Everything Starts From BTTH

Chapter 848 The Elf Queen (Please Subscribe, Ask For Tickets)

Duoduo heard the big brother Elder Sisters say that after going outside, gold coins are needed to buy things, and the elves' unique elf coins cannot be spent outside.

When some elves went out to practice, they only brought elves coins, but there were a lot of jokes, and Duoduo couldn't make such a Low Level mistake.

These elf jewelry can be exchanged for a lot of gold coins when they are taken outside.

"Big sister, you should let us keep a little bit! After all, we have no credit, but also hard work!"

Corted saw that Duoduo had stolen all the elf jewelry, and his heart suddenly cramped. With Corted's stingy character, wouldn't this cost him his life?

"No, I'm the head of the big sister, these are all mine, your lives are mine, hum!"

Duoduo shook his small head, completely looking like a petty fortune fan.

When Carl saw this, he couldn't help twitching his lips. Originally, Corted was already a miser, and now there is a small financial fan like Dodo. The key is Dodo is still in control of their lives. .

"Don't be stunned, hurry up and leave before the elves find us!"

Duoduo looked around and couldn't help urging.

"Big sister, you can't just go out like this. You have to use the magic scroll first to isolate the breath from your body! Otherwise, I'm afraid that once you go out, the tree people at the door will find you."

Carl heard the words, and in the distressed eyes of Corted, he took out a scroll that isolated magic and handed it to Duoduo.

"Well, yes, I'm very optimistic about you!"

Duoduo took the scroll and nodded with satisfaction towards Carl.

Under Corted's distressed gaze, Duoduo tore the magic scroll open, and a white light shot out, submerging into Duoduo's body, isolating the breath on Duoduo's body.

"Okay, let's go!"

Duo Duo waved to Carl and Corted, took them both, moved towards the entrance of the elf clan, and touched them quietly.


In the central area of ​​the elves, there is a huge tree palace, which is the palace where the queen of elves lives.

In the palace, on a huge crystal stone, Duoduo and the others are showing their every move.

At this time, the elf queen saw Duo Duo with Carl and Corted in a sneaky look, and there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Xiaoyou, go and protect Duoduo in the dark, don't let her find out."

The Elf Queen looked at the picture displayed on the crystal stone and chuckled.

As the elf queen finished speaking, a female dark elf in a black suit quietly walked out from the shadow of the main hall.

"As ordered!"

Xiaoyou bowed towards the Elf Queen, her figure disappeared instantly, and she reintegrated into the darkness.

"Empress mother, Duo Duo is not yet an adult, will it be too early to leave the elves now?"

Standing beside the elf queen, she is seven-point similar to the elf queen. She has a shoulder-length blonde female elf. Looking at the scene on the crystal stone, she couldn't help asking the elf queen.

"Xiyue, you have to know that if Duoduo is just the little princess of the elf family, then naturally there is no need to leave so early, but Duoduo is recognized by the tree of life and the next elf queen.

The elves can have a simple little princess, but they can't have a naive elf queen. She can go out to practice a little earlier, and she can take on the heavy responsibility of the elf queen one day earlier! "

The elf queen looked at the crystal stone, and Duoduo said helplessly with a look of joy on her face because she successfully escaped from the elf clan.

Among the elves, the tree of life is the root of the elves. The first generation of elves were born from the tree of life at the beginning.

Among the elves, if you want to determine the candidate of the elves queen, you must first get the approval of the tree of life.

When Duoduo was born, his affinity for plants was the highest in the history of the elves. After Duoduo was born, not long after, he was selected by the tree of life to become the next elf queen.

Therefore, the current elf queen, Duoduo's Mother, has very high expectations for Duoduo.

This time, Duoduo was able to sneak out of the elf clan because of the acquiescence of the elf queen. The purpose is to let Duoduo grow up as soon as possible.

Otherwise, with Duoduo's status in the elves, how could it be so easy to throw away all the maids around him?

"Queen Mother, what should we do with the orcs who invaded our territory?" Xiyue thought about it and asked the Elf Queen.

"Although we elves like peace, we don't need to show mercy to our enemies. These orcs dare to pay attention to our elves, except for the two orcs following Duoduo. The others don't need to be left, and others in the province will think that our elves are easy to deceive."

When the Elf Queen heard Xiyue's words, a cold light flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she said coldly.

In fact, it is not that the elf queen is cruel, but if these thieves are not severely punished and they are allowed to leave alive, they will only attract more thieves in the end.

The mistake she made in the first place, the Elf Queen will never make again.

"My son understands!"

When Princess Yuexi heard the Elf Queen's words, she bowed to the Elf Queen, turned and left.


"Big sister, let's go to Boss Tiger and the others to meet up?"

Carl and the others took Duo Duo and suggested to Duo Duo after they left the elves.

"No need, those guys dare to make trouble with the elves. It is estimated that they don't want to leave alive, or don't waste time. If they bump into the elves' guards, it will be bad!"

Duo Duo waved his hand when he heard Carl's words and directly rejected Carl's proposal.

An ordinary elf can live up to a thousand years old, but an elf must reach two hundred years old if he wants to become an adult.

In the elves, even if an elves do not have Cultivation, when they reach adulthood, they can be comparable to a fourth-level warrior, and with a single Cultivation, they can reach the level of a sixth-level or seventh-level warrior.

In the elf race, the strength of ordinary elf warriors is equivalent to that of sixth-level warriors or seventh-level warriors. Elite-level elves warriors, Cultivation Base can even reach the level of eighth-level warriors or even ninth-level warriors.

And the elders of the elves in the elves have at least the strength of ninth-level warriors, or even the strength of the sanctuary level.

The elves of the elf escort team, although they are only ordinary elven warriors, have all reached the level of 6th or 7th fighters.

According to Karl and the others, the most powerful of their accomplices are only seventh-level fighters, not even eighth-level warriors. It is simply unrealistic to want to escape the pursuit of the elves in the forest. thing.

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