After Captain Harrison Hank was successfully rescued, he glanced around for a week. The people on the Victoria looked very strange. As soon as he stepped on the deck, he smelled the smell of corpses, which was very unpleasant.

Captain Harrison Hank didn't see Alice Letasha, so he couldn't help but reach out and hold the consecrated knife in his arms, and nervously asked the person in front of him, seeing that he was dressed like a knight;

"Thank you, Alice. Where's Letasha? Why didn't I see her?"

James Burt guided him into the cabin with a calm expression;

"Go and rest, Pope Waldo has arranged a room for you."

Captain Harrison Hank looked around. He had to say that the luxury of the Victoria was beyond his imagination. It couldn't be said to be a ship, but a ship-shaped moving castle.

However, the situation of the Victoria was really not optimistic. , along the way, he kept seeing indifferent and dull-looking survivors carrying the sick patients to the deck. For some reason, everyone was very taciturn and very strange. Inadvertently, he saw a person, and that figure was too familiar. This man was communicating with a man in church clothes, and seemed to be directing people to carry the sick patients to the deck.

That was the Farian West German knight, Captain Harrison Hank's feet suddenly stopped, James. Bert took two more steps forward before realizing he had stopped, so he turned around and looked at him in confusion.

Harrison Hank realized something was wrong and immediately turned around and ran away, but James Bert was extremely fast. He subdued the man to the ground.

Harrison Hank struggled wildly and screamed;

"I want to see Alice Letasha, immediately, immediately!"

His scream immediately attracted the attention of many people, but no one would help him. They didn't care about anything for a long time. They were just like walking around, numbly waiting for the coming death. They even had no energy anymore. To wonder who he is.

The Farian Cid knight looked tired, and the believers around him came forward to ask;

"What's wrong?"

James Bert felt very tired, and his voice was full of weariness;

"He suddenly clamored to see Alice Letasha."

Knight Farien Cid also frowned and conveyed Pope Waldo's will on behalf of the holy oracle;

"Pope Waldo called him over."

James Burt then pressed the man up and ignored him no matter how much he screamed. He took him to a clean room, pushed him in, closed the door and stood guard outside.

Harrison.Hank staggered, but quickly regained his balance. He looked at the old man who was slightly tired but had a kind face but full of majesty and holiness in front of him, and was surprised;

"Are you Pope Waldo?"

Pope Waldo made an invitation gesture and asked him to sit down. There was prepared black tea on the table, which was still steaming;

"Yes, I have something with you, I don’t know if I can return it."

Captain Harrison Hank reluctantly sat down, but felt on pins and needles, and couldn't help but put his hand into his arms, holding the handle of the knife tightly;


Pope Waldo took a sip of tea, his behavior was elegant and proper, like royalty;

"A consecrated knife."

Captain Harrison Hank's face immediately turned ugly, he shook his head and frowned;

"That belongs to Alice Letasha, and is the proof of the next head of the Vincent family."

Pope Waldo put down his cup and said slowly;

"No, this is proof of papal status. This knife was called the Punishment of Innocence and was used by the Vincent family to execute holy oracles, popes, missionaries, and believers. Approximately more than 370 living lives have died under this knife. Its contamination with blessed divinity is very strong. We will not allow such a thing to fall into Vincent's hands, and they will not use one. Sacred objects serve as symbols of tradition."

Of course Captain Harrison Hank cannot give up the only weapon that is effective against shadows just because of a relatively convincing rhetoric. He is very worried that the Victoria will also be occupied by those things, and Alice Leigh Tasha fears something bad will happen;

"But she said this knife was very important to her."

Pope Waldo was not anxious;

"It is very important. I have an appointment with Alice Letasha, but I have no choice but to borrow it temporarily. If she cannot return it, the effectiveness of our oath will be reduced by half."

Captain Harrison Hank insisted;

"I want to see Alice Letasha."

Pope Waldo seemed not to be offended by his caution, and was still smiling genially;

"She is resting, but I can introduce you to a person who you must really want to meet."

Captain Harrison Hank asked carefully;

"who is it?"

Pope Waldo stood up, with a graceful manner and a straight waist. He could not tell that he was old. He walked to the door and gave a few instructions to Knight James Burt outside, and then sat down with Harrison Hank. Opposite the Captain;

"Wait a minute, if you have any questions, he can answer them for you."

After waiting for a moment, the footsteps of two people were heard outside the door. One of them opened the door and came in, while the other remained outside. When Captain Harrison Hank saw the visitor, he immediately stood up with a look of shock on his face;

"Caspar Colin! Did you escape?"

Then he immediately realized, because it was impossible for Caspar Colin to board the ship, because the coast was too far away from the mangroves, and what Alice Letasha asked him to do was also very dangerous, and he would never It should appear here, this must be a scam!

In panic, Harrison Hank immediately took out the sacred object, waved it and pointed it at the two of them, keeping a long distance apart, extremely nervous;

"wrong! I must meet Alice. Letasha, you are fake!"

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