However, this trip did not go as smoothly as before. She couldn't live by drinking coconut milk and eating coconut meat. What's more, after leaving the coast and walking into the forest, there were fewer coconut leaves. Many times, there were all kinds of food near the food. There are traces of animals. Many times it is difficult to find coconuts that have fallen to the ground, but when you walk over, you will find that they have been smashed open and destroyed by animals.

The water source became a serious but scarce resource at this moment. She had to find enough water sources as soon as possible and mark them, otherwise she had to leave the forest immediately, otherwise she would die of thirst.

But soon, Alice Letasha understood what Captain Harrison Hank meant by respecting the water source. She found the water source by following animals and birds, and chose to walk along the water source.

She discovered the first stone tablet of an ancient god. It was half a person tall and half buried in the soil. Its content was deeply carved, and a line of ancient text was wrapped and covered by moss. Apparently, this stone tablet had not been discovered before.

Alice Letasha peeled off the moss on it and looked at it carefully. She found that what was written on it was;

"This night you dreamed of death, and I was death itself."

Alice. Letasha didn't understand the meaning. She tried to dig up the stone tablet because she wanted to see what was written below, but she failed in the end. There were too many roots and vines mixed with soil wrapping the stone tablet. She didn't want to damage her only weapon here, so she chose to give up.

She thought that if she wanted to find the lake, she had to follow the water source. This was the only way she could find something that might be related to Captain Harrison Hank. The water source felt threatened by the secret.

When she walked along the stream, she soon discovered the second ancient god's stone tablet, but the front of this stone tablet was buried in the soil, which made her think that this was an ancient god's stone tablet because it was too The flat back is densely engraved with text, which has been greatly worn, leaving many traces of birds and animals. Many of them cannot be seen what they are written on, but they are also ancient characters.

Only two sentences are the most complete among them. After some guessing, they are The should be;

"Don't look up, there are red eyes, they are looking at you, looking at you!"

Seeing this, Alice Letasha immediately looked up, but there was nothing. It was daytime as always, only the mottled shade of the trees, the high sun, and the occasional bird flying over with long tails and gorgeous coats.

She thought for a while , the red eyes may refer to the sun, continuing to look down, while another sentence reads;

"What if this world is all fake? Lies, too many lies!"

Alice. Letasha felt that this person might be a little insane, but it is not difficult to guess the impact of those shadows and those disasters. This must not be the first time someone has landed in this place. These words have been blurred by the years, so it is difficult to guess. It is easy to identify, not to mention that no one knows how to use ancient characters now, which were commonly used characters in the dark ages.

Alice Letasha continued to walk upstream, and she found that another stone tablet appeared, which was also buried, and only exposed Half, it says;

"Praise the gods, praise the sorrow, and follow the shadows, singing and weeping."

This time she checked the back emphatically, and found that the writing on the back was the same as the last one she found, but the writing was also blurred, and it probably said;

"Walk along the water source."

It's hard to tell what the writing on the back is. Alice Letasha guessed that"reverence for the water source" may mean this. Maybe they don't recognize the ancient god's stone tablet, but the saints recognize it. This kind of thing is related to Old relics, old relics are almost from the same era.

The materials used in this kind of stone tablets are the same as those in temples, and they are often engraved with divine words, history, warnings, prophecies, eulogies and the like, which are inseparable from faith and are all engraved on them. It is carved with ancient characters and languages, so many people like to call this thing the ancient god stele.

This kind of stele is very heavy, and people cannot move it easily. In addition, the writing on it is mostly covered by vines, moss and other things. Alice Litasha She felt that the stone tablets they saw were not the same as the ones she saw, and she didn’t know what was written on those stone tablets. It might be a warning, so Captain Harrison Hank said that he respected the water source.

With this stone tablet In terms of the engravings on the back, as long as she keeps walking along the water source, she will continue to encounter such stone monuments. Obviously these stone monuments are very huge, but it seems that they should not be so scattered.

Alice Letasha continued walking, But when she found the fourth stone tablet, it was already dark and she couldn't see the writing clearly. She couldn't light a fire at night. The fire might attract many unknown things, so she chose to clean one side first. She simply touched the stone tablet to see what was written on it.

When she finished cleaning that side, the sky had completely darkened. Alice Letasha stretched out her hand and touched it carefully. She found that the stone tablet was carved to pieces. , densely packed words were arranged chaotically on it, and she couldn't even find a coherent sentence, so she guessed that this side might be the back, and the front was the side facing the tree.

Most of them were scattered words, engraved with, temptation , insects, birds, sounds, leave here, come quickly, in the water, the temple.

Then when I got here, there was a burst of scribbling, as if something was written and then crossed out and rewritten, and then it was crossed out, Maybe she could guess what was written on the flower with light, but she really didn't know what was written in this way.

She could only continue to fumble towards the back, and found a line of text that was deeply circled, which was:

"Don't open it!!!"

She was confused in her heart, and then groped for the back, and it turned out to be repeated scattered words, engraved together in confusion, and some words couldn't be distinguished from each other.

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