Laxa Malo continued;

"Yes, that's it. We couldn't figure it out at first. Captain Finnis also said the same thing. If we hadn't witnessed the huge body of the Victoria with our own eyes, we wouldn't have believed that it would float on the sea without a miracle. So do you remember the Victoria once encountered a storm?"

Alice Letasha thought for a moment, carefully recalling everything Henry Jane said to them at that time. He said that the Victoria suffered a storm for more than one day, but they all thought it was only one day, and they didn't know during this period What exactly happened.

The only thing that can be confirmed now is that Raphael died during this period, and the sextant and the navigator may have been deliberately killed. This led to many coincidences that were not coincidental.

Alice.Litasha asked Laksa Marlowe if the Victoria had ever encountered a storm that lasted for more than ten days. Laxsa Marlowe raised her forehead after hearing this;

"I think you really don’t remember anything. Yes, according to the description of the only group of survivors on the Chongqing Victoria who successfully escaped, Captain Fennis has been at the helm since you went to sea for many days, so when you encountered the clouds for the first time, you turned around and avoided them in time. But later, when Captain Finniss was away and Rexy was at the helm, the ship sailed directly into the clouds. At that time, you encountered a huge storm, lost your way in the clouds, and were trapped inside for more than ten days."

Alice Letasha listened carefully and then speculated;

"You're saying that when we first encountered the storm, those things were swept aboard, so the effectiveness of the relics was broken, so they couldn't provide us with additional protection. Later, other shadows boarded the ship, or those shadows came from the storm. There were no shadows climbing up from the sea at all. Jumping into the sea was just a helpless move. Does that also mean that the holy relics actually have no effect on the sea monster? Any effect, otherwise those shadows should hide on the ship! Laxa

Marlow shook his head. In fact, he still knew more, but considering the news brought by the survivors of the Victoria, he did not want to provide too much confidence, but one thing could be confirmed, so he said;

"We can't verify what you said, no one among us has any kind of sacred objects, so we are not in the same situation as you, those things are climbed on the ship."

Alice Letasha took out the knife without hesitation, stuck it on the beach, stared at Laxa Marlow's expression, and said;

"I have, I killed one of those shadows with this sacred object. I don’t know if it’s because of this, but I heard Henry Jane say that those shadows would look around me, but had no intention of eating me. Maybe it was this knife that worked."

Laksa Marlow's expression looked surprised. He pulled out the knife from the beach, looked at it carefully, and sighed;

"It turns out that this thing is a sacred gift. If I had known, I would have taken it away as soon as our people got it back. I didn't expect that it would come back to you in the end. However, do you have other sacred objects on you? Otherwise, you would never be able to swim into the sea monster group and come back under those circumstances."

Laksa Marlow looked at Alice Letasha again with doubtful eyes. He had to say that he felt that he had underestimated the person in front of him.

They had also fought against shadows, but the result was naturally a tragic defeat. Yes, those shadows cannot be killed, but if those shadows are left alone, they have also successfully worked together to save people who were swallowed by the shadows.

In addition to the sea monsters that can eat those shadows, and the redwood tree oil can drive away the shadows, they are currently still There is no other way to deal with that thing. And Susan and other representatives who landed later ignored the fact that Alice Letasha had killed the shadow. I don’t know whether it was because of the influence of the shadow that they forgot, or something else. Plan, this is very important, he must go back and tell Captain Harrison Hank.

Alice Letasha also guessed something from Laxsa Marlow's serious and confused eyes. They should have never succeeded. Capturing or killing those shadows, and even the method of distinguishing the shadows has not been thought of.

Based on Laxsa Marlow's reaction, Alice Letasha also vaguely guessed that Bansfather, Knight Bate and others were very It's possible that she didn't mention Henry Jane on purpose, automatically ignoring those unpleasant encounters and burying the shadow's secret.

Alice Letasha shook her head, her tone affirmative;

"No, I don’t have any other sacred objects. Have you seen with your own eyes who those sea monsters ate? Why are you so sure that those things will attack people?"

Laxa Marlow was very suspicious after hearing this, but he still told the story of Caitlin's experience after Chen Mo;

"God, after the sinking of the Caitlin, too many of us died at the hands of the Kraken. When those shadows dispersed, we knew something terrible was coming. But we waited for a long time, but there was nothing. Later, someone saw someone in the sea. We thought someone had fallen into the water, so we went to rescue them. As a result, when we pulled the person up in the night, we found that the person had no legs but a huge fish tail. As we screamed, the thing began to imitate our words and dragged the person into the sea. We have never seen anyone's body float up. Let's ask, who can hold his breath in the sea for a whole day or night."

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