Everything Starts From BTTH

Chapter 902: Hyperphobia

"Come on! Win or lose, bet big!" Tsunade rolled up his sleeves, full of fighting spirit, and called Xiao Xie confidently.

"Wait a minute, if it's just gambling, it's too boring, why don't we do something exciting! The loser, in addition to losing money, must also agree to a condition for the other party, how?" Xiao Xie showed a touch of provocation. With a smile, he suggested to Tsunade.

"A condition?"

Tsunade was slightly taken aback when he heard Xiao Xie's words, and couldn't help frowning.

"Of course, this condition must be fulfilled by the other party, how about it? Dare to gamble?" Xiao Xie said excitedly with a playful look on his face.

"There's nothing to bet against, just don't regret it later!"

Originally, Tsunade was still a little hesitant, but being so excited by Xiao Xie, he immediately put the hesitation behind him.

And take a step back, even if he really loses, if Tsunade wants to go back on it, can this weak-looking Xiao Xie still be able to stop her?

"Refreshing, I like a refreshing beauty like you, I bet Xiao!"

When Xiao Xie's words fell, he directly deposited all the money on Xiaojie.

The combined gambling capital of Xiao Xie and Tsunade is close to 50 million taels, which can be regarded as a big gamble.

To know that an ordinary S task, the task reward is only one million taels, and these gambling funds can be released, which is close to fifty S-level tasks.

"big big big……"

Not only Tsunade, but even Shizune and other gamblers on the side couldn't help shouting. After all, Tsunade's luck today was really strong, so they all thought that Tsunade would definitely win.

Xiao Xie was a little playful, looking at Tsunade who was full of excitement, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Xiao Xie looked at Tsunade in front of him, as if he saw a little sheep that fell into a trap, but didn't know the danger was approaching.

"One, two, three, little! This guest wins!"


When Tsunade and the others saw the number displayed on the dice, their eyes widened, and the other gamblers couldn't help but sigh.

"Twenty million taels, gone!"

Shizune, who was on the side, saw this scene, and scratched his hair in a breakdown. In the past, Tsunade lost money, at most a few million taels. This time, he lost 20 million taels, but Shizune was a little scared.


Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief. When she won money, bad things would happen. Now that she lost money, she felt a lot more at ease.

"Okay, willing to admit defeat! Boy, what do you want me to do?" Tsunade looked up at Xiao Xie and asked curiously.


Xiao Xie touched his chin, looked Tsunade up and down, then pointed to the necklace on Tsunade's neck, and said, "You don't have anything valuable on you, so give me your necklace!"

Tsunade's face froze when he heard the words, this necklace was left to her by First Hokage, and she has special memories of her, so she never made a bet on this necklace again.

Tsunade shook his head and said, "No, this necklace can't be given to you, you can change the condition again!"

"Well... but you, besides this necklace, don't seem to have anything of value on your body, right?" Xiao Xie touched his chin, looking embarrassed, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said with a smile: "Since this necklace you If you don't want to give it to me, you will be my woman in the future, right? Pay off your gambling debts!"

"Hey hey hey..."

When the other gamblers heard Xiao Xie's words, they all showed expressions that men understood.

Not to mention anything else, Tsunade's figure is indeed hot enough, and hearing Xiao Xie put forward such a condition, the other gamblers were full of envy.

When Shizune heard Xiao Xie's words, he was so frightened that he looked at Tsunade's back, as if he saw a volcano about to erupt. The last time he dared to talk to Tsunade like this, he was like grass on a grave, already three feet tall. Bar!

"Okay! But it's inconvenient for people here, go back to the hotel with me, and let's talk slowly!"

Tsunade raised his head slowly, restrained the anger that was about to erupt in his heart, narrowed his eyes, tried his best to look kind, and smiled at Xiao Xie.

Although Tsunade could not wait to punch Xiao Xie, but among gamblers, there are rules for gamblers. Even if Tsunade wants to go back, he can't go back in front of so many gamblers, so Tsunade is going to take Xiao Xie to the hotel. , and then give him a good meal.


When Xiao Xie heard Tsunade's words, he didn't seem to notice at all, the chill in Tsunade's eyes, but a look of impatient waiting.

"Shizune, let's go!"

Tsunade looked at Xiao Xie with an anxious look, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter, but in Shizune's eyes, Tsunade at this time was the most terrifying existence.


Shizune heard the words, and his body froze subconsciously, and hurriedly responded.

Shizune watched Xiao Xie follow behind Tsunade, and felt inexplicably sad for Xiao Xie. If Xiao Xie knew that the Tsunade he was teasing was actually a strong man, would he still be so happy?

Tsunade took Xiao Xie, and after returning to the hotel where they stayed, he took Xiao Xie directly into his room.

I saw Tsunade turned his head and said to Shizune, "Shizune, you won't be allowed to come in if you hear any sound later!"


Shizune looked at Tsunade with a cold face, swallowed, and nodded hastily.


Tsunade gave a sneer and closed the door forcefully.

"Doug, I hope Tsunade-sama won't cause any fatalities!" Shizune looked at the tightly closed door and said to Dogu with some worry.

"Puyu..." Doudou heard Shizune's words, and a cold sweat broke out on his head.

"Boy, just now you said, let me be your woman? How dare you say that gambling debts are repaid! Ah?" Tsunade clenched his fists, turned to look at Xiao Xie, and sneered angrily.

"That's right, willing to admit defeat, isn't this what you promised yourself?"

When Xiao Xie heard Tsunade's words, he pretended to be innocent and asked back.

"My mother will teach you a truth now, don't hear what others say, believe it all, and let me fall!" Tsunade said, rushing towards Xiao Xie in an instant, raising his right hand, towards Xiao Xie's neck, and hitting him .


Seeing this, Xiao Xie showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, bit the tip of his tongue instantly, and sprayed a mouthful of blood directly at Tsunade.

Tsunade faced Xiao Xie's blood, although he wanted to avoid it, his face and chest were inevitably stained with some blood.

Tsunade looked at the blood on his body and shuddered uncontrollably. Ever since she watched Kato Dan die, Tsunade has suffered from hyperphobia, shivering and losing his ability to fight whenever he sees blood. 10

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