Everything Starts From BTTH

Chapter 928: The Perfect Ending (For Subscription, For Tickets)

They had only heard of Xiao Xie's strength before, but this time they saw it with their own eyes, the scene of Xiao Xie's battle, with a wave of his hand, was able to release a powerful ninjutsu that turned mountains and seas, allowing them, the bystanders, to... .

In the case of everyone's excitement, the sailboat set off again, and after three days, finally set foot on the territory of the Snow Country.

"Lord Lishen, please come with me."

After arriving in the country of snow, San Taifu Asama took Xiao Xie and his party, and now they contacted the old department loyal to Fenghua Xiaoxue, and then with Xiao Xie's backing, a group of people killed directly at the palace.

"Everyone! Her Royal Highness is back, come with me, defeat the raging waves, and liberate the Snow Country!" Santafu Asama shouted, and led those old minions toward the gate of the palace, rushing to kill!

The wind, flowers and angry waves sitting high on the city wall, saw Mitsuru Asama and the others, wanting to overthrow him, and a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes, and said disdainfully: "I didn't expect these people to exist, since that's the case, Let you idiots die in despair!"

Following Fenghua Nutao's order, the snow ninjas under his command immediately killed Mitsao Asama and the others!

"You can't let you steal the limelight, and the tree world is coming!"

Xiao Xie knew that if he left it alone, San Taifu Asama and the other warriors would probably be killed by the Xue Rens before long, so he no longer hesitated to help!


Huge trees burst out of the ground, like a dragon turning over, making a roaring sound.

In the face of the arrival of the tree world, this kind of super S-level ninjutsu, those snow ninjas who are not even Jōnin, without the slightest resistance, were entangled by these vines, sucked up Chakra, and turned into a Mummified corpse.

"how is this possible?!"

Originally sitting high on the city wall, Fenghua Furious Tao, who was winning the ticket, saw that Xiao Xie used only one move to kill all the Xue Ren under his command, and could not help standing up from the chair, his face full of expression of disbelief and fear.


A hundred-zhang-long wooden dragon let out a roar and flew over with Xiao Xie's reassurance towards the wind and flowers.

"Who the hell are you?"

Fenghua Nutao looked at Xiao Xie, who was standing on the wooden dragon head, with his hands behind his back, and asked in despair.

Fenghua Nutao knew that he was defeated, and he saw Xiao Xie come out of the tree world, after this powerful ninjutsu. He knew that he could not be Xiao Xie's opponent, but what he couldn't figure out was why Xiao Xie wanted to help, Fenghua Xiaoxue, who had nothing at all?

"This seat's name is Xiao Xie!"

"Xiao Xie? You are the god of power Xiao Xie! It turns out to be you, no wonder..."

Fenghua Nutao's complexion changed drastically when he heard the words. Although it was said that the territory of the Snow Country was relatively remote, Fenghua Nutao knew about some major events in the ninja world.

In today's ninja world, no one knows the name of the power god Xiao Xie.

I am afraid that only Xiao Xie can have it. This kind of wave can destroy the strength of a country.

"I didn't expect it to be you. I don't complain about the loss, but even if you are a god and want to kill me, I won't let it go!"

Fenghua's angry words fell, and his hands became imprinted. Suddenly, two huge black ice dragons with a length of tens of meters opened their mouths and bit Xiao Xie.


Under the shocked gaze of Fenghua Nutao, Xiao Xie did not take any precautions, and was directly torn in half by two black ice dragons!

"Hahaha... What the hell is the god of power? It turns out to be so vulnerable!"

Just when Fenghua was complacent, Xiao Xie's body on the ground suddenly disappeared, and then the surrounding environment was distorted.

"Haha...cough...how could it be..."

Fenghua Furious Tao, who was supposed to win, has been torn in half. However, because the wound was frozen, he could not feel the pain for a while.

Fenghua Nutao raised his head with difficulty and looked at Xiao Xie, but what he saw was a pair of scarlet eyes with a shuriken pattern, Fenghua Nutao's pupils shrank suddenly, and said, "It turns out... it's Sharingan..."


Although Feng Hua Nu Tao was full of unwillingness, he swallowed his last breath, and his head slowly hit the ground.

"We won! We won! We won..."

San Taifu Asama and the others saw the wind and flowers and the angry waves, and they looked like they were dead. They were slightly startled at first, and then they couldn't help cheering!

Xiao Xie listened to the cheers coming from his ears, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, manipulated the wooden dragon, and flew back to Fenghua Xiaoxue's side again.

"Card! Perfect!"

The director looked at the camera, Xiao Xie was driving the wooden dragon, flying towards Princess Fengyun, this perfect picture, couldn't help shouting excitedly.


After Xiao Xie killed Fenghua Nutao, Fenghua Xiaoxue, with the support of the people of the Snow Country, successfully took over the throne and became the monarch of the Snow Country.

And Fenghua Xiaoxue also used the hexagonal spar her father gave her to unlock the secret treasure of the Fenghua family, and it was also a huge geothermal generator, allowing the snow country, which has always been covered by ice and snow, to melt and usher in a new era. spring.

"Isn't it good! The perfect ending."

At Fenghua Xiaoxue's succession ceremony, Xiao Xie looked at the people of the Snow Country with a smile that came from the heart, and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Brother Xiao Xie, thank you!"

Fenghua Xiaoxue was wearing a monarch's dress, which added a bit of nobility. When Fenghua Xiaoxue saw Xiao Xie, she had a sincere smile on her face, walked to Xiao Xie's side, and saw Xiao Xie's cheeks. up, kissed him lightly.

Satao Asama and the people of the Snow Country on the side, all showed a gratified smile when they saw this scene. They also all understood that Xiao Xie was able to defeat Fenghua Nutao this time.

"If you encounter any problems in the future that cannot be solved, come to Konoha Village and find me!"

Xiao Xie reached out and touched Fenghua Xiaoxue's little head and smiled.


Fenghua Xiaoxue heard the words, and immediately Meimu completed a pair of crescent moons and nodded vigorously.

"Is it filmed? This is the perfect ending!" Seeing this, the director was a little excited and said to the photographer on the side.

"It's all taken!"

"Great! I can already predict how popular this movie will be!"

The director exclaimed excitedly.


A month later, in Konoha Village, in the movie theater, when they saw the finale of the sequel, Tsunade, Terumi Mei and Yuhi Hiro cast a scrutiny on Xiao Xie at the same time.

Xiao Xie looked at the movie screen, and finally settled on the picture of Fenghua Xiaoxue kissing her.

Feeling the scrutiny eyes of Tsunade and the others, Xiao Xie couldn't help but reveal a wry smile, and secretly said in his heart, "Director, you cheat me!"

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