Everything Starts From BTTH

Chapter 920 Killing The Sheren (For Subscription, For Tickets)

"It's not over yet! The second punch was for Hinata!"

Just when Ōtsutsuki Sheren breathed a sigh of relief, a voice with killing intent suddenly sounded above his head, Sheren only saw a fist the size of a casserole, and then there was a sharp pain on his face, half-open. The face is smashed!

Shiren, who had just stopped his figure, was like a broken doll under Xiao Xie's additional punch, and half of his face was dented in it.


Under the bombardment of this huge force, Sheren did not know how many rocks were smashed, and finally flew out from the other side of the moon.

"Damn it, Xiao Xie, you bastard! Don't underestimate me!"

Shiren roared, Tenseigan flashed a blue light, a powerful Chakra burst out from Shiren's body, forming a green Chakra coat around his body.

"Tenseigan Chakra Mode? But what's wrong? I anger Laozi, even if the saint comes in person, I will let him eat, Kabuto goes!"

Xiao Xie saw Sheren burst out suddenly, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, he stomped his feet suddenly, stepped on the air, and rushed towards Sheren!

"The golden wheel is reborn!"

Sheren looked at Xiao Xie, who was rushing towards him like a dragon, and quickly adjusted the Chakra in the group, condensed it into a huge Chakra lightsaber, and slashed towards Xiao Xie!

"Nice move, but unfortunately the user is rubbish! Give me a blast!"

Facing this huge Chakra lightsaber, Xiao Xie's right hand wrapped a layer of Armament Haki in an instant, stretched out his hand and grabbed the Chakra lightsaber!


Under Xiao Xie's powerful strength, the Chakra lightsaber that could split the entire moon, with a 'bang', was directly caught by Xie Ren's shocked eyes!

"The last punch was for myself! Die!"

Xiao Xie grabbed the Chakra lightsaber, and instantly rushed in front of Sheren. Before Sheren could react, he punched out and directly pierced through Sheren's chest, and together with his heart, it exploded. !

"Pfft...for...why? I clearly have...with the power of Tenseigan..."

Sheren grabbed Xiao Xie's right arm, his face full of confusion, he clearly had the power of Tenseigan, but in front of Xiao Xie, he was still so vulnerable, how could he accept such a result!

Xiao Xie pulled it out, pierced the right arm of Shiren's chest, looked at Shiren with a puzzled face, shook his head and said, "I have said before, Tenseigan's power is very powerful, but your own strength is too strong. Weak, you rely too much on Tenseigan's strength!"

Although Ōtsutsuki Sheren did gain a very powerful power after awakening Tenseigan, but as Xiao Xie said, Ōtsutsuki Sheren's own power is too weak.

In the anime, for the first time, Ōtsutsuki used Tenseigan's ability against Uzumaki Naruto to directly absorb the Chakra in Naruto's body, almost killing Naruto directly. But when Naruto was prepared for the second time, Ōtsutsuki Shiren was completely defeated. The reason for this was that Shiren relied too much on Tenseigan's strength, but did not pay attention to his own strength.

Xiao Xie devoured Ōtsutsuki Kaguya before, and the Cultivation Base reached the Mahayana Late Stage. Even if it is a battle against Sage of Six Paths, with Xiao Xie's current strength, there is no need to use the abilities such as Blood Wheel Eye and Immortal Art. Even with all the strength, Sage of Six Paths can be crushed, not to mention a waste like Shiren, who completely relies on Tenseigan's ability!

If Xiao Xie didn't want to vent his anger, he could have killed Shiren with the first punch! Where do you need three punches?


"I'll take Hanabi's eyes!"

Xiao Xie stretched out his right hand, his eyes widened, and he couldn't help but take out the Tenseigan with a swipe in front of his eyes.

"Huh? It seems that the bloodline of the Ōtsutsuki clan, the power of Tenseigan, has been lost!"

Xiao Xie looked at the Tenseigan in his hand, and his eyes turned back to white. He was stunned for a moment, then nodded clearly.

However, although Hanabi's white eyes have degenerated again, but after all, he also has the power of Tenseigan, so the power of these white eyes is stronger than before, and it is already the same as Xiao Xie's ultimate white eyes. Pretty much the same.

With a wave of his right hand, Xiao Xie took Shiren's body into the worship space, and then with a thought, he appeared beside Hinata.

"Xiao Xie big brother, you're back, did you get Hanabi's eyes back?"

When Hinata saw Xiao Xie appear, he quickly got up and greeted him, and asked expectantly.

Seeing this, Xiao Xie smiled and patted Hinata's little head, and said with a smile, "I'll go out in person, is there anything I can't do?"

Xiao Xie's words fell, he turned his right hand, and took out Hanabi's pair of white eyes.

"Great, Hanabi's eyes can finally be restored!"

Seeing the white eyes in Xiao Xie's hands, Hinata breathed a sigh of relief and said happily.

"Okay, I'll help Hanabi put the eyes back on first!"

Xiao Xie said to Hinata, walked to Hanabi's side, and bent over to put Hanabi's eyes back together.

Xiao Xie put the white eyes back into Hanabi's eyes, and put his hand on Hanabi's eyes, using the power of Yang Dun to quickly recover Hanabi's eyes.


With a bang, Hanabi slowly opened his eyes. When Hanabi saw Xiao Xie and Hinata, he asked strangely, "Xiao Xie big brother, Elder Sister, why are you in my room?"

"Great, Hanabi, you're all right!"

Seeing Hanabi recovering, Hinata was a little excited and hugged Hanabi in his arms.

Because Shiren kidnapped Hanabi and Hinata in advance, Hanabi was only ten years old at this time. So when Hanabi was kidnapped, he was still asleep and didn't react at all. After that, she fell asleep again, unaware that she had been kidnapped.

Seeing Hanabi's dazed look, Xiao Xie rubbed Hanabi's little head in a funny way, and said with a chuckle, "Hanabi, just treat it as a dream!"


When Hanabi heard Xiao Xie's words, although she was still a little confused, she still nodded obediently.

In normal times, Hanabi may be a little naughty, but as long as she is in front of Xiao Xie, she will look very well-behaved.

You know, since the Fourth Ninja World War, Xiao Xie has become a hero in countless people's hearts, especially children, who regard Xiao Xie as a big hero.

Among them, Hanabi is no exception. In her heart, Xiao Xie is also her hero, so every time she sees Xiao Xie, she will behave very well.

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