It was indeed backlit here, and Alfredo Gerry's figure was also blurred into a ball, but the figure of the shadow was taller and squirming, so Alice Letasha was even more convinced.

Alfredo Gerry heard the sound by the lake, hesitated for a moment and said;

"I just heard something, come this way."

So a person and a shadow came towards this side. Alice Litasha immediately pulled the person into the water. Laxsa Marlow felt that she had evil intentions, so she fought with her, but he soon let go. With all their strength, they also pressed towards the water, because they had already come closer, and there was only a layer of weeds between them. As long as the people above moved aside, they could see the two of them.

Alice Letasha knew that Lark Sam Malo also saw it clearly, and then let go. The figure of the shadow was too huge, or in other words, it was much bigger than Alfredo Grigori. Even through the weeds, it could not be seen. You can clearly see through the gap in the water that the thing is definitely not a person, but a black and creeping shadow standing upright.

But what is even more creepy is that the thing gradually stands up and pokes its head into the water. But no one could see whether the thing had a face or eyes. Soon the dark shadow got shorter and shorter, and actually opened its mouth and said;

"Nothing there, maybe a toad or a snake, whatever, we should go."

Laxa Marlow was even more shocked when he saw this. He couldn't help but widen his eyes. He covered his mouth with one hand and grabbed Alice Litasha back with the other hand to confirm that she was still there. He could hardly hold his breath..

Alice Letasha saw his surprise and gently swam towards the back with him, trying not to cause splashes. She only heard someone shouting vaguely in the distance;

"Alfredo Gerry, Gertrude Eli, where are you?"

Alfredo Guerre heard the sound and immediately turned around and shouted in response;

"We're over here, coming soon!"

Not long after that person left, Laksa Marlow couldn't wait to surface and gasped for air, while Alice Letasha carefully peeked at their leaving figures, very alert.

She didn't know Can those shadows hear their heartbeats? After all, she felt Laxa Marlow's heartbeat just now like a drum beating, and she could hear his nervousness and fear in the water.

When that thing goes away, Alice. Letasha lowered her voice and asked cautiously;

"You see clearly this time."

Laksa Marlowe crawled towards the shore in embarrassment. Alice Letasha supported him from behind, pushed him up, and listened to what he said;

"No, it's a curse, there's something wrong with this water, it's going to mess with us, drive a wedge between us, just like you, bastard."

Alice. Letasha's mouth twitched. She felt that she should immediately put him in the water, then climb up and turn around and run away. However, she also soon discovered that it was not easy to use strength..

Laxsa Marlow twisted the wet clothes and saw that she couldn't get up, so he stretched out his hand towards her;

"Come up, this water is dangerous."

Alice Letasha also stretched out her hand and grabbed it. Laksa Marlow pushed hard and she also landed on the shore;

"This is the same water source as the stream you draw water from, and if there is any real danger, it will be you."

Laksa Marlow wiped her face, wiped off the water droplets on her face, and shook it casually. Seeing Alice Litasha tilting her head and rubbing her lemon hair, she also said;

"Then why did you come up?"

Alice. Letasha pointed to a crooked stone tablet sitting under her buttocks. She had discovered it when she was just looking for a way to get ashore. The grass covered it, so she took a look at it and decided to go there as soon as possible. go ashore;

"I just want to give you some advice, you can see for yourself."

Laksa Marlow tilted his head. What's so interesting about a stone? He took a few steps forward and pushed aside the grass and said casually;

"What to see?"

Alice Letasha guessed after thinking about it that he didn't recognize him even after reading it, so she lowered her head and read the content above;

"If a person has two eyes, he will be blinded twice, once unable to see the truth and once unable to obtain the truth. If you reach the deep pool of truth, you are not far from the temple. There is still a chance to turn back. Come ashore, my friend."

Laksa Marlow's sight was directly above, but the stone tablet was tilted. He had to look at the side of the tilted side, so he didn't see any words. He just saw a big stone. He looked like a madman. He looked at Alice Letasha with an expression, wondering if she was out of her mind;

"What are you talking about?"

Alice Letasha dug up the grass and patted the place with the words on the side of the stone tablet. She knew that Laksa Marlowe didn't see it because she was in the water just now and the angle was just right to see it clearly;

"It is written on the stone tablet that this is not the first time someone has come to this place."

Laksa Malo then noticed the handwriting, and seemed to suddenly realize something. His face was a little ugly, but he still leaned down, touched the words engraved on it, and said doubtfully;

"Do you recognize the writing on this?"

Alice Letasha felt a little strange when she saw his anti-expression;

"Of course, there were also holy oracles among the people who logged in before. Didn’t they say anything?"

Laksa Marlow made a driving gesture, telling her to stop sitting on it and get up quickly, and said;

"They say this is a cursed place, and these stone tablets are filled with curses and warnings, and we must stay away from these things."

Alice. Letasha didn't think there was any problem. Instead, she continued to sit on it and twist the water from her clothes onto the writing. She had seen too many stone tablets. This kind of stone tablet is considered sacred and there is no such thing. What kind of curse can at best be engraved with some warning and threatening words, such as words that say no entry or the gods will not forgive you.

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