The Farian West German knights realize that the seriousness of this problem is no less serious than what they have faced before;

"But doesn’t this mean that they can become anyone?"

Mrs. Hong also said;

"We can identify shadows in the same way you did before. After all, I feel it is the same thing."

Alice Letasha shook her head. This method is definitely not feasible. Although they even had the same ancestor in their roots, it is obvious that many characteristics of the long-neck shadow are very different from the shadow in the sea;

"I'm afraid not, because they only have four weaknesses, and we can't meet these conditions."

Police Officer Niklos Ansifa asked nervously;

"What weakness?"

Harrison Hank answered this question;

"Water, they are afraid of water."

Farian West German Knight Road;

"Then we use water to splash them."

Alice Letasha added;

"This won't work. There needs to be enough water, at least like the sea or a lake."

Obviously, they do not have the ability to do this, so Harrison Hank raised the second point;

"They are afraid of fire."

Farian Cid Knight Road;

"Then let's light the torch."

Alice Letasha waved her hand;

"This doesn't work either, they have to be caught and burned. They are smart enough to use tools and grab torches to extinguish the source of the fire."

Farian Cid knight was angry;

"What you are saying is nonsense."

Harrison Hank looked apologetic, so far he only knows these two, while Alice Letasha continued;

"Holy objects can kill them."

The Farian West German knight had to sigh and said impatiently;

"Anyone can guess this kind of thing, isn't there something more reliable?"

Alice Letasha was not angry because of this;

"Yes, I speculate that the lake next to the mangrove is the entrance to a holy relic, and the power there is enough to drive away the shadows."

Police Officer Niklos Ansifa looked delighted when he heard this;

"Maybe we can get a more powerful amulet there that can help us."

Harrison Hank seemed a little embarrassed;

"Um, but that location is very deep, and we have to encounter a shadow to get there."

Alice Letasha nodded;

"And whether it is a holy relic or not is still unknown. Let me give you a very bad warning first."

Mrs. Hong asked;


Alice Letasha forked a small piece of bread and looked at Harrison Hank;

"Harrison Hank, if the Casper Colin in front of me is real, then what is that thing hiding from my shadow by the lake?"

Harrison Hank was startled;

"Is this a shadow in front of me?"

Alice Letasha shook her head;

"If it were a shadow I wouldn't be sitting here, he is real, but there is a problem, what if the shadow can be in contact with water for much longer than we think."

Harrison Hank was almost dizzy, but he did catch a very strange point, which was different from the logic Alice Letasha told him before. He didn't think of this at the time, but he was reassured Once you get down, you will have enough time to think about many things;

"Yes, it was Caspar Colin who persuaded me to go. Why did he persuade me to go? Doesn’t this violate the shadow’s logic? They don't want us to find out the truth."

Caspar Colin and others did not understand what they had experienced down there, and he also had many doubts about it and wanted to ask questions;

"I have a question, Captain, why didn't you notice anything unusual about me? I mean, since the one below is fake, why don’t you feel weird?"

Harrison Hank couldn't answer this question for a while. He didn't know, or if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have doubted that there was another, more terrifying shadow on the land.

Alice.Litasha reasoned for him and gave a simple answer;

"He couldn't find it, because someone who knew you very well must have died, or the memories of these people have been read, so the shadow below is a replica of you, not only in appearance, but also in the core."

At this point, Alice Letasha paused, changed the subject, and said to Harrison Hank;

"Also, have you ever thought that even though I could see the shadow, I couldn't tell that Caspar Colin was fake in the lake?"

Knight Farian Cid didn't like Alice Letasha's bad taste of pretending to be a ghost and making people panic. He spoke up in time to stop the topic from becoming weird and infiltrating;

"Caspar Colin never got off the boat. What you saw is definitely not the real Caspar Colin. Many of us can testify that he really helped us a lot."

I wonder if this kind of experience really tests the trust between people. Harrison Hank is somewhat of a loser;

"But if your eyes are no longer reliable, how do we know that this Caspar Colin is real?"

Alice. Letasha didn't intend to hide it from him. Rather, the reason why he dared to leave the Victoria, which was the only one that could take them home, was because he had a very powerful trump card. Regardless of their grudges, in terms of ability, he is worthy of trust;

"Because of Pope Waldo, even though I don’t like the church, I have great faith in his ability. Valdo, are there any form of shadow or shapeshifter among us right now?"

Pope Waldo glanced around under the nervous looks of everyone;

"No, everyone here is human."

Harrison Hank couldn't wait to ask;

"Is there one on the Victoria?"

Pope Waldo shook his head;

"What I saw was not there."

Harrison Hank looked at Alice Letasha again. The important point here is that he had seen a shadow before, but Alice Letasha could clearly see it but could not tell that the shadow was pretending to be Casper..Colin, it was as if a part of his power had been temporarily given to him, which could not be explained at all;

"Then why didn't you find out whether it was a person or a shadow?"

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