Not long ago, the three knights, Bansfather and Knight, left the cockpit. Not far away, they saw a man talking to himself against a wall. This person was James Bert.

Soldier Melody looked at the scene in front of him in confusion, and whispered to the other two;

"Is that James Burt? What was he doing there?"

Knight Bansfather Bate also looked at the extremely strange scene in front of him with a shocked face and said;

"I seem to understand what we look like in Henry Jane's eyes. I have to go up and listen to what he is saying."

Speaking of this, he was about to step forward to check. Alice Letasha immediately took action to pull the man back, stared at him with admonishing eyes, shook her head, and said softly;

"No, it means there's that thing nearby and we'd better act normal."

Knight Bansfather Bate disagreed. He looked around and retorted;

"He's the only one here, I don't see anything nearby."

Alice Letasha had to hold on tightly and express her worries;

"Maybe it's something we can't see, or maybe it's a trap. The James Bert we see may also be a shadow."

Knight Bansfather Bert hesitated for a moment, then looked at James Bert who was talking to himself inexplicably to the air. After hesitating for a moment, he felt that it was not impossible, and then compromised;

"Okay, what you said is not unreasonable."

The three finally chose to take a detour. This road was very strange. There were too many people talking to themselves. Occasionally someone greeted them, but the words they said were very strange.

Some people asked when Raphael and others would be buried. , someone asked who the murderer of Aldrich was. It seemed that everyone's memory was a fragment, and these people were constantly reenacting everything that had happened in the past.

Even some people looked more like they had experienced a tragic experience. They were in a state of embarrassment due to the impact, but they felt good about themselves, greeted them happily, and chatted for a few words.

Sometimes it seemed as if they were holding a red wine glass, chatting with them very apologetically, or holding someone's arm, but every sentence The words seemed to say that we had just set sail, or were sailing normally.

This was all too weird, but what was even weirder was that when they walked to the deck, they found that everything in front of them was even more incredible. The Melody warrior's jaw almost dropped;

"Oh my God, what are they doing on the deck?"

This can't be called a problem at all, because at this moment, a banquet is being held on the deck, but they can't see the twelve representatives at this banquet, and even the band only has two people left. , but everyone acted as if the entire band and representatives were present.

Alice Letasha looked at the shocking scene in front of her;

"I have a bad premonition. We were in the cockpit just now and didn't see anyone on the deck."

Yes, they really didn't see anyone on the deck, but they were obviously bewitched by something unknown and unspeakable, so they were completely unaware of it all.

The three of them quickly blended into the crowd, but They soon discovered something was wrong, because at this moment, on the bow of the Victoria, there seemed to be a huge thing standing on the sea level, as if it was clearing the way for the Victoria, like a black net, covering the Everyone was watching.

The Melody warrior was a little panicked;

"You mean, God! What is that? We need to get out of here!"

Someone was attracted by their voices and looked over. Alice Letasha hurriedly made a gesture of silence. The three of them surrounded the city mysteriously. She said;

"No, I want to go and have a look!"

Knight Bansfather Bate looked in disbelief;

"What, are you crazy? Look at these people, they are crazy!"

Alice Letasha shook her head;

"This must be why we can't reach land, they have a feast here, you see they light candles in broad daylight, it looks like they are repeating the day of the funeral, everyone is bewitched, we have to pretend to be normal Go over and take a look. You all have seen that thing. Melody squinted his eyes to look at the thing. He felt that the thing was a living thing and asked in a low voice;

"Is that made of shadows?"

Alice Letasha hurriedly pulled him and signaled him not to look so obviously. Who knows what the thing is and whether he can see them;

"Hey, don't look so obvious, I have a way, you go and see what that thing is, I'll attract everyone's attention."

After Alice Letasha said this, she immediately ran towards the bow of the ship.

"Where are you going? etc!"

The Melody warriors failed to hold the person, but they did not dare to shout. They hurriedly followed, and saw Alice. Letasha suddenly started pointing at the sponge and shouting;

"There is something in the sea. Look, everyone. There is a person in the sea. It seems that a shipwreck is nearby!"

In an instant, everyone's eyes were attracted to Alice Letasha. Everyone looked curiously towards the sea. No one knew what they were looking at. The two Melody warriors looked at each other, and Ben Knight Sfather Bate shook his head and said;

"Okay, let's go see what that is."

While everyone's attention was on the sea, the two of them walked all the way to the bow. The closer they walked, the clearer they could see. It was a huge black wall made of something like a net. , just standing on the bow of the ship, towering like a huge reflection of some kind of monster.

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