Everything Starts From BTTH

Chapter 951 Prepare For The Rescue (For Subscription, For Tickets)

When Xiao Xie is normal, he will not stay in the tavern honestly. Under normal circumstances, he will enter the Sunset Mountain Range to explore. Fast update without ads.

Although Xiao Xie couldn't hunt and kill Sanctuary monsters, the Sunset Mountain Range stretched for hundreds of thousands of kilometers, which was larger than the area of ​​the Linghu Empire.

In the vast Sunset Mountains, in addition to the monsters, there are many treasures of heaven and earth. Xiao Xie's collection of these treasures can still exchange for a lot of points.


Just as Xiao Xie picked up the big grilled fish and was about to enjoy it with the little one, a colorful stream passed by and finally landed in front of Xiao Xie.

"Choo Choo Choo……"

As soon as Xiao Qi landed, she became anxious and called out to Xiao Xie.

"Xiao Qi, you can pick the time, okay, don't worry, I'll give you something to eat."

Seeing Xiao Qi's anxious look, Xiao Xie tore off a piece of fish with a smile, and handed it to Xiao Qi.

Xiao Qi was stunned for a moment, smelling the aroma that came from his nostrils, and swallowed the fish meat that Xiao Xie handed over. But when the fish was swallowed, Xiao Qi suddenly remembered that now is not the time to eat fish.

"Choo Choo Choo……"

Xiao Qi flew to Xiao Xie's hand and screamed again and again, with bursts of anxious tweets coming out of her mouth.

"Xiao Qi, did something happen in the tavern?"

Seeing Xiao Qi's abnormal appearance, Xiao Xie frowned slightly and couldn't help asking.


Xiao Qi nodded quickly when she heard Xiao Xie's words.

Seeing this, Xiao Xie moved his thoughts and put the grilled fish in his hand, as well as Xiao Xiao, into the worship space. Then, in a flash, Technique, with Xiao Qi, instantly appeared in the tavern.

As soon as Xiao Xie returned to the tavern, he saw Vivia and the others, sitting together frowning.

"Xiao Xie big brother, you are finally back!"

When Duoduo saw Xiao Xie appearing, she threw herself into Xiao Xie's arms and cried out with excitement.

Xiao Xie reached out and touched Duoduo's little head, then turned his eyes to Vivia's body, and couldn't help asking: "Vivia, what happened, why are you all, this frowning look? Yes, why didn't you see Vivi?"

Hearing this, Vivia clenched her jade hands tightly, her fingertips had turned pale, and said with an ugly face, "Elder Sister was taken away."

"What?! What the hell is going on?"

Xiao Xie's face changed drastically when he heard Vivia's words, and he asked with a frown.

"Oh...it's up to me to talk about this matter!"

Xiaoyou sighed, and then told Xiao Xie everything from beginning to end.

"According to Xiaoyou's words, this mysterious black-robed man has at least reached the sanctuary. And I'm afraid he is not the first to enter the sanctuary, at least it is the late stage of the sanctuary. But why did he capture Vivi'an, logically speaking , even if you want to catch it, you should catch Duoduo!"

After listening to Xiaoyou's narration, Xiao Xie touched his chin, frowned and analyzed.

Xiaoyou also had a face full of helplessness. She was clearly a ninth-level assassin who obeyed the order of the Elf Queen and came out to protect Duoduo, but whether it was Will, who she met before, or the man in black this time, she let her go. Xiaoyou felt powerless.

These rare sanctuary powerhouses appeared one after another, making Xiaoyou have an illusion, that is: when did the sanctuary powerhouses become Chinese cabbage?

When Vivia heard Xiao Xie's words, she couldn't help biting her lip, she also felt very strange.

Although the two sisters have also offended some people, but among those people, there is no strong Sanctuary.

And if the black-robed man who captured Vivi'an is really their former enemy, then it doesn't make sense, only Vivi'an is captured!

"Xiao Xie, I beg you to help me, help me save Elder Sister, okay?"

Vivia raised her pale face, her beautiful eyes were already covered with a layer of water mist, and pleaded with Xiao Xie.

The black-robed man who captured Vivi'an was the least powerful and strong in the sanctuary. Vivia had no way to rescue Vivia from his hands, and could only beg Xiao Xie for help.

But Vivia also knew that the strength of this man in black robe was very powerful.

After all, this black-robed man didn't use much power at all, and Vivia and the others had already fainted. The strength of all this black-robed man might be stronger than Xiao Xie's.

But Vivia couldn't, and she watched Vivian fall into danger. The two sisters, who have been dependent on each other since childhood, have long been inseparable from each other.

So even if she knew her request, it was difficult for a strong man, but she had no choice but to ask Xiao Xie for help.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You and Vivi took me in when I was in trouble. Now that Vivi is in trouble, I naturally won't stand by."

Seeing Vivia's pale face, Xiao Xie reached out and patted her shoulder, then smiled and comforted.

"Xiao Xie big brother, are you sure you can defeat that black-robed man? If you're not sure, I'll go back to the elves to rescue soldiers, and then get the master back."

Duoduo asked Xiao Xie worriedly when she heard what Xiao Xie and Vivia said.

If Xiao Xie is not sure and saves Vivi An, then Duoduo decides to bring Xiaoyou directly and return to the elves to rescue soldiers. It's just that if Duoduo returns to the elf clan and wants to run out again, it won't be easy.

"Don't worry! I will definitely save Vivi back safely!"

Xiao Xie heard the words, looked at Duoduo's firm look, and rubbed her little head with a smile.

"Xiao Xie, you have to be careful."

Seeing Xiao Xie with a smile on her face, Vivia said with some self-reproach.

"Well, just wait for my good news! I'm leaving!"

Xiao Xie nodded, facing Vivia and the others, showing a confident smile, turned and left.


In a hidden underground palace, on a huge altar, Vivi An is like a 'big' character, tied to the center of the altar by four white bone chains.

"This seat knows that you are awake, and there is no need to pretend to be asleep."

The Underworld God glanced at Vivi An, who was still pretending to be asleep, and said jokingly.

When Vivian heard the words of Underworld God, she was slightly startled, and then she opened her beautiful eyes helplessly.

Vivi An first looked at the surrounding environment, and then set his eyes on the god of the underworld, and asked with a puzzled face: "Who are you? I shouldn't have seen you before? Why did you arrest me?"

"It is indeed the first time we meet. As for why we arrested you, you will naturally understand later. By the way, my name is Mitchell Nicholas!"

When the God of Underworld heard Vivi'an's words, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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