Dominic Duncan said angrily upon hearing this;

"Did you forget the Holy Father who came off the Victoria? Their blessings were of no use, they said the island itself was ominous and their power was as insignificant as gravel."

Caspar Colin thought for a moment and put forward another hypothesis;

"Perhaps the Holy Blessing Object is more powerful than the Holy Blessing, and the lasting effect is longer."

Marcos Paul, who had been sinking for a long time, did not agree with this statement and also intervened;

"Look at that miraculous giant ship. She is covered in a holy relic-level coat, but she is not invaded by shadows like us!"

Captain Harrison Hank stopped them from continuing to speculate. None of the Holy Saints who first escaped from the Victoria survived. They only left some vague warnings and some explanations about the island and the monster. Many of them They still couldn't understand, but they could only confirm one thing. The sacred power could not protect itself here, so it had no meaning.

Clifford Galli thought for a moment, looking at Caspar Colin's face full of confusion and confusion, and became even more confused. Objective analysis;

"Compared to these speculations, I have a more definite opinion. We all saw her swimming towards the sea before. She didn't have a knife at that time. We all know this, and she said the same to you. If materials at the level of holy relics can't resist shadows, I don't think a holy relic that will gradually weaken its power over time can't achieve that effect. If pressed, I prefer to believe that she has a way to control that thing."

Captain Harrison Hank nodded and agreed with his view. He believed in what happened in reality more than speculation and Alice Letasha's words;

"We can only observe for a while and see. The secret of the mangrove must be kept, but from now on all of you must cooperate with Bansfather Bet and Farian Sid. No matter what they say, you must be absolutely Follow their intentions."

Egbert Gale touched the aching back of his neck;

"But how can we keep an eye on her? To be honest, she is different from the little bird she looks like. Although we were careless this time, even Caspar Colin……"

Before he could finish what he said, Captain Harrison Hank interrupted, his tone full of helplessness;

"There is no way, it's normal that you can't beat them. Members of the Vincent family have been trained all year round, and when they reach adulthood, they will fight in an elimination system, and those who are eliminated will die. They teach each family member the theory of emperors, swordsmanship, fighting skills, etc. These are no secrets in the Harrison family. After all, my grandfather always said that knowing your business partner is more important than closing a deal. In short, they are all kingmakers, and we have no chance of winning. Just remember, don’t believe a word she says."

Gertrude Eli looked solemn;

"You describe her like a monster, maybe this time you should tell us what you plan to do with her."

After hearing this, Laksa Maro suddenly sat up from the ground holding the wine bottle;

"I know!"

Everyone also looked at him with doubts in their eyes. Before anyone could ask,"What do you know?" Laksa Marlow smiled and winked at Captain Harrison Hank without any formality;

"Disturbing her mind, right? Those saints said that Vincent is a lunatic. As long as she has no time to think about things other than her mind, she won't be able to deal with us. Am I right, Harry? Captain Sen. Hank."

Captain Harrison Hank sighed and just smiled;

"Sometimes I really don’t know whether I should call you smart or stupid, yes, that’s it."

Laxa Marlow also patted the dirt on his butt and got up from the ground;

"Hehe, my intuition must be very accurate."

Before he finished speaking, he staggered, tripped over himself, and fell directly on Caspar Colin. Without stopping, he even stepped on Caspar Colin. Caspar Colin was so angry. Colin gritted his teeth, twisted Laksa Marlow's ears, and yelled;

"Laxa Malo! You are not allowed to drink!"

Soon, a silent conspiracy unfolded, and Alice. Letasha was still trying to think about the things that made her feel inconsistent and strange. He was wondering why the sea monsters were not interested in her, but in the card Spa Colin's words were completely different.

What is the difference between shadows and people? What kind of Jepson Lorena did she see?

Alice Letasha was very honest for a week , she did not try some guesses, nor ran out of the camp, because her memory was gradually recovering in a very confusing way. The side effects were severe headaches, brief coma, and sensory impairment. Confusion. If it weren't for Susan Warrior and others, even the survivors of the Caitlin said they had the same feeling, but not as strong as she felt. Otherwise, Alice Letasha would have wondered whether someone had given it to her in the food. Poisoning.

In fact, she did suspect this and took precautions. She cracked the coconut open in her own way and only consumed coconut meat and coconut juice. However, her symptoms did not improve, so she dismissed the possibility that someone might poison her. Doubts.

It must be said that she was quite confused these days. Since most of what they did on the Victoria was repeated over and over again, the same memory would extend into many different details, confusing the authenticity of the event.

But it is true that as others said, many people's appearance and names have changed greatly in her memory. Even she felt strange about her unbelievable behavior. Alice Letasha guessed these things from this. The chaotic faces are all formed by shadows, which is why the characters in the part where the fragments of the same event in the memory extend lose their faces.

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