Alice Letasha shook her head. She felt that Casper Colin really didn't know anything. It seemed that Captain Harrison Hank was really not a good person, although she was not qualified to say so..

Thinking about it now, if it was Laxa Marlow who really saved Captain Harrison Hank, that would be better, but if the person who risked his own life to save Captain Harrison Hank was Casper Colin, then the truth would not be clear to him. That would be too ironic;

"Then you should have fallen out with Captain Harrison Hank a long time ago. You should punch me now and ask me how I can identify shadows and what is going on on the Victoria."

Caspar Colin didn't like Alice Letasha's pitiful expression on him, so he also raised his hand and clenched it into a fist;

"Then I'll give you a punch now."

Alice Letasha waved her hands hurriedly and hid to one side;

"I think it’s not necessary, I need your cooperation, and you also need the truth and secrets to be revealed."

Caspar Colin shook his head;

"I will not do anything that will kill everyone. In any case, Captain Harrison Hank did not want to harm us. Indeed, no one of us was killed by the shadow."

Alice Letasha also pretended to be surprised;

"Wow, in my opinion, maybe he is the shadow, or maybe we have to see if Stuart Taylor's death is worth it."

Caspar Colin was also annoyed. He casually pulled a piece of dead branch and threw it towards the person in front of him;

"what's wrong with you? Don't always sow discord between us. Stuart Taylor's death has nothing to do with Captain Harrison Hank!"

Alice Letasha dodged, and the berries in her hand scattered everywhere;

"I bet you won't sleep well at night."

Alice Letasha squatted on the ground to pick up berries, wiped the mud on her body casually, and then threw them into her mouth. Casper Colin was not happy either;

"Who can sleep well in such an environment?"

Alice. Letasha wasn't full, so she burrowed into the berry bushes to look carefully for anything else to eat.

"I mean your conscience is troubled, it seems that someone killed his friend, who happened to be a cook, for example."

As soon as these words came out, Caspar Colin's face turned pale instantly. He stared at the careless person in front of him with wide eyes in disbelief, and couldn't help but take a step back;

"Alice Letasha! No! No, you are a shadow! So you know everything. No! Not because you know, but because I know. I came up with all these conversations! Captain Harrison Hank is right, the water in the lake can curse people, this is all false! are you serious? No! You are fake, you are a shadow!"

When Alice Letasha heard that he was like this, she casually threw a green berry at him, hitting his frightened expression, and pointed to the location of the water source in her memory;

"Hey! I know how you can identify shadows, but this method is not effective. If you know it subconsciously, then you will also imagine it. I have also used this method, but I soon discovered that it was wrong. Then let me tell you something you can’t possibly know. Have you ever been here?"

This method is simple. She also used it on the Victoria. Unfortunately, it didn't work. Alice Letasha tried and failed many times, but because the number of shadows on the Victoria was too large, there were too many interference factors. And it is often too complex to be easily concluded.

But here, especially after she discovered the secret of Captain Harrison Hank, everything changed. She has figured out that she can definitely tell whether the shadow has turned into a human form, or whether it is a shadow. There are ways to have shadows lurking around.

Caspar Colin looked wary, staring at her as if she was going to turn into some terrifying monster in the next second, and answered cautiously;


Seeing this, Alice Letasha squeezed out from the berry bush again, picked up a branch and scratched it on the ground.

"I can follow you, or you can go by yourself. There will be a broken stone tablet not far ahead, and nearby there is the skeleton of a small animal that was wrapped in vines, more like a wild boar, with a tusk. There are three lines of text on the stele, but the text is post-engraved and modern. The content is the ancient apostle, the god of Shifaer. We chant the holy name of Shili, and praise the ancient Shilifaer. The second line is, All the gods worshiped one man, praising, praising and praising him. The third line is, retreat, the gods will spurn you, and your tears and blood will dry up. If so, that means I am real, after all, you have never been there."

Caspar Colin looked wary;

"I'm going with you, you have to go in front."

Alice Letasha nodded. She was not worried that Casper Colin would be a shadow. Leaving aside the water in the lake, she also tried it with her method. Casper Colin was alive. People.

The two of them groped along and had to avoid the searchers. It took a while, but they finally arrived. Alice Letasha pointed to the stone tablet in front of them;

"Okay, here we are, this stone monument."

When Caspar Colin saw the words on the stone tablet, his expression suddenly changed and he immediately took several steps back;

"You are the shadow! This is an ancient text, you are me……"

Alice Letasha immediately reached out to interrupt what he was about to say;

"Stop it, stop it, it would be terrible if modern language appeared here. She pointed to the stone slab, walked forward and pointed out what she had said before one by one;

"Broken stone tablet, three lines of text, wild boar skeleton, vines, and a wild boar tusk. Except the words are not modern, the rest is the same as what I said, so I am not a shadow. There is a characteristic of the shadow's bewitchment. I think you are all confused. If what you just saw was modern text, it means that there is really a shadow nearby. You must be bewitched, but it is impossible for me. I have something else. Method."

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