

Usually in this tavern, there are at most one or two tables of guests at the end of the day. Like just now, more than 30 people came at one time, and the tavern was filled all at once.

"I'm in a good mood today, Madam Boss! I decided to cook by myself!"

Vivi weighed the gold coins in his hand and said happily.

"don't want!"

Xiao Xie and Vivia cried out in fright when they heard the words.

It's okay to be fooled for the first time, Xiao Xie is not stupid, and let Vivi cook again, won't it be difficult for him?

"Cut, tasteless!"

When Vivian heard Xiao Xie and Vivia's words, she pouted and said angrily.

Seeing Vivi's annoyed look, Xiao Xie couldn't help laughing: "Madam, if you dare to be the first to taste your own dishes, I will definitely give up my life to accompany the gentleman!"

"Well... I've decided, Xiao Xie, you will cook today, I'm optimistic about you! By the way, the table hasn't been cleaned yet!"

Vivi An heard the words, her face stiffened slightly, she turned her head and patted Xiao Xie's shoulder, looked into Xiao Xie's eyes, nodded vigorously, and then quickly turned around to clear the table.

"Gluck cluck..."

Viviya on the side saw Vivi'an and fled, she couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling.

Xiao Xie shook his head amusingly when he saw Vivi'an.


Deep in the Sunset Mountain Range, in a dense forest, a group of people in black robes are quietly advancing. If Xiao Xie was here, he would recognize that these black-robed people were the beastmen who were in the Anya Tavern before.

"According to the information I got, not far ahead, it should be the territory of the elves. Carl, Kurt, you two are good at stealth. Later, we will lure away the elves guards on the periphery, and you will take the opportunity to sneak into the elves. .

Remember not to go too deep, otherwise once you alert the masters of the elves, not to mention that you are only sixth-level thieves, even ninth-level thieves, don't even think about coming out alive. "The tiger-headed man stopped, turned his head to the subordinates behind him, and exhorted.


Carl and Corted nodded.

"Set off!"

The tiger-headed man heard the words, waved his hand, and ordered.


On the periphery of the elves' territory, a small team of elves guards are patrolling the surrounding forests.

"Lolo Li, Chuuk, you guys, go on!"

A male elf with a green long bow and short green hair, like a vigorous ape, stepped on a branch in the blink of an eye and climbed to the top of a tree nearly 100 meters high. Then he picked it off, and on the top of the tree, the apple-like cocoa fruit was thrown towards the four elves below.

"Osa, thank you!"

Chuuk, with pale red skin and short hair, took the cocoa fruit thrown by Osa, wiped it with his sleeve, and ate it.

Luo Luoli, who was standing beside Chuuk, shook her head helplessly when she saw Chuuk's appearance.

I saw a flash of white light flashing over Luo Luoli's small white hands. After removing a layer of skin from the cocoa fruit in her hand, she took a small bite and felt the sweetness and juicy pulp. Luo Luoli's pair of azure blue Big eyes, involuntarily bent.

The pulp of cocoa fruit is juicy and thirst-quenching. It is one of the fruits that elves prefer, and it is also one of the specialties of the elves. Except in the territory of the elves, there is no other place.

Among the elves of the Orc Continent, elves are divided into four races: life elves, light elves, dark elves and blood elves.

The life elves are characterized by green hair and white skin. They are the best at jungle combat among the elves, and each of them is a marksman.

Bright elves are characterized by golden hair, white skin, and are good at using bright magic.

The characteristics of dark elves are dark skin and black hair. They are good at sneaking, tracking and assassinating. Every dark elves are born assassins.

The characteristics of blood elves are red skin and red hair. They are warriors among the elves. When blood elves fight, they will become more and more fierce as time goes by. Among elves, blood elves are The most warlike spirit.

In addition to these four kinds of elves, among the elves, there is a very special kind of elves, called wizard warlocks.

Elf warlocks are elves who are born to be able to manipulate plants. Among the elves, after some elves are born, they have a special power to control plants, and they are called elves warlocks.

Whether it is life elves, light elves, dark elves or blood elves, there are wizard warlocks among them.

Among the elf warlocks, there are strong and weak ones. The weaker elf warlocks can only control some grass or vines to fight for themselves, while the powerful elf warlocks can directly summon treants or manipulate the entire forest to fight.

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